Score – Golfing Agency Golf news & updates Tue, 08 Nov 2022 21:40:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Score – Golfing Agency 32 32 What is a Good Golf Score? (Based on Your Skill Level) Tue, 08 Nov 2022 21:40:29 +0000
What is a Good Golf Score? (Based on Your Skill Level)

The idea of a good golf score will be entirely different from one player to another.

A scratch golfer may say that a good score is 73, whereas a high handicapper may call 93 a great score. Let’s look at the different golf scores and how they compare based on skill level.

Good is a relative term in golf, and you must consider skill level before you can say whether a score is good or bad.


Good Golf Score for a Beginner

A good golf score for a beginner is anything around 110. If you can shoot 110 as a new beginner, you will have a long future in the game of golf. To shoot 110, you probably got close to fitting a few greens in regulation, made some two putts, and even had a bogey or two on the course.

However, I have always found that beginners trying to get started in the game are much better off focusing on hitting great shots as opposed to their score. The number of strokes it takes to get the ball in the hole will be a lot for a beginner.

Take your time and learn to make great shots.

Start trying to two putt or take just one shot out of the sand, get your golf ball in the fairway from the tee and avoid water hazards. These are all much more important than trying to shoot low scores.


Good Golf Score for an Average Golfer

A good golf score for an average golfer is around 90. Average golfers tend to call it a good day when they can break 100; breaking 90 happens a little less frequently.

As an average golfer, you likely make some nice pars and an occasional birdie. However, the problem for average golfers often becomes the number of strokes it takes to get out of trouble. In addition, there is that occasional slice that pops up or a three-putt, and it just adds up over the course of the round.

Breaking 90 is going to take a good short game, some practice, and a bit of dedication to the sport.

When you can start breaking 90 consistently, you will move out of the category of the average golfer.


Good Golf Score for a Pro

Professional golfers try to shoot below par every time they go out to play. For professional golfers, good scores a really dependent on the course difficulty, course rating, and conditions of play.

If you shoot a 71 on a really tough golf course in the rain and wind, it’s likely a great score. However, shooting 70 on an easy course with perfect conditions may not be quite as good of a score.

Most professionals will determine if their score was good based on how the rest of the field does. If a pro shoots 67 and everyone else is in the low 70s, it was a great round. However, some professionals are so good that they can shoot scores in the low 60s.

Professionals need to make a lot of birdies and even eagles to be able to keep the number of strokes as low as they do.

When a professional shoots higher 70s or into the 80s, it’s considered a bad day on the golf course.


Where Your Score Ranks You in Terms of Handicap

Golf uses a handicap system to help players be able to compete against one another in a fair golf match. The handicap system will take into account the course difficulty, and course raging and give you an average handicap or average score that you will typically shoot at that course.

Depending on what your golf handicap is, you will fall into three different ranges, low handicap golfers, mid handicap golfers, and high handicap golfers.

Low Handicap Golfer Mid Handicap Golfer High Handicap Golfer
Handicap Range 0-9 10-20 21+
Score Par-79 80-94 95+
Consistency High Average Poor


Low Handicap Golfer

The low handicap golfer shoots in the 70-79 range. These amateur golfers tend to make a lot of one putts, know how to birdie a hole, and can keep the ball in bounds for the majority of their round.

Most low handicap players have a fair amount of club head speed and can get some good distance off the tee. As great as low handicap golfers are, they are not quite to the level of a professional and still have work to do to get to that point.

Mid Handicap Golfer

Mid handicap golfers make up the most significant portion of golfers in the game. These players range from a 10 to 20 handicap and will shoot between 80 and 94. Mid handicap golfers tend to have a few great holes and a few bad holes when they are on the course.

With a mid handicap golfer, you can expect that the scoring will be a bit inconsistent, but most of the time, it ends up in this 80-94 range.

As mid handicappers transition into low handicappers, their scores will become really consistent in the low 80s. At this point, many mid handicappers can figure out what has been keeping them from the low handicap range, and they can make the necessary adjustments to their golf game.

High Handicap Golfer

High handicap golfers and beginners tend to fall into the same category. However, most high handicap golfers have played the game for quite some time.

With high handicappers, you can expect a handicap to be higher than 21 and the scores to be higher than 95. Some high handicappers are not able to break 100 and will continually work on trying to get these scores down.

One thing that hurts high handicappers is turning a simple bogey into a triple bogey. If you miss a green, it’s really not a big deal to chip back on the green and make a putt. However, if you keep chipping back and forth over the green, it will hurt your score.

