Ways – Golfing Agency https://golfingagency.com Golf news & updates Mon, 31 Oct 2022 18:17:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://golfingagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cropped-GA_favicon-32x32.png Ways – Golfing Agency https://golfingagency.com 32 32 11 Fun Ways to Practice Your Golf Game in The Backyard https://golfingagency.com/11-fun-ways-to-practice-your-golf-game-in-the-backyard/ https://golfingagency.com/11-fun-ways-to-practice-your-golf-game-in-the-backyard/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 18:17:44 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/11-fun-ways-to-practice-your-golf-game-in-the-backyard/
11 Fun Ways to Practice Your Golf Game in The Backyard

Growing up in a rural town gave me the gift of space, which is a paradise for aspiring golfers.

My parents had an acre of property, which allowed me to explore and concoct golf challenges. Using my childhood experience, I have outlined 11 fun ways to practice your golf game in the backyard.

From simple chipping tips to hand-eye coordination and swing mechanics, you can work on every element of your game in backyard golf.


Chipping Net

This is the easiest backyard practice drill to undertake. You do not need loads of space, although it doesn’t harm. Set the net up in a central part of the yard and chip to it from different positions.

Playing from a different spot changes the scenery and the approach to your shot. It may impact the trajectory, alignment, and spin rate required to hole your shot. It also means you create your own 6 or 9 hole par 2 course. See what you card, and challenge yourself to beat the score next time out.

The goal is simple, get the ball into the net. The golf net I used when I was a kid looked like a basketball hoop with an enlarged circumference. It was nothing special but still provided a target to aim at.

Callaway has refined the design of the original to increase the challenge of the net. Their Chip-Shot Golf Chipping Net contains 3 square slots for you to aim at. See how accurate your aim and distance control is, and try to get the ball into the hole on the full.

Alternatively, you can practice your pitch shots and attempt to bounce the ball into the net. Whether you have an acre of space or a few square feet, you can work on these basic chip shots.

Those not gifted with a large backyard should consider foam golf balls. These reduce the risk of window breakages and scuffs on your ball. Should your backyard comprise concrete, you will need a hitting mat.


Floating Green

When the ball went into my pool, it resulted in a 10-minute intermission, as I needed to turn off the filter and backwash the pool to get the ball out of the pipe system. That is why I used it as an obstacle, to hit over or avoid completely.

Fortunately, floating golf balls allow you to bring the pool into play. In 2020, GM Golf built a floating putting green for $167 (see video below). It is an ideal option if your garden space is limited. They made a square frame from PVC pipes and connected them using PVC elbows.

Then, they employed ratchet traps to increase the stability of the pipes for optimal flotation. Next, the team added artificial turf and secured it to the pipes, with ratchet traps. Finally, they cut a hole in the turf to act as the cup, and they were good to go.

This drill boosts your accuracy and distance control. If you leave it short or generate excess power, your ball ends in the drink. In addition, it helps you achieve a consistent rhythm to improve your ball striking, launch angle, and spin.


Flop Shot Practice

Space is needed for this drill to avoid damaging your property or the neighbors, as I did. Since my garden was littered with fruit trees, I employed them as obstacles to practice the flop shot, one of my favorites in my repertoire.

I became fascinated with the shot when I was 4-years old. A family friend who is relatively unpopular on the PGA Tour taught it to me. I watched him send the ball to the heavens with ease and land it a few feet ahead of him.

If I could recommend one player to learn the flop shot from, it is undoubtedly Phil Mickelson. That man is a wizard with the flop.

The aim of the drill was to get the ball into the air rapidly and land it just on the other side of the tree. I also practiced this shot over my pool, pretending that the pin was a few feet from the water and I had no green to work with.

Higher handicappers and average ball-strikers may prefer a foam ball for this exercise because it can lead to wayward results. I broke several windows and roof tiles working on this drill, so approach with caution.


