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Are Golf Lessons Worth It? Here’s What They Did for Me

I was coached by various teachers for the first fourteen years of my golfing journey. Each one helped shape my game. 

Some of them added incredible value to my game, while others dismantled my ability to swing a club. This post aims to help you decide if golf lessons are worth it.

Besides highlighting the advantages and downsides of coaching, I will explain what it did for my game. 


Introduction To Golf Lessons

I was luckier than most golfers because I was coached from an early age. Without thinking about it, my game progressed rapidly. It was only later that I understood the positive impact coaching had on my game.

Learning the fundamentals of golf gives you the best chance of becoming good at the sport. The best way to do this is to visit a good coach from the onset. A better understanding of posture and swing mechanics will help you strike the ball better. 

Otherwise, you will spend your days aimlessly chasing a dimpled ball around acres of land with no purpose.

My first coach focused on the importance of tempo in a swing. Instead of him setting me up with a driver and letting me bomb it, we spent a lot of time working on my short game to get used to the center of the clubface striking the ball.

If I had never had that guidance from day one, I don’t think I would have gotten to a low single figure as an early teen. Coaching helped me see the importance of timing versus generating an accelerated swing speed.


Are Golf Lessons Worth It?

Yes, golf lessons are worth it if you wish to improve faster than the average player. Without the various coaches who influenced my game, I doubt I would never have become a low handicapper in my early teens.

But, rather than take my word for it, let me explain how fourteen years of coaching worked out for me.


What Golf Lessons Do For Your Game

1. Improve Etiquette

Although etiquette has little to do with improving your golf game, it will help you survive on a golf course as a beginner. The protocols set out by golf courses are in place to make sure everyone respects one another, the golf course, and the game.

If you are unfamiliar with etiquette before venturing onto the course, you may annoy fellow golfers, and ruin their rounds. A golf coach provides this information, equipping you with the necessary knowledge for success at the Country Club.


2. Identify Weaknesses

Trained teaching golf professionals need to identify weaknesses in your setup, swing, and ball flight. 


The first port of call for coaches is your grip. As Golfweek explains, the incorrect grip makes it difficult to control the club through the swing.

Unfortunately, this was a stumbling block for me because every coach I went to tried to change my baseball grip for an interlock setup. That has always been an uncomfortable feeling for me and I would immediately revert to the baseball grip.

Now, full disclaimer, I believe the interlocking grip gives the average golfer better control over the club. However, I have used the baseball grip since I was four, and it is what I feel most comfortable with.

In my final year of high school, my school qualified for the World School Golf Challenge in New Zealand. The teacher in charge of golf suggested that the team visit one of the local PGA professionals for lessons in the build-up.

The first thing he did was change my grip, and with two months to go to a Major event, it wreaked havoc with my game. I got to the point that I had zero confidence in my ability, even though I was a 4-handicapper, I felt like a beginner. Needless to say, that relationship did not last long.

Great golf coaches will work around that to find solutions, as many of my coaches did. But not everyone agreed, which is why I had multiple instructors during my youth. 

Ball Position

Despite the complexities of a golf swing, many players get their shots wrong because of the incorrect ball position at address. A golf coach helps you understand when to position the ball in the center, forward, or back of your stance.

Thanks to the first coach I ever had, I quickly understood how to set up for a tee shot versus a fairway wood or a long iron and a wedge. These instructions have helped me strike the ball consistently throughout my amateur golf career.


Another factor that coaching helped me understand was keeping your club on plane. Your downswing is where this is vital, but if you can start your backswing on plane, it is easier to get it back to that position before impact.

My years of experience have taught me to feel when I take my club away on the incorrect line. That means I can stop at that point and reset instead of continuing and striking a wayward shot.


My experience with golf coaches also taught me how to keep your club on plane and when to know if it veers off target. It is beneficial to understand swing faults to address and correct them immediately.

If I slice or hook a shot, it doesn’t take long to identify the error and fix it for my next attempt.

Clubface At Impact

The angle of your clubface at impact determines the shape of your shot. If you can’t get the clubface square at impact you generate side spin. That can cause you to hook or slice your ball.

All the above features are determining factors in the position that the face ends up at contact. My coach taught me what steps to follow to get it square at impact. Plus, he explained what angle produces which shape.

