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How Long Does It Usually Take to Play 9 Holes of Golf?

When I first started playing golf, I was a little bit turned off by the huge time commitment that it took to play a full 18 holes. However, I quickly learned that a good alternative is to play 9 holes, especially when you are pressed for time.

If you’re newer to the game of golf, you might be wondering how long it takes to play nine holes. As it turns out, the time depends mostly on you and the other players. 

Here’s a detailed look at the time it takes to play 9 holes of golf.


How Long Does it Typically Take to Play 9 Holes of Golf?

The majority of golfers can play nine holes of golf in about two hours. This makes nine holes a much better option for golfers who cannot commit to a full round of 18 holes. 

It’s a whole lot easier to play nine holes instead of a full round of 18 after work before it gets dark outside.


Factors That Affect Your Pace of Play

There is a whole slew of factors that can affect your pace of play on the golf course. If you are wanting to speed up how fast you play, pay attention to the following factors.

1. Number of Players

One of the biggest factors to how fast you can sneak in nine holes is the number of players in your group. It’s a heck of a lot easier for a twosome to play faster than a typical foursome. 

To that same point, a single player can finish nine holes at an even faster rate. Not all golf courses allow singles, especially if it’s a busy golf course. Most of the time, the pro shop will pair you up with another golfer if you show up alone.

2. Skill Level

Skill level has a huge impact on pace of play. For example, beginners typically spend lots of time searching after wayward tee shots. Searching after a lost ball can eat up a big chunk of time.

On the other hand, more seasoned golfers keep most of their shots in the fairway. This means they spend less time looking for their golf balls.

Also, most poor players struggle on the putting green. It’s not uncommon for beginner-level golfers to need three or four putts to get the ball in the hole. 

Most veteran golfers tend to only need two putts or fewer on the green. This saves them a ton of time throughout a 9 hole round.

3. Walking or Riding

This next factor presents a bit of a dilemma for some golfers. Walking the golf course is great cardiovascular exercise and it burns lots of calories. However, it usually takes more time to play nine holes while walking.

Using a golf cart won’t give you the same type of workout as walking, but it will help you play at a much faster pace. You’ll be able to get to your golf ball much quicker unless the rules that day require you to keep the golf cart on the cart path.

4. Size of the Course

Another factor that affects pace of play is the size of the golf course. A nine-hole course with lots of Par 3s can be played much faster than a nine-hole course with a couple of Par 5s.

Some golfers like to play on executive courses, where all of the holes are short Par 3s. On these types of nine-hole courses, most golfers can finish in an hour to an hour and a half.

Did you know that most Par 3 holes can be played in as little as nine minutes? That is because Par 3s are much shorter than their Par 4 and Par 5 counterparts.

The average golfer plays a Par 4 hole in about 12 minutes. Par 5s are always the longest holes on the golf course so they take the most amount of time to play (18 minutes on average).

5. How Busy is the Golf Course?

The busyness level of the golf course can greatly affect your pace of play. Booking a tee time for nine holes on a random Tuesday afternoon is usually a lot quicker than playing nine holes on a bright and sunny Saturday morning. This is because most golf courses are usually packed with people on the weekends.

When the course is busy, you may have to wait several minutes on each hole before teeing off. Waiting just three minutes on each hole increases your time on the course by nearly half an hour. Patience is a virtue, in life and on the golf course!

6. Course Difficulty

This factor is common sense but a lot of golfers forget about it. A golf course that has lots of water hazards and bunkers is going to take a lot longer to play than an easier course with fewer obstacles.

When a golfer hits a ball into a water hazard, several minutes are wasted. First, the golfer has to make sure his shot is not playable by making sure it went into the water. 

Next, he has to either hit another tee shot or take a drop near the water hazard. You can see how lots of time can go by because of errant shots, especially if a group has more than one inaccurate shot per hole.

Shots into the bunker also tend to slow down the pace of play. It can take a long time to get in and out of a bunker, especially if the golfer takes the necessary time to rake the bunker afterward (which is proper golf etiquette). 

Many golfers also need multiple strokes to get out of a deep bunker, especially if they don’t have a good lie. This also takes up more time.

7. Ready Golf

Another factor that influences pace of play is whether or not the group is playing “ready golf”. Here is a brief explanation of what ready golf is.