Golf Hitting Net

Owning a golf-hitting net (pays) affords you the chance to work on your long and mid-game from home. Set the practice net up 7 to 8-feet from your intended strike zone. I suggest acquiring a hitting mat to keep the grass intact

In addition, you should leave a foot or 2 of space behind the net to absorb the impact of your strikes. The best golf net for practice is the WhiteFang, which comes with a hitting mat incidentally.

I recommend looking at launch monitors to complete your practice. Otherwise, you hit golf balls aimlessly without knowing your shot shape or carry distance.

This technology offers detailed insight into your game to ensure that you address the issues with your swing. Therefore, you practice with a purpose and don’t just hit golf balls. An accurate launch monitor that doesn’t break the bank is the FlightScope Mevo.

Regularly improving your swing mechanics boosts your muscle memory and increases the consistency of your shots. As a result, you should hit fewer hook and slice shots, enjoying increased accuracy.


Putting Mat

The quickest way to lower your handicap is to master your putting. You don’t need to head to the driving to sharpen your flat stick skills, only a putting mat.

Obviously, it is difficult to replicate the break on an actual green. However, it allows you to work on your distance control and putting-stroke path.

Furthermore, a putting mat allows you to practice both outside and inside, in case it ever starts raining and you want to practice inside. The PUTT-A-BOUT Par Three Golf Putting Green

is easy to set up, and built in sand trap cutouts catches any missed shots.


Bunker Practice

If your kid has a sandpit, it’s time for the little one to move out. Turn it into a bunker. The house I grew up in had 3 sand pits in different corners of the property, which meant I had multiple bunkers to practice from.

You don’t need a massive construction. A few feet all around is sufficient. Position your chipping net and try to get the ball into the hole.

Having a sand trap in the backyard helps you hone your bunker play to boost your up and downs and save multiple shots. I spent hours every week hitting balls out of my self-constructed bunkers.

Those who have the gift of a beach nearby can have endless fun with bunker shots. Here is an example of a casual me practicing fried egg lies with the Atlantic Ocean at my back.


Golf Swing Tempo

You don’t need a ball or acres of space for this drill. Pull out your Orange Whip swing training aid, take it back, and swing through. Do 10-repetitions of this, then take a 30 to 45-second break and repeat the process.

This drill improves your tempo, swing plane, path, and weight transition. Plus, the added mass in the swing stick requires you to activate all the muscles in your body to maximize your power on the downswing.

Therefore, using the stick enhances every aspect of your mechanics to encourage a square clubface at impact for maximum distance and accuracy.


Golf Simulator

Nothing stops you from using your golf hitting net set up to craft a simulator. However, I suggest doing so inside, given the electronic components required to run the system.

A golf simulator allows you to play virtual rounds of golf against your buddies and other users worldwide. It also allows you to work on most aspects of your game besides putting, and provides detailed insight into your shots.

Swing speed, spin rate, club face angle, ball speed, apex, and distance are typically measured by the launch monitor in a golf simulator.

These products are not the cheapest golf equipment, but their prices have been reduced. For example, you can pick up an OptiShot 2 Golf In A Box simulator for $850. It includes everything you need, except a laptop and projector.

In essence, simulators provide a platform to practice, play virtually and entertain your friends and family.

Golfers on a budget may find my review on the 10 best golf simulators under $1000 helpful. These options enhance your home practice experience without burning a hole in your pocket.


Bouncing The Golf Ball

You may look at this as a mundane drill that achieves nothing other than breaking a personal record. However, bouncing a golf ball on the club works wonders for your hand-eye coordination and ball striking.

Whenever I was bored as a kid, the simplest activity was to see how many times I could bounce the golf ball off the club’s face without it dropping on the ground. This worked wonders for me before a round, as I would use it to warm up and get my eye in before venturing to the 1st tee.

If there was nobody else in harm’s way, I would attempt to pull off the Tiger shot, where he hits the ball into the air and takes a backswing. Like a soccer player catching the ball on the volley, the Big Cat catches the ball cleanly on the descent and sends it flying.