For example, when your clubface remains open through impact, you typically generate left to right sidespin, resulting in a fade or slice shape. 

Working with an instructor helps you easily identify when you leave your clubface open or closed at impact. And, if you follow the above tips, you should be able to correct that.

Short Game

My first coach made me spend more time practicing chips and putts than anything else. Besides improving my skills around the green, it helped nail down the art of ball striking. I used to chip hundreds of balls every session, just trying to get the middle of the clubface to strike the ball.

As my ball striking improved, I began focusing on distance control. That led to more up and downs and fewer double bogeys. Plus, I learned how to read greens and judge the weight of a putt, thanks to my first golf coach. Even today, my chipping and putting is the best part of my golf game.

3. Correct Flaws

Once your golf instructor has determined your swing flaws, the next step is to correct them. If you watch YouTube videos, you should also know where you are going wrong. However, the videos do not provide the corrective action that a lesson with a private coach will.

Within a few minutes of visiting a qualified golf coach, you can be on your way to fixing the kinks in your game.

4. Learn Practice Drills

Once a coach has identified the weak areas of your swing, the next step is to assign practice drills to improve your ability. These drills help improve your skill level and increase your consistency on a golf course.

Without the guidance of golf professionals, it is challenging to know whether you are executing the drill correctly. You can spend hours practicing something. But if you are not doing it right, it is a waste of time.

Some coaches may encourage you to purchase training aids to enhance your practice experience. However, there are plenty of drills you can do, without acquiring additional accessories.

5. Match You with The Right Equipment

Besides the tips and guidance provided by golf coaches, they also determine whether you are using the correct equipment. If you never get coached, you may never know that your clubs are not suited to your game.

6. Gain Consistency

When you combine the above elements, it produces consistency in your golf game. That helps you improve your scores and leads to fewer bogey putts and more birdies. 


Why Some People Are Hesitant About Taking Golf Lessons

1. Price

The cost of golf lessons is what puts many average golfers off. Attending a few lessons may cut into your green fees budget, and it is understandable why you would forego coaching. However, golf is an expensive game, and if you invest in a set of golf clubs, you want to know how to use them as best as possible.

However, the money you spend on coaching will save you countless rounds of frustration. It prevents you from consistently making the same mistake.

2. Changes Can Be Uncomfortable

This downside applies to golfers who have played the game for some time and are comfortable with their current setup. 

A golf coach will change your setup, grip, and swing to help you maximize your performance. However, these changes can make you feel uncomfortable during your swing and make you relearn how to hit a golf ball.

The reality is that the changes do positively affect your game. But, they take time to get used to and can result in several poor gross scores before you get the hang of it.

3. Time Consuming

The final reason why many golfers never get coaching is that it is time-consuming. You need to set aside an hour or two a week for lessons, which is a big ask for busy individuals. 

Even as a school kid, I found it challenging to fit in two lessons a week, on top of league matches, practice rounds, and my education. 

One positive of the pandemic is that golf coaches have taken their lessons online, allowing you to practice remotely at any time.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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The Cost to Reshaft Irons (and When It’s Worth It) https://golfingagency.com/the-cost-to-reshaft-irons-and-when-its-worth-it/ https://golfingagency.com/the-cost-to-reshaft-irons-and-when-its-worth-it/#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 00:29:39 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/the-cost-to-reshaft-irons-and-when-its-worth-it/
The Cost to Reshaft Irons (and When It’s Worth It)

My years on the links have given rise to dozens of instances where a golf shaft change was necessary.

Admittedly, I channeled my inner Adam Hadwin a handful of times and purposefully damaged my clubs. However, most times, it came down to a change in swing mechanics.

In this post, I will take you through the cost to reshaft irons.

Besides the cost, I detail the features and benefits of re-shafting and why you should consider it. In addition, I will focus specifically on new shafts for your golf irons.


How Much It Costs to Reshaft Irons

There are three factors to consider when calculating the costs of re-shafting your golf clubs. The first is the price of the shaft, and the second is the labor cost. Lastly, you need to include the fee of a new grip for each iron.

The price of labor to reshaft your golf clubs ranges from $20 to $100. However, if you are quoted over $50 per shaft, I suggest shopping elsewhere because you can find more affordable establishments. Let’s say the average charge is $30 per iron shaft. The total works out to $210.