Standard golf rules say that the player farthest away from the pin must hit their shot first. However, when playing ready golf, whichever golfer is ready first is free to play their next shot. Ready golf can lessen the time it takes to play nine holes by a considerable amount.

8. Weather Delays

Nothing can cause a delay to your round more than a bad weather delay. While most golf courses will let you play in the rain, any sign of lightning results in a mandatory delay.

Lots of golf courses adhere to the 30/30 rule, which states that any lightning bolt that is followed by thunder in less than 30 seconds poses a safety risk and a delay must be enforced. The rest of the rule states that play cannot be resumed until 30 minutes after a storm has safely passed through the area.


How Long Does 9 Holes Take for 1 Player?

A single player can usually jet through nine holes in 1.5 to 2 hours on an empty golf course with a golf cart. If walking, the pace of play will increase to 2.5 to 2.75 hours. If the golf course is nothing but short Par 3s, these numbers will be severely reduced.

Beginner-level golfers usually need about 2.5 hours to play nine holes, even by themselves. Average players finish nine holes in about 2 hours. Advanced golfers can complete nine holes in around 1.5 hours.


How Long Does 9 Holes Take for 2 Players?

Most twosomes can finish nine holes in 2 hours and 15 minutes if they are using a golf cart. That number increases to about 2 hours and 45 minutes if they decide to walk instead of ride.

It may take a rookie twosome three hours just to play nine holes. Intermediate twosomes can be done in about two hours while advanced twosomes can complete nine holes in 1.5 hours.


How About with 4 Players?

Golf courses prefer to send golfers out in foursomes because they can accommodate more people that way. The pace of play with a foursome is much slower than groups with fewer golfers.

It usually takes a foursome about 2.5 hours to play nine holes if they are all using a golf cart. If all four players are walking, it can take closer to 3 hours.

A foursome of high handicappers can take as long as 3.5 hours to play nine holes. A group of four average golfers can be done with nine holes in around 2.5 hours. Finally, a foursome of single-digit handicappers can complete nine holes in around 2 hours.


Common Pace of Play Rules

  1. Let faster groups play through
  2. Play ready golf
  3. Consider playing Scramble if your group is filled with beginners
  4. Don’t spend lots of time looking for a lost golf ball
  5. Record your scores at the next tee box instead of while sitting at the green


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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How Long it Takes to Get Good at Golf (+ Tips to Improve) https://golfingagency.com/how-long-it-takes-to-get-good-at-golf-tips-to-improve/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-it-takes-to-get-good-at-golf-tips-to-improve/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 22:21:38 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-it-takes-to-get-good-at-golf-tips-to-improve/
How Long It Takes to Get Good at Golf (+ Tips to Improve)

Golf is a hard game. Just how hard is it? According to the incredible golf movie The Legend of Bagger Vance, golf is a game that “can’t be won, only played.”

Golf is fun, but it takes a long time to master putting, chipping, and other common shots. Find out how long it usually takes to get good at golf here.


First – Let’s Define “Good”

Good is a very relative term, especially when it’s used in a complex game like golf. Perspective is everything. For example, a beginner-level golfer who regularly shoots a 110 on the golf course may think that any golfer who breaks 100 is a “good” golfer.

According to the USGA, the average handicap for a male golfer is 14.2 and the average handicap for a female golfer is 27.5. At the majority of golf courses across the country, par is set at 72 strokes. This means that the average male golfer shoots an 86 and the average female golfer shoots a 99.

So, if we strictly go by the USGA stats, any man who shoots under an 86 and any woman who shoots under a 99 would be considered a “good” golfer. Most folks who break 90 consistently on the golf course are considered good golfers unless they are playing with a group of folks who routinely shoot lower than 80 (LOL).


How Long Does it Take The Average Person to Get Good at Golf?

This question is difficult to answer because it depends on a variety of different factors. Some golfers can start to break 100 within a year or so of taking up the game, especially if they had the benefit of professional instruction. 

These same folks can often start to break 90 regularly in two to three years if they practice rigorously and play a round of golf often enough. As we learned from the USGA numbers above, breaking 90 is a heck of an accomplishment and would put the golfer into the good player category.


Factors That Affect How Quickly You’ll Make Progress

A whole host of factors goes into becoming a good golfer. Let’s take a look at each one of those factors below, in no particular order.

