Shipping – Golfing Agency Golf news & updates Sat, 24 Sep 2022 04:47:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shipping – Golfing Agency 32 32 Shipping Golf Clubs | 7 Golfers You’ll Meet on the Course Sat, 24 Sep 2022 04:47:23 +0000

Golf has a lot of rules, yet we all tend to make up our own on the way. But, that’s what keeps it interesting for you and your crew! While the golf course is filled with a ton of eclectic personalities, there typically are seven types of golfers you’re guaranteed to meet before the final hole. What are they? Keep reading to find out!

The Cart Knieval

Off-roading and donuts are two things golf carts were not made to do. But, the Cart Knieval stops at nothing. With these golfing daredevils at the wheel, pace of play has never been faster. Especially as your life flashes before your eyes.

The Makeshift Marker

Penny? Broken tee? Anything they can get their hands on? The Makeshift Marker has what appears to be Mary Poppins’ bag that contains everything and anything except an actual ball marker.

The Mulligan Maestro

Do it again. Okay, once more. You can do better than that? No, it doesn’t matter how many strokes it actually takes. While mulligans typically consist of merely one do-over, the Mulligan Maestro is the exception to this rule and insists on getting the perfect hit at everyone else’s expense.

The Rules Official

This guy has the playbook memorized. The Rules Official is your go-to for any and all golf questions. The downside? He isn’t afraid to call you out if you break any golf rules, no matter how minuscule.

is shipping golf clubs convenient

The Putt Perfectionist

Needless to say, if you ever find yourself in a limbo tournament and not on the golf course, this guy needs to be on your team. He gets his crouching tiger on and lines up his putts to perfection. While you probably won’t catch the Putt Perfectionist making any hole-in-ones, you’ll certainly never catch him missing a putt.

The Can’t Count Calculator

Tee to fairway. Fairway to bunker. Bunker to green. Did I miss one? This guy can’t keep track, so he replays the last hole in his head for what seems to be feature film length. No wonder he’s called the Can’t Count Calculator!

The Search and Rescue

Finding a Pro V1 in the bushes is better than Christmas for the Search and Rescue. They’re not afraid to dive in and get a little dirty for the chance to pick up a lost ball. No matter where the ball goes, he’ll find it.

Shipping golf clubs? Ship Sticks can streamline the process!

Logistics are everything when it comes to planning your next golf trip. Ensure that your clubs arrive on time with Ship Sticks! Sign up and start shipping golf clubs with us today.

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Shipping Golf Clubs | Why You Should Play 9 This Weekend Fri, 23 Sep 2022 02:01:37 +0000

Maybe you don’t have the time. Or, you’re going a little stir crazy after some bad weather. The golf course is a refuge for many. Teeming with fun challenges on every hole, nine is the lucky number when it comes to getting lay of the land without the commitment of 18 holes. Here’s why you should play nine this weekend and whenever you get the chance:

Refresh Your Mind

As the sun rises or sets, a quick round of golf can get your mind in the right space. With the perfect balance open nature and competition, playing nine holes allows you the time to socialize or be with your own thoughts.

Time Considerate

It isn’t always plausible to play a solid five or six hours of golf like 18 holes require. Playing 9 is more realistic especially if you have other obligations for the day. So, if you’re jonesing for some time on the greens, opt for nine and squeeze in your fix.

should i be shipping golf clubs when i travel

Develop Your Game

Nine holes is the prime time to really develop your game. Meaning, you can take the time to practice your swing, try out a new club, or experiment with different challenged throughout the course. And, because nine holes typically costs less than a full 18, you can do so and hit up the snack cart without breaking the bank.

Get in a Workout

Did you know that you can burn upwards of 300 calories an hour playing golf? If you’re looking for a workout, ditch the cart and pick up your bag for a bit of cardio.

Why Should You Consider Shipping Golf Clubs?

Shipping golf clubs with Ship Sticks is the way to go when traveling for the game. Simply schedule your shipment, pack your gear, and we’ll do the rest! So, start shipping today.

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Shipping Service – 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Mon, 19 Sep 2022 13:51:12 +0000

Ship Sticks shipping services highlights 3 reasons why you shouldn't be afraid

These days, you should be doing everything and anything to take care of your members and guests. Why? Because if you’re not doing it someone else will.  So why aren’t you offering a shipping service to your clientele? After all, don’t they deserve the best options?

Using Ship Sticks for your Clientele

Rental FOMO (Fear of missing out on club rental revenue)

Are you a resort and have Rental FOMO? Our service caters to golfer’s who are passionate about using their OWN equipment, not someone else’s. Our customers would rather drag their gear onto the plane if it meant not dealing with a set of loaner’s not fit for them. If anything, Ship Sticks should make a nice complement to your rental program. We’ve even figured out ways to help you drive revenue, completely wiping out the fears of Rental FOMO.

Afraid the service will be too much of a hassle?