Now, let me use the example of the KBS Tour 90 steel shaft, which is over $38 on Amazon. If you own 7 irons, that will cost you $266 for the set. Conversely, a UST Mamiya Recoil graphite shaft is $54 per shaft. That will set you back $378 for the lot.

Next, you factor in the charge for each grip. The SuperStroke Cross Comfort fetches $6 per unit. Therefore, you are in for $42.

So, if we add labor, the golf grips, and shafts together, you are in for a fair sum. A set of steel shaft clubs with new grips will cost slightly less than $520. Contrarily, a set of graphite shafts runs you approximately $630.

Steel Shafts Graphite
Shafts $266 $378
Labor $210 $210
Grips $42 $42
Total $518 $630

*Prices are based on products seen on Amazon and the average labor cost for re shafting irons


Is It Cheaper to Just Buy New Irons?

It depends on what type of irons you are after. It is cheaper to reshaft your irons with labor and the regripping cost than purchase a set of blades. However, you can find game improvement options around the same price as switching out your old shafts.

For example, the PXG 0211 DC set of irons goes for under $600 if you opt for a 4-iron through to pitching wedge.


When It’s Worth It to Reshaft Your Irons

Incorrect Length

I recently went through this challenge. Before the pandemic, I had spent 9-years galavanting around the earth and neglected my set. When I returned home, they were too small for me. Which wreaked havoc with my posture and shot results.

Weirdly the shorter clubs caused me to push every shot, even though most players tend to pull the ball.

When your irons are too short or tall, it is worth re-shafting the entire set. This may prompt the average golfer to acquire a new set of clubs, but my old TaylorMade r540 irons are still my favorite clubs.

Long story short, I opted to get them re-shafted, and it was worth every cent to be able to use cubs I am familiar with.

On the contrary, I recently compiled a guide teaching you how to tell if your clubs are too long. I suggest diving into it in detail, but if your posture is too upright and the club feels heavy, you may need a shorter type of shaft.


When golfers feel that their club is too heavy or light, the time may have arrived for a replacement shaft. If you don’t feel it off the bat, you will start to notice the impact on your launch and ball flight.

For example, a lower than usual flight may be produced by a heavy shaft and stiff shaft. Conversely, it might be too light if you balloon your shots and generate excess spin.

Bent Golf Club Shafts

I am ashamed to say that I was a hothead as a junior golfer and know my way around bent shafts. The moment you bend your shaft purposefully or not, it is time for an iron reshaft.

Up until recently, the rules of golf prevented you from using a bent club. However, they have since amended the legislation to allow you to continue playing with a contorted club. In addition, a bent shaft impacts flex and control and may alter the lie angle of the clubface.

Change In Clubhead Speed

When your clubhead speed is slower or faster than usual, your shafts may be the culprit. If your swing speed has increased, you probably won’t complain. However, it may decrease because the shaft is too heavy for your swing. I suggest visiting your local fitter to determine the correct length, flex, and weight if this occurs.


Players who struggle to consistently launch their shots may find that a reshaft can improve their results. The inconsistent launch is caused by a lack of coefficient of restitution (COR), onset by reduced clubhead speed.

Your clubhead speed may slow when you have a stiff flex shaft which is too heavy for your swing. Therefore you lose power at impact and produce a low flying shot. In these circumstances, it is worthwhile reshafting your irons.

Shot Shape

I have found that when I am playing with shafts that are too stiff for my swing, I tend to consistently push the ball. Less flex makes it challenging for me to square my face up before impact. As a result, I leave my clubface open and push the ball out to the right.

On the other hand, when shafts are too flexible for me, the added whip leads to snapping the face closed on my downswing and hooking my shots. When this occurs frequently, it is worth considering a change of shaft.


Main Benefits of Reshafting Irons

Maximum Clubhead Speed

When your clubs are fitted with the optimal shafts for your swing, it helps you maximize your swing speed. Now, you won’t be swinging in the league of Kyle Berkshire, but you will see improvements over your old setup.

The average golfer often purchases iron sets that are fitted with stock shafts. Most of the time, they feature regular flex constructions. According to Golf Magazine, these best suit players with average swing speeds. These players swing a 6-iron between 75 to 83 mph.