Some golfers are happy staying in the high handicap range and having fun on the golf course. Not all players are on a mission to be low handicappers.


Brittany Olizarowicz

Britt O has been playing golf since the age of 7. Almost 30 years later, she still loves the game, has played competitively on every level, and spent a good portion of her life as a Class A PGA Professional. Britt currently resides in Savannah, GA, with her husband and two young children.

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50 Golf Pick Up Lines Guaranteed to Help You Score Wed, 02 Nov 2022 04:32:26 +0000
50 Golf Pick Up Lines Guaranteed to Help You Score

Talk to my wife and she will tell you, my pickup lines are as effective as a duck hook. But, when it comes to golf speak, I know a thing or two about catching one’s attention.

This post is a stray away from my usual work, as I am giving you 50 golf pick up lines to help you score. I will do my best to keep it as clean as possible, and provide tips to both genders looking to pick a golf loving partner.

Despite the thousands of dirty golf pick up lines out there, I will save you from creeping out strangers, with witty, intellectual direct propositions.


1. Looking at you makes me feel like I just made a hole in one.

2. Are you sure your parents didn’t win all four majors? Because you’re a Grand Slam.

3. Are you sure you aren’t an Albatross? Because you are a rare catch.

4. I’ve been watching your putt and you have the perfect line.

5. Your balls are wayward, let me coach you to get them into the hole.

6. You are like a water hazard… Once my balls go in, I can’t get them out.

7. You remind me of a Pro V1 golf ball… Soft, sexy and expensive.

8. You are better than par.

9. You look like someone who enjoys a good swing.

10. I’m currently a one ball, why don’t you find two friends and we can form a foursome.

11. The line of your putt curves in those pants.

12. My golf number may be high, but grab my phone number and we can go low.

13. Your legs are like a long drive… Lengthy, beautiful and allows an easy approach to the hole.

14. My shots aren’t usually long and straight, but I have something that is.

15. You are like a carry golf bag… Light, attractive and easy to handle.

16. Are you a golf cart? Because I could drive you around the golf course.

17. Damn girl, I’m not one for defeat, but with your swing I will let you beat me all day.

18. I like my men like the U.S Open… Long and hard, let’s play around and see how low you can go.

19. You are like a fairway, short, well-groomed and a pleasure to hit on.

20. I will treat you like a Fijian golfer and make your V-Jay Sing.

21. You remind me of golf range balls, mature and tough.

22. How about you and I improve our stroke play together?

23. You must be tired of all the attention because you are a major winner.

24. You must be a slice because you are Mr. Right.

25. Are you a water hazard, because you are making me wet.

26. My golf coach says I have a firm grip… Why don’t you be the judge of that.

27. We could be boring and play strokeplay, or we could strip down and try skins.

28. Hey baby, I am like a Trackman simulator, fun, detailed and worth the investment.

29. Let’s act like we are 3 under par, and shoot for a 69.

30. You remind me of a controlled draw, because your curves are perfect.

31. I’m no professional, but meeting you makes me a major winner.

32. You are like an undulated green… Hard to read, but gorgeous and soft.

33. Would you mind being my caddy? I need someone to protect my shaft and balls through 18-holes.

34. You seem like someone I should get to know. Let’s play 9 and see where it goes?

35. I don’t need a caddy tonight for washing balls, mine are already clean and raring to go. I need a golfer who can handle her tools.

36. I enjoy my men like a sand trap… Dirty, soft and unpredictable.

37. You remind me of the 5th hole at The Abaco Club… You’re stunning and easily driveable.

38. You have never met a golfer with a more delicate stroke than me.

39. We need one more player for our foursome… Would you make this the best round of our lives and join us?

40. I need a partner who can challenge me on the golf course, and based on your swing you are that person.

41. I’ll let you do things to me that no one else is allowed to, like beat me in a round of golf.

42. I prefer well trimmed grass, but if needed, I can perform from the bush.

43. I need your help urgently. I keep missing my putts and need you to help me guide my balls to the hole.

44. You must know how to shape your shots, because you consist of fine curves.

45. You look like you are struggling with your swing. Why don’t you come to my place and we will work on it before playing around.

46. Do you mind if I take a picture of you? I have never seen so much jaw dropping beauty on a golf course.

47. You are responsible for my bad golf. Your beauty caused me to forget how to swing.

48. Would you mind checking my scorecard for me? It seems like I am missing a number – yours.

49. You make me feel like a crisp iron shot, because I’m feeling a strong connection.

50. Your butt reminds me of the Pebble Beach greens at the 2019 U.S Open… Hard and firm.

Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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