1. Natural Athletic Ability

Let’s face it. Some people are just more genetically gifted than others are, especially when it comes to innate athletic ability. Folks with an athletic build and natural hand-eye coordination can usually make loads of progress in a fairly short time.

2. Professional Instruction

Putting together a fundamentally sound golf swing is a tall order because the mechanics are so complicated. While there are some rare cases out there of successful golfers who are 100% self-taught (Bubba Watson), the large majority of folks need some type of professional instruction to take their game to the next level.

3. The Ability to Concentrate

Concentration is highly important in all sports, but it is even more important in a game like golf. This is because the margin for error when hitting a golf ball is so small. Any minute lapse in concentration can cause a terrible shot that can wind up costing you a penalty stroke or two because of hazards.

Good golfers seem to have the innate ability to calm their minds and always concentrate on their next golf shot. Just how important is concentration level on the golf course? This poll shows that 100% of golfers believe that concentration level greatly affects their performance.

4. Physical Conditioning

A lot of people believe that golf is a game full of overweight beer drinkers who aren’t concerned with what kind of shape they are in. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Playing 18 holes of golf is a heck of a workout, even if you are driving instead of walking the course.

Everyone loves John Daly and rightfully so! However, most golfers these days are in great physical condition, especially on the PGA Tour. If you want to rapidly improve your game, getting into better shape is a great place to start.

5. Energy Levels

Energy level affects our performance in all aspects of life, including golf. The better you feel, the better you play (for the most part). 

How do you positively affect your energy level? Make sure you are drinking plenty of water each day and that you are eating a nutrient-rich diet. Showing up to your round or practice session hungover or starving won’t help your performance in the least.


Most Important Areas to Focus On to Graduate Past a Beginner

So, if you only have a few hours a week to practice, what aspects of the game should you focus on to get past beginner level? Here is a shortlist.

1. Putting

We’ve talked about the importance of putting on several different occasions. Think about just how important putting is. Most of your strokes are used with the putter, especially when you are just starting to learn the game.

If you two-putt every green on the golf course, you’ve used 36 strokes. If you three-putt each green (which isn’t uncommon for beginners), you’ve racked up a whopping 54 strokes.

What this shows us is that the quickest way to lower your handicap is to work perfecting on your putting stroke. Folks who want to become good golfers should strive to never three-putt on any green, no matter how difficult it may be.

2. Chip Shots

Another key area to focus on in the short game is chip shots. Most beginners have trouble hitting consistent chips when they are near the green. They’ll either chunk the chip shot and watch it only roll a couple of feet, or they’ll catch the golf ball too thin and watch it fly past the pin. 

Inaccurate chip shots can destroy a scorecard just about as fast as a poor putting stroke. The next time you go to the driving range, take only your favorite wedge with you. That way you’ll make sure to set aside enough practice time for hitting chip shots.

3. Approach Shots

This is where your irons come into play in your pursuit to graduate past the beginner level with your golf game. You can be an excellent driver of the golf ball, but if you can’t hit accurate approach shots into the green you’ll never reach your full potential as a golfer.

When hitting your irons, make sure you are making contact with the ground AFTER hitting the golf ball. In one of our previous articles, there is a great drill that can help with this. Dialing in your approach shots is a crucial step on your journey to becoming a good golfer.

4. Accuracy on Tee Shots

Last but certainly not least, golfers who want to lower their handicaps must focus on keeping their tee shots in the fairway. If you’re a high handicapper, you probably step into the tee box and try to hit the golf ball as hard as you can. That type of “all or nothing” mentality can put you directly into a water hazard.

When working on your golf swing with the driver, place a premium on accuracy and don’t worry so much about distance. Do drills that teach you how to make a quiet backswing and a smooth full swing. This will help you avoid bogeys and double bogeys on the course.


3 Tips to Help You Get Good at Golf

1. Take Lessons from a Professional Golf Instructor

Everyone needs a coach, both in life and on the golf course. Nothing will help you improve your golf game faster than taking lessons from a PGA teaching pro. I know this from personal experience.

I toiled away on the practice range all by myself when I first started playing golf. No matter how long I practiced, I could never shoot better than a 105. Finally, after about a year and a half of frustration, I bought (12) half-hour golf lessons with an instructor at my local golf club. 