I found the Nike Commercial, which is of poor quality given its age. But, it is well worth seeing the talent and skill of Eldrick.


I do not suggest completing the Woods follow-through for this trick. That is asking for trouble. You could hook, slice, or catch the ball thin, sending it uncontrollably towards a fragile object.


The Lefty

Now that I live in an apartment in the bustling city of Buenos Aires, I don’t have the luxury of backyard golf training facilities. I miss training in private and having the freedom to work on your game.

One area I went crazy with in my backyard was recovery shots. If I practiced them at the range, I would look outrageous. One shot I worked on was what I term the Lefty, since I am right-handed. Left-handed golfers would call this the Righty.

You set up for a left-handed shot. In other words, your right foot is now your lead. Take the clubface and turn it so that the toe points directly at the ground. Then take a quarter swing and try to connect the ball. Naturally, you will experience numerous freshies. However, the more you practice, the easier it becomes to strike the ball cleanly.

I practice this shot to help me escape scenarios where my ball is up against a tree, wall, or fence, and I cannot execute my standard swing. If you can pull off this shot, it will get you back into play, especially if your long game is erratic like mine.


Clean Strike (chip ball off the gravel)

I have Tiger Woods to thank for this as well. In the 2003 President’s Cup at Fancourt, he played an approach shot off the cart path, and struck so cleanly to give himself a chance to get up and down for the par.

Seeing how pure he struck the ball inspired me to hone my skills. So, I purposefully began chipping off the concrete at home. I am sure my coaches and other golf pundits would be mortified, but there was a method to my madness.

I never swung full and hard. I took an easy wind up and focused on catching the ball without touching the concrete. Obviously, I miscalculated a few times. However, I became solid at catching the ball cleanly, which improved my general iron play.

I do not recommend attempting this if your ball striking abilities are lackluster because you will damage your golf clubs. But, I feel it can boost the ball striking capabilities of mid handicappers.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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The Top Ways to Treat (and Prevent) Blisters From Golfing https://golfingagency.com/the-top-ways-to-treat-and-prevent-blisters-from-golfing/ https://golfingagency.com/the-top-ways-to-treat-and-prevent-blisters-from-golfing/#respond Fri, 21 Oct 2022 08:55:00 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/the-top-ways-to-treat-and-prevent-blisters-from-golfing/
The Top Ways to Treat (and Prevent) Blisters From Golfing

If you have ever had an inconvenient blister while golfing, you know how painful and troublesome this can be.

Golf blisters are common; trust us, you’re not the only one. Even great players have a round or a practice session that results in a blister from time to time.

In our guide featuring the top ways to treat and prevent blisters from golfing, you will learn how to protect yourself before you head out to the golf course again.


Most Common Areas Golfers Get Blisters

There are two main areas where golfers will get blisters when playing golf, and that is on their hands and their feet. The skin friction in these two areas ends up causing blisters that can keep you off the course for several days.


The number one reason golfers wear golf gloves is to prevent blisters in their hands. Skin friction from one finger to another and between the grip and the fingers will create a blister on the hand. This is why you will see players with adhesive tape on their fingers to try and prevent this rubbing between these areas.


A typical 18-hole golf course covers about five miles of turf. This is a long time to wear golf shoes. Golf shoes have come a long way in regards to comfort, but a blister on one of your toes or the heel of your foot is a real nuisance. Foot blisters typically happen when golf shoes get wet or if they are not correctly fit to a golfer’s foot.


Best Ways to Treat Blisters Formed From Golfing

Once you get a blister, you must deal with the treatment to be able to enjoy a round of golf again. Here are a few of the best ways to treat blisters formed from golfing.

Wear a Golf Glove Consistently

Once you have a blister, try to keep your golf glove on to prevent it from making the blister worse. The glove provides a layer of protection you likely didn’t have earlier when the blister was created.