If you struggle to generate consistent flight with these shafts, I recommend looking at senior or ladies’ flex shafts. Senior flex shafts are built for those with a 6-iron speed between 65 to 75 mph. In addition, a ladies flex suits any 6-iron swing speed below 65 mph.

A stiff shaft is ideal for a 6-iron swing speed above 84 mph. However, if that is still too flexible, look at an extra-stiff shaft.

Optimal Launch

To achieve an optimal launch, you need to generate ample ball speed and spin. It is difficult to optimize these factors when playing with the wrong equipment. That results in a weakened launch. The one where your ball hardly gets off the ground, and you lose significant yards.

Using the right shaft does not guarantee that you will strike the ball cleanly with a square face for maximum distance and accuracy. However, it lays the foundation for a crisp iron shot.

Therefore, if your clubs are not producing the launch you desire, get a professional to assess their state. You could ask the Pro at your local country club for advice or experience a complete fitting.

Increased COR

Several factors influence your COR, including clubhead speed and the impact zone on the clubface. Producing optimal clubhead speed and striking the ball in the sweet spot boosts your carry and total distance.

Contrarily, you experience reduced COR on off-center strikes, leading to a loss of yardage. Employing the correct shaft length, flex, and weight give you the tools to boost your power at impact for improved results through the bag.

Consistent Ball Flight

Besides launch, reshafting your irons plays a part in helping you achieve wholesome ball flight. If your ball launches super high and then falls out of the sky, your shaft could be too light and flexible for your swing. On the contrary, a low flying ball may stem from a heavy, stiff shaft.

Fitting your irons with a suitable shaft enables you to induce the desired flight for maximum carry distance.

Additional Yards

Increased clubhead speed and COR produce explosive ball speed designed to increase your distance. If you were playing with the incorrect shafts before, you should see a clear improvement.


An excessively stiff shaft can lead to numerous pushes and slices. Conversely, super flexible constructions may cause you to hook the ball.

Fitting the optimal shafts to your irons makes it easier to get your clubface on plane in preparation for impact. Therefore, you stand a higher chance of producing accurate shots than you did with your old shafts.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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Are Putting Mirrors Worth It? (Plus 3 Best Mirrors to Try) https://golfingagency.com/are-putting-mirrors-worth-it-plus-3-best-mirrors-to-try/ https://golfingagency.com/are-putting-mirrors-worth-it-plus-3-best-mirrors-to-try/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2022 21:57:30 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/are-putting-mirrors-worth-it-plus-3-best-mirrors-to-try/
Are Putting Mirrors Worth It? (Plus 3 Best Mirrors to Try)

The golf equipment market is stacked with training aids to help you improve your game.

Much attention is focused on the products that assist your long game, but I dedicate my time to short game training. In this post, I shine the light on putting mirrors to determine whether they are worth it.

I will ease you into the article, highlighting the features and benefits of these training aids before unveiling our top picks for 2022. By the end of this post, you will have a clearer understanding of whether this accessory can add value to your short game.


What Does a Putting Mirror Do?

1.Gives You Feedback on Head And Torso Position

Golf coach Phil Kenyon explains that the first benefit of a putting mirror is the feedback it provides regarding your head and torso position. It enables us to visually identify the most suitable setup for each putt:

The idea is to find the position you feel most comfortable in to induce the desired stroke path. Once you are used to this setup, you can use the mirror to determine if you have employed the correct setup lines.

Kenyon further suggests that you tilt the angle of the mirror to provide a complete vision of your head position. In addition, this setup produces a clear view of your shoulder to watch for deviation during your stroke.

2. Provides Consistent Set-Up Position

The mirror aspect of this training aid helps you view your posture and alignment at address. This allows you to double-check that you have implemented the correct setup to enable you to square the putter face up for contact with your golf ball.

The more you replicate this scenario, the easier it becomes to produce consistent accuracy and distance control on the green. When you stand in the desirable position, it is easier to send your putter face along the intended line for better accuracy.

3. Encourages Square Putter Face Alignment

Your setup position tees you up for a successful putting stroke that sends the ball on the intended line for optimal accuracy. The mirror shows where the golf ball is positioned relative to the center of the putter’s face. This promotes consistent strokes out of the sweet spot for superior accuracy and distance control.