I was shocked at how fast my game started to improve. Within a couple of months, I was shooting 95 on the course regularly. Needless to say, that experience turned me into a big believer in professional instruction.

Having someone teach me the fundamentals of the golf swing made all the difference in the world for me. The main things that the pro helped me correct were my setup, grip pressure, and mentality. 

Don’t be too prideful to take lessons! Most PGA Tour players have their own swing coaches. This helps them improve their games in less time.

2. Commit to a Set Practice Schedule

Have you ever heard the saying from Malcolm Gladwell that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something? That applies to becoming a good golfer! No matter how much natural talent you have, you’ll never become a good golfer without lots of practice time.

How much time should you set aside to work on your game? There is no foolproof formula, but most experts agree that it takes three to four practice sessions a week to see rapid improvement. Even if your schedule is too busy for that amount of practice, you can still benefit by practicing only once or twice a week.

3. Practice with a Purpose

Okay, now that you’ve committed to a weekly practice schedule, it’s time to make sure that all that precious time at the driving range doesn’t go to waste. Too many golfers spend hours and hours mindlessly pounding buckets of golf balls with no plan. You won’t see a scratch golfer making that mistake.

Use your practice time to work on your weaknesses. Don’t just stand there and hit your driver repeatedly just because it’s more fun. If you struggle to hit the ball out of the sand, find a practice bunker and do drills with your sand wedge.

If you haven’t been hitting your hybrid all that well, make a note to hit at least 20 good shots with it during your next practice session. Winners always make it a point to work on their weaknesses. Best of luck on your journey to becoming a good golfer!


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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How Long Do Golf Gloves Last? (Plus Tips to Make Them Last) https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-gloves-last-plus-tips-to-make-them-last/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-gloves-last-plus-tips-to-make-them-last/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 05:21:47 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-gloves-last-plus-tips-to-make-them-last/
How Long Do Golf Gloves Last? (Plus Tips to Make Them Last)

When you search how long do golf gloves last on Google, you will see a common theme of answers ranging from six to ten rounds. However, in my twenty-eight years in this game, I have seen players destroy gloves in a round of golf. However, others last for months.

The point is the question is not black or white. Multiple factors are often not considered, such as the glove’s material or the strength of one’s grip. In this post, I focus on my experience with gloves to help you determine which scenario fits your situation.


How Long Do Golf Gloves Typically Last?

Invictus Gloves out of Montreal, Canada, suggests that the life of your golf gloves on average does not exceed ten rounds. However, this depends on the strength of your grip how you take it off and maintain it.

For example, if you pull your glove off from your fingers, you will cause this area and cause it to rip. Furthermore, those who grip a golf club tightly may find the palm rip rapidly, compared to a golfer with a softer hold.

In addition, Golfweek explains that while Cabretta leather golf gloves offer a superior feel, they wear out faster than hybrid or synthetic gloves. Therefore, a player using a synthetic glove may find that they enjoy a better grip for longer compared to premium leather golf gloves.

My golf gloves last approximately twenty rounds, which works out to four months. I take care of my gloves and have a softer grip than others. That helps ensure they remain durable and provide optimal grip for as long as possible.

I have tried synthetic and Cabretta leather gloves. However, the modern hybrid design offers the high quality of a leather glove, with the dexterity of a synthetic glove.

Contrary to my solid golf glove record, my late father would rip one every two to three rounds. The circumference of his left hand was wider than a regular glove. If he had used a cadet glove, I doubt he would have ripped as many.

After racking up the bills from glove acquisitions, my old man took the Ben Hogan and Fred Couples route and stopped wearing one altogether.

Besides your grip and hand shape, how you store and wash golf gloves impacts their lifespan. The quicker you remove dirt from the surface, the less damage it will invoke on the grip and durability of the mitt.

As you can see, there is no one size fits all approach to the life of the golf glove. However, if you had to put an average on it, the Invictus glove is not far off with the assumption of ten rounds of golf.


Do More Expensive Gloves Last Longer?

Surprisingly, more expensive gloves do not last long. According to Golfweek, Cabretta Leather are the most expensive glove on the market, but they wear out faster than a synthetic or hybrid construction.

Leather gloves combine with precisely positioned perforations to encourage optimal airflow through the glove to reduce perspiration. The quality of the glove from a feeling and comfort perspective is unmatchable.