Use Golf Tape

Golf tape was made especially for golfers who struggle with two areas of their hand or fingers rubbing together as they swing. Golf tape can be wrapped around fingers or knuckles before the start of a round, and it can prevent a blister from getting worse.

Neosporin or Vaseline

Using Neosporin or vaseline to treat a blister will help ensure that it is adequately protected and healing. Always make sure to keep your blisters clean, so they do not get infected.

Take a Break

Sometimes the best way to treat a blister is to take a bit of a break from golf. It’s hard to accept this because we all want more time on the course. However, if you give a blister a few days, it may heal on its own.

Bandaids & Blister Bandages

There are many bandaids and blister bandages that you can apply to a blister on your hand or your foot. These help to protect as they offer cushioned protection and relief from the pain. Be sure to change them often, so they don’t get dirty.

Keep Hands Clean

The only thing worse than having a blister is having a blister that gets infected. The goal of blister treatment for golfers is to get back out on the golf course as soon as possible.

As soon as you feel comfortable enough to hold a golf club or putting your feet in your shoes, you will want to get out there; just be sure to keep the blister as clean as possible. Blisters will be faster healing if they are kept free from bacteria.


How to Prevent Getting Golf Blisters in The Future

Now that you know why golfers get blisters and how to treat golf blisters, it’s also helpful to know how to prevent them. Here are some of the top ways to prevent a blister from happening, so you never have to deal with this pain.

Keep Your Hands & Feet Dry

Wet conditions will absolutely cause blisters. I once played in a tournament with a very good pair of golf shoes that I assumed were waterproof. By the end of the round, my shoes were soaked; I had thin socks on and a bunch of blisters on my heel.

It was incredibly painful, and it took a lot of extra padding in my shoes the next day to even convince me to go on the course. If anybody tries to convince you rain gloves or waterproof golf shoes aren’t worth it, they are wrong!

Purchase Good Socks

Some companies sell anti-blister socks or acrylic socks with extra padding. The soft texture can help decrease some of the friction in the shoe. However, ensuring that your shoe fits are also an essential step in this process.

Make Sure Your Shoes Fit

Find a golf shoe that fits. If you are in any kind of pain when you get off the golf course, chances are your shoes are not a good match. With all the different brands and styles available on the market, it should not be hard to find a shoe that fits.

Remember that each golf shoe manufacturer will have slightly different sizing, so you have to be careful when switching from one brand to the next.

Use Foot Powder

A good foot powder can help create an environment in your shoes where a blister is less likely to occur. In addition, golfers that can find a great orthotic and wear that in their shoes will also experience fewer blisters on their feet.


golf glove

Wear a Glove

Wearing a glove is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent blisters. When you wear a glove, you won’t have to worry about grip pressure as much, and many gloves are moisture-wicking to help keep your hands dry.

For beginners trying to keep blisters away, the idea of wearing winter gloves or rain gloves during a long practice session can help. Try to be realistic about the amount of time you spend practicing, so it doesn’t end up hurting you.

Regrip Often

New golf grips make it easier to release some grip pressure and get a better handle on the golf club. You won’t be as inclined to hold onto the club with the index finger or the right hand nearly as strongly as you do with an old grip.

In addition, old grips can hold on to dirt, sand, and bacteria making it even worse to heal a blister should you get one. For avid golfers, regripping a few times a year is expected.

Don’t Practice For Too Long

Golf practice is important and something that you should be doing. However, there is absolutely a thing as too much practice. If you spend too much time practicing, expect to get blisters that will make your next rounds of golf even more painful.

One way to avoid blisters is to break up how you are practicing. Hit a few drivers, some iron shots, and then head over to the putting green for ten minutes. Once you are done there, go to the chipping green and then back to the driving range.

This type of practice routine takes some of the stress off your hands, and it will also help you bring what you have learned to the golf course.


Brittany Olizarowicz

Britt O has been playing golf since the age of 7. Almost 30 years later, she still loves the game, has played competitively on every level, and spent a good portion of her life as a Class A PGA Professional. Britt currently resides in Savannah, GA, with her husband and two young children.