When you strike it off the putter’s heel, it generates left to right side spin for right-handers and the opposite for lefties. This causes the ball to miss to the right of the cup. Conversely, a toe strike generally produces a hook shape, sending the ball to the left of the hole.

4. Starts Your Ball On The Correct Line

Premium putting mirrors contain slots to create a gate of tees. The idea is to limit the twisting of your putter face through impact. As a result, you strike the ball with a square face, sending your putt along the intended line.

If your putting aid does not possess these slots, you can set up a gate of tees 2-inches ahead of the mirror to achieve the same result.

5. Improves Speed Control

Putting mirrors also feature slots to insert a tee behind your putter. This prevents you from producing excess power at impact to improve your speed control. Therefore, you enjoy more two-putts and, if you are close enough, a couple of birdies.


Are Putting Mirrors Worth It?

Yes – from enhancing your setup to putter face alignment and accuracy, these training aids are worth it. In addition, they are incredibly affordable and accessible to the average golfer, leaving you with little to lose if you acquire one.


3 Best Putting Mirrors

Govea Webb Mirror Putting Aid – Overall Best Putting Mirror

Budget pick

Govea Webb Mirror Putting Aid

The Govea Webb Mirror Putting Aid is our overall best option, especially for those looking for a budget option. It is designed by golf coach Shaun Webb to improve your posture, face angle at impact, accuracy, and speed control.

As a 12” x 6” product, this mirror is easily portable, allowing you to use it on the practice green or on your indoor putting mat.

Furthermore, the device is fitted with tee slots in front and behind your putter head. The front slots encourage you to square your putter face at impact to start your ball on the intended line. Conversely, the back slots are set to control the weight of your putt, leaving you close to the cup for a tap-in 2-putt.

There you have it. You do not need to have a fortune to own a putting mirror. The Govea Webb construction is priced for every golfer to enjoy it.


  • Affordable
  • Contains slots for tees in front and behind your putter face
  • Promotes a square face at impact
  • Helps you improve your speed control
  • Portable


  • The mirror scratches relatively easy, but you can live with it for the price.


Puttout Mirror Compact Training Aid – Best Mid Range Putting Aid

PuttOut Compact Putting Mirror

The Puttout Mirror is a compact training aid built to serve you indoors and out. It is fitted with a rubber base and spikes to remain stable on any surface. In addition, the mirror is shatterproof and features simple non-scratch alignment markings.

This mid-range putting aid is tasked to improve your eye position over the golf ball and the consistency of your stroke. Like most putting aids, it features slots to insert tees. The slots ahead of your ball create a gate to encourage a strike with a square face.

On the contrary, the slots behind fit a tee to manage the power of your putt. This prevents you from leaving putts short or blasting them past the cup.

The Puttout Mirror Compact Training Aid is a suitable option for golfers looking for an affordable and durable model.


  • Maximum traction
  • Contains tee slots for speed control and accuracy
  • Shatterproof mirror
  • Scratch resistant markings
  • Compact design


  • Moderately expensive for a putting mirror


EyeLine Golf Putting Alignment Aid  – Best Premium Aid

EyeLine Golf Groove Putting Mirror

Golfers seeking a top putting mirror product should keep reading. The EyeLine Golf Groove Mirror is a premium product that is equipped to assist every area of your putting stroke.

The mirror is covered in lines to ensure that the center of your putter’s face aims at the target. Furthermore, a putter impact and ball gate encourage a square face through impact to keep your golf ball on the intended line. This boosts your accuracy for fewer putts on every green.

In addition, the putting mirror possesses tee slots to employ a stroke restrictor. Therefore, you deliver a consistent stroke for improved distance control.

These extensive training features are worthwhile to help you hone your skills with the flat stick. However, they come at a price. A putting mirror is nowhere near the cost of a reputable golf club or other training aids. But, there are still more affordable options on the market.


  • Fully equipped to improve every element of your putting stroke
  • Features a center aiming line
  • Contains a ball gate
  • Includes a stroke restrictor
  • Setup with putter impact gates.



Further Reading: Read our review on the 8 best putting lasers to help you sink more putts.

Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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