However, if you wear leather gloves on a hot day, your sweat, coupled with the sun’s rays, will cause the leather to contract. That makes it challenging to get on and off.

That is in contrast to synthetic gloves, which deliver superior durability but reduce airflow. As a result, you can sweat profusely if you do not take this glove off between shots.


golf glove

How to Make Golf Gloves Last Longer

Remove The Glove Gently

How often do you yank at the fingers of your glove and violently tug at it to remove it from your hand? I am also guilty as charged. You need to stop doing that and be more delicate with the glove.

Pulling hard at your glove can stretch the material leading to a loose fit and a dysfunctional product. I suggest undoing the velcro or the glove’s clip, then sliding the glove off your palm and thumb. Next, apply pressure on your four fingers to create leverage and slide them out of the glove.

Therefore, you do not stretch your glove or tear the material while removing it.

Keep Two Gloves In Your Bag

Although some gloves feature moisture-wicking qualities to repel sweat, not all of them succeed. The material of a golf glove, combined with sweat, can cause it to contract, between disfigured and uncomfortable.

That is why the best way to avoid this scenario is to keep a replacement glove in your golf bag. If you find that your hands are sweating excessively, switch out the glove to maintain your grip on the club. When you swing with excess moisture on your hands, it can cause the club to slip and go flying.

Remove It Between Shots

Another way to limit the impact that sweat has on your hands is by removing the glove between shots. You have probably seen pro golfers do the same. I recommend it because it airs your hand and restricts the amount of moisture that circulates inside your glove.

For added convenience, store your glove in your back pocket between shots. Make sure that the palm of the glove sits inside your back pocket, with the fingers sticking out. That way, you do not impede the shape of the glove.

Keep in mind that despite their higher price, leather gloves are typically non-washable, as the water dehydrates the leather and shrinks it.

Keep It Clean

Before you clean your glove, check whether it can go in a washing machine or needs to be hand washed. Your gloves are bound to pick up dust particles and mud rapidly. That is why I suggest cleaning them frequently for maximum grip and comfort.

Grip Your Club Softer

Another way to increase the lifespan of your glove is to loosen your grip slightly. When you strangle the club, you put excess pressure on the material of your glove, causing it to tear around the palm region.

Take It Off For Your Short Game

Other than airing your hand, I suggest removing your glove when your wedges or putter is in hand. Not wearing a glove in your short game helps you increase the feel of the club to produce supreme control around the green.

Store It In Its Packaging

Once your round is complete, straighten out the glove to ensure the correct shape and place it back into its packaging. That protects it from becoming misconfigured or torn while resting in your golf bag.

Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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How Long Does It Typically Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf? https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-typically-take-to-play-18-holes-of-golf/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-typically-take-to-play-18-holes-of-golf/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:54:59 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-typically-take-to-play-18-holes-of-golf/
How Long Does It Typically Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf?

How long does 18 holes of golf take? That is a common question from players contemplating taking up the game. Considering it is longer than an NFL, MLB, or NHL game, some may be hesitant to commit hours to one activity.

Fortunately, in my 28 years playing the game, I have played lightning-fast rounds, while also having some painstakingly slow days.

In this post, I share all of that information with you and detail the average time of a round.


How Long Does it Typically Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf?

In a 2014 report by Golf Digest, the publication explains that the average 18-hole round of golf in the United States takes four hours and seventeen minutes. That data was gathered well before the recent boom in the game’s popularity during the pandemic.

The PGA suggests that a four-ball of golfers should complete a round of eighteen no more than 4 hours and 21 minutes after arriving on the first tee. In essence, this means that four-balls should play a golf hole every 14.5 minutes, while a three-ball is allotted 1 minute less.

The downside to this system is that it gives you the same time to play par 3s, as it does for par 4’s and 5’s. Par 5s are typically 350-yards longer than a par 3, so it makes no sense that you have the same time limit to play both holes.


Factors That Affect Your Pace of Play

Field Capacity

The greatest impact on the pace of play is how many additional players are in the field and the tee time intervals. If you are playing in a tournament with a full field you can expect to wait between shots, which will increase the duration of your rounds.

Conversely, if you fit in a round on weekdays, the field is limited, meaning you should breeze through 18-holes in a couple of hours. I highly recommend choosing a quieter day of the week to play on. Granted, not everyone has this luxury, but it helps you avoid the crowds and speed up your round.