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Thompson returns to winning ways at Aramco Team Series – New York https://golfingagency.com/thompson-returns-to-winning-ways-at-aramco-team-series-new-york/ https://golfingagency.com/thompson-returns-to-winning-ways-at-aramco-team-series-new-york/#respond Sun, 16 Oct 2022 10:42:10 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/thompson-returns-to-winning-ways-at-aramco-team-series-new-york/

Lexi Thompson ended a three-year winless run after holding her nerve to take the individual title at the Ladies European Tour’s Aramco Team Series in New York.

The 27-year-old American’s win at Trump Golf Links Ferry Point is her first since the ShopRite LPGA Classic in 2019.

In bright and breezy conditions in New York, Thompson held off the challenge Brooke Henderson and Madelene Sagstrom with a final round of 69 to finish three shots clear on 11-under-par.

Thompson secured the 15th win of her professional career at the Aramco Team Series event in New York

Starting the final round of the 54-hole event with a two-shot lead after opening rounds of 71 and 65, Thompson took advantage of an early Korda bogey to birdie her first hole and build an early cushion that she maintained all day. Thompson’s putter remained hot all week and four birdies on the friendlier back nine eased her away from a chasing pack.

“I came into today just the way I played yesterday, just playing aggressive golf, and being kind of fiery,” she said. “I hit a great shot on No.1 to like six, seven feet and made it. I wanted to play fearless golf and not play away from pins, and commit to my shots. I hit some really good ones and I hit some iffy ones but with this wind and everything, you have to take the bad ones as best you can.”

Thompson’s win, with her brother on her bag, comes off the back of several top tens on the LPGA Tour this year with the hard work off the course paying off for the Floridian.

“I’ve been working extremely hard on my game,” the world no.4 said. “I felt like it was a matter of time, but I just wanted to put myself in contention in the final rounds and learn from the losses that I had and what I needed to work on, which I brought into today.”

Henderson, making her Aramco Team Series debut, found her best form of the week in the final round to make a late charge with a flurry of late birdies on the back nine in conditions that suited the supreme ball-striker. The Canadian carded a closing 68 for a tie of second on eight-under-par with Sagstrom.

Team winners Jessica Karlsson, Johanna Gustavsson, Karolin Lampert and Jennifer Rosenberg

Scotland’s Kylie Henry took fourth place with a best-of-the-day 67, while Annabel Dimmock faired best of the English continent with a share of seventh place on four under par. Charley Hull, fresh off her win on the LPGA Tour, could only finish in a tie for 58th, with her tournament hopes ended with an opening 10-over-par 82, which she followed up with rounds of 70 and 71.

The team event, which was decided the previous day, was won by Johanna Gustavsson, Jessica Karlsson, Karolin Lampert and New York college amateur Jennifer Rosenberg. They finished on -23 to win by two shots from Team Hewson (-21), with Team Maguire (-19) and Team Babnik (-19) in third respectively.

“It’s a win and it’s a team win, and it’s just great to celebrate with the others and have this kind of experience,” said Gustavsson, who captained the winning team. “The joy of winning is so much better when you share it. It’s just been great and having Jennifer with us, she’s got a bright future, turning pro soon, and I think we’ll see her again”.


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Wilson gets back to winning ways in Denmark https://golfingagency.com/wilson-gets-back-to-winning-ways-in-denmark/ https://golfingagency.com/wilson-gets-back-to-winning-ways-in-denmark/#respond Sat, 10 Sep 2022 21:26:24 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/wilson-gets-back-to-winning-ways-in-denmark/

Oliver Wilson claimed an emotional second DP World Tour victory at Made in HimmerLand after the Englishman put on a stunning display down the stretch to overcome Ewen Ferguson by a shot.

It was a dramatic finale in Denmark and it was Wilson who provided most of the fireworks, which began with a monster birdie putt which found the cup at the 13th, before his chip at the 14th horse-shoed around the cup to just miss out on a second successive birdie.