Aside from physically attaching the label to the travel bag or box for your member or guest, our team literally can take care of the rest! This includes monitoring and arranging pickups, resolving any issues that may pop-up during transit, and communicate with the destination that packages are coming their way. It’s a completely free, outsourced service that you can implement right away. And you can trust us, we’ve been doing this since 2011 and have developed relationships with over 3500 facilities across the world. We will also take the time to customize our service to your needs. On top of that, we provide you with all the tools you need to succeed, including free shipping supplies.

Rather than asking yourself what’s in it for me, shouldn’t you be asking what’s in it for my member or guest!

Question the reliability of shipping?

What happens if your member or guest decides to fly with their golf clubs and they don’t make it with the airlines? They’re likely ripping their hair out on the phone for hours with the airline, getting nothing in return (besides a headache). Paying out of their own pocket for rentals it is!

With Ship Sticks, we will track your equipment in real-time from the moment they are picked up until the moment they deliver. We know exactly where your bags are and when they need to arrive. We even have the capability of expediting service when an unforeseen situation arises. And if we can’t get your equipment to you before you hit the first tee, we’ll cover the costs of rentals and other items you need for the day.

For the longest time, shipping was too expensive of an option for most. Thanks to millions of traveling golfers across the world we’ve been able to change that and offer the most aggressive rates the industry has to offer. And if all of this wasn’t enough, shipping with Ship Sticks has an on-time success rate around 95%, better than the airlines. Don’t be afraid, embrace shipping services – your members and guests will thank you for it!

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Shipping Golf Clubs | How to Achieve Mental Clarity Before Tee Time Sun, 18 Sep 2022 01:56:55 +0000

How to achieve mental clarity before a tee-time

Nearly as important as your swing, your mental headspace walking up to the tee is one of the most influential elements of your game. Developing a pre-round routine not only warms up your body but gets your head ready for the challenges and fun that each hole may present. So, after scheduling your shipment for your clubs with Ship Sticks, try practicing these easy, mindfulness techniques.

Top Techniques to Clear your Mind Before a Round of Golf

Stretch Your Body

You don’t want to get out on the course, only to recognize a pang of discomfort in your back, knees, or torso. Getting to know your body before your tee time can help ease your mind. Do light stretches and see where you may be feeling tight. You will then be able to address these issues during your pre-round practice, adjust your swing, and head out feeling more confident than before.

Envision the Course

Golf is 100% a mental game. You should take the course into consideration before even picking up your clubs. Get a course map and see how you may be able to play each hole. This will mentally prepare you for any challenges that may lie ahead.

Embrace the Challenge

No one goes into a round wanting to play poorly. We play to be great. And, in order to be great, we need to accept that challenge is inevitable – that’s what makes it fun! So, take deep breaths, set a positive intention, lace up, and address the ball with confidence.

Are You Interested in Shipping Golf Clubs?

Kick-off your next trip with one less thing to worry about! Shipping golf clubs with Ship Sticks can make golf travel a breeze, so schedule a shipment today!

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Tips for Shipping This Holiday Season Sat, 10 Sep 2022 18:12:41 +0000

Give yourself time and ship early with this holiday shipping tip

Have you ever waited in long lines at a shipping store or the airport during the holidays? It’s never a walk in the park. Trying to ship anything in November and December can possibly result in delays because of increased shipping volume. Weather delays also increase the likelihood of shipping delays. At Ship Sticks, we understand that your time is valuable. Check out these 3 hassle-free holiday shipping tips to help you save time this year.

Give Yourself Time by Shipping Early

When it comes to saving time, shipping early is always encouraged. The holidays are the busiest time of year for delivery services. Couple that with winter storm activity, waiting till the last minute is not recommended. We suggest this tip for on-time delivery.

  • We recommend scheduling your shipment at least 2+ business days in advance. 

Print An Extra Shipping Label

Tips for shipping during the holiday season are printing an extra shipping label

It’s good practice to place a second copy of the shipping label inside each shipment. A second copy of the barcoded shipping label is useful to the carrier in the event the original label is torn, smudges, or becomes unreadable. 

An extra copy of the barcoded shipping label can be placed inside one of the following:

  • Soft-Sided Travel Bag
  • Hard-Sided Travel Case
  • Shipping Box

Attach Your Label Using A Luggage Tag

Shipping tips for the holiday season is attaching your label with a luggage tag

We suggest attaching your shipping label to a luggage tag or fly tag when shipping in a soft or hard-sided travel bag. Adding a luggage tag ensures your label stays securely attached while in transit. Luggage tags can be picked up at one of the following locations for a minimal fee.

  • FedEx Office
  • FedEx Ship Center
  • UPS Store

At Ship Sticks, we want to take the hassle out of carrying your golf clubs and luggage when traveling. Follow these holiday shipping tips and we’ll guarantee you’ll be spending your time on the links.

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