The former Ryder Cup player continued to entertain the crowds with a superb birdie at the 16th – one of just six birdies all day at the short par three known as HimmerLand Hill. He then drained a 65-foot birdie putt at the 17th to edge into a one-shot lead over Ferguson, who moments before had signed for a 66 to post a 20 under total.

A testing tee shot awaited Wilson at the 18th, but he smashed it down the middle, before a nerveless approach left him 20 feet for a two-putt par, a four under 67 and a 21 under winning total.

That earned the 41-year-old a first DP World Tour title since the 2014 Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, moving him to 28th in the DP World Tour Rankings and earning him a spot in this week’s BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth.

Wilson said: “I was so confident, I knew I could get the job done. Everything I’ve done up to this point to rebuild my game and I knew I could do it. I was so in control, I almost enjoyed the last hole!

“It’s pretty special, I’m so proud of myself. I’ve got a great team around me and there are other people who have helped me get to where I am today. The list goes on, everybody who knows me has been pulling me along to help figure this game out. I don’t think I’m there yet, but I feel like there’s a lot ahead of me, and I’m so pleased to get win number two. My game has been trending in the right direction with my stats and my results.

“I guess it was my day, but I feel like I deserved it. I missed a bunch of short putts today, but I guess 18 years’ experience gets you to hang in there and, to get it over the line, it feels good, so good.

He added: “I have to give a shout out to Callaway. They have spent a lot of time with me over the last two months working with me on my driver set up. Changing equipment is not my cup of team, but I’ve done a lot of work with them and it’s started pay off in the last couple of weeks. All of my sponsors – Callaway, True Links and Peter Millar – have been through  some of my dark times and they all stuck with me, so this is for them as well.”

What’s in the Bag – Oliver Wilson
Driver: Callaway Rogue ST Triple Diamond (8.5°)
Fairways: Callaway Epic Speed Sub Zero (15°)
Utilities: Callaway Apex UW (19°), Callaway X Forged UT (21°)
Irons: Callaway X Forged ’18 (4-9)
Wedges: Callaway JAWS Mack Daddy 5 (46°, 52°, 58°)
Putter: Odyssey White Hot OG 2-Ball Blade
Ball: Callaway Chrome Soft X

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5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Pre-Round Warm-Ups https://golfingagency.com/5-easy-ways-to-improve-your-pre-round-warm-ups/ https://golfingagency.com/5-easy-ways-to-improve-your-pre-round-warm-ups/#respond Sat, 10 Sep 2022 18:11:45 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/2022/09/10/5-easy-ways-to-improve-your-pre-round-warm-ups/

How you prepare for your round of golf can have a considerable impact on how you play. While the perfect warm-up may not always result in your lowest round ever, it’s best to have a consistent warm-up to keep you confident before every round.

How to Improve Your Pre-Round Warm-Ups

1. Determine how much time you need

Some people need one hour, some people need ten minutes, and some people don’t like to warm up at all! No matter your style, it’s important to know which category you fall into and how much time you need for your pre-round warmup. If you normally feel rushed, plan for a longer warm-up time. Or, if you feel like you’re spending too much time warming up, cut it a few minutes short next time.

2. Find what order works best for you

Most people like to start with wedges and work their way up to driver when warming up. But, just because most people do this doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. So, play around with what order of clubs you warm up in and find an order that most comfortable to you.

3. Don’t hit every club

Rather than hitting every single club in your bag, consider picking one from each category or “family.” For example, rather than hitting your 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4 irons, consider hitting just one or two long irons instead.

4. Pay attention to the weather

Hitting long shots on the range is an ideal time to pay attention to the elements. Observe the wind direction, temperature, and other conditions that may affect your overall distance and ball flight.

5. Practice putting

While you may think your driver and irons need the most work during your pre-round warm-up, your putting deserves just as much attention. Rolling a few putts before your round will give you a good idea of how quickly the greens will be on the actual golf course.

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