Golf Cart Or Walk

The next factor that impacts the duration of your round is whether you walk or take a cart. A cart travels at 12 to 14 mph, approximately four times faster than a human walks without carrying anything.

Therefore, it means that you can maneuver between shots 3x faster than usual.

Players In Front

Even if the course is relatively quiet, you rely on the players in front of you to maintain their pace. If those ahead of you are slow and spend time looking for balls or dawdling between shots, it will slow you down.

Golfers who are well versed in the etiquette of our game should let you play through if they see they are slowing the field down. However, in my experience, that type of person has no regard for the rules, and you will need to politely ask them if you can play through instead.

Lost Balls

If you or those in your group are having an off day, it will increase your round times. Consistently looking for balls from wayward shots will add to the amount of time your round takes. Faster groups of players tend to possess a superior skill level and spend minimal time seeking out balls compared to beginners.

Weather Conditions

Mother nature can impact the time it takes to play 18-holes in several ways. For starters, if lightning is in the vicinity, you are forced to vacate the golf courses and seek the nearest facilities for shelter. You cannot continue until the officials deem it is safe enough to do so.

Secondly, the weather can impact your accuracy and distance, causing you to spend more time looking for golf balls and playing more shots than usual.

Halfway House

The halfway house is a necessary part of golf for amateurs to refuel after nine and regather themselves for the remaining holes. However, the comfort of a warm room, tasty bacon and egg toasted sandwich, and a cup of coffee, can quickly take your focus off golf. That causes you to overstay your welcome.

Typically speaking, you should never spend longer than ten minutes at the halfway house.


The length of a round of golf depends on the type of format you are playing. For example, match play is a shorter endeavor. If you have no reasonable chance of winning the hole, you can pick up, concede and move to the next tee.

In addition, if you play foursomes, you and your partner play alternate shots, which reduces how many shots your group needs to hit.

Conversely, if you are playing in a stroke play event, your round may take longer because every shot counts. Therefore, you may make a 12 on a hole, increasing the total time of your hole and your round.

On a side note, if there’s a shotgun start, the field tends to flow better, leading to a faster round, with less waiting and happier players.

Time Of Day

If your name is on the tee sheet at the crack of dawn, the chances are that you will skip the crowds and record a pacey round of golf. Conversely, if you only walk onto the first tee box at around midday, you are bound to run into the obstacle of stagnant play. Where possible, tee off earlier and avoid the crowds.


How Long Does 18 Holes Take for 1 Player?

Walking vs Golf Cart

Golf Magazine suggests that the average four-ball should take 3 hours and 27-minutes to complete an entire round of golf. If we divide that amount by four players, it works out to fifty-six minutes and three quarters. As you know, it would take a lot to get through 18-holes in that time frame.

Those calculations fail to account for players in front of you and a stop at halfway house.

Playing behind a slow number of players can cause you to wait two to five minutes per hole, delaying your round by an extra hour at least.

The fastest round I ever played was in 2 hours and 30 minutes, as a single player using a cart. Based on Golf Magazine’s analysis, they reckon that the average player walks 18-holes in 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Basically, if you are a one ball on a cart and have faster groups ahead of you, you can get a round of 18-holes in under three hours. However, that also depends on how much time you spend searching for lost balls and how many shots you play.

Conversely, if you decide to walk and carry your clubs, you can expect to finish a round of 18-holes in 3 to 3.5 hours.

Beginner vs Intermediate vs Advance

There are too many external factors that impact a good pace of play before debating if lower handicappers are faster than beginners. For example, scratch golfers could hit all fairways and greens and make every putt. However, if the group ahead holds them up, it adds to the total round time.

We can apply the calculation run by Golf Magazine, which found that the average golfer spends 5 minutes per round looking for lost balls. Therefore, we can assume that an advanced player will spend half or less time looking for lost balls. As a result, they may complete a round of 18 holes in approximately 2.5 hours.

Considering that intermediate and beginner golfers hit more wayward shots, their round will take 4 to 5 minutes more than an advanced player.


How Long Does 9 Holes Take for 2 Players?

Walking vs Golf Cart

My playing partner and I walk every round, and we take 1 hour and 45 minutes to get through 9 holes. When we are driving, that comes down to 1.25 to 1.5 hours.

Beginner vs Intermediate vs Advanced

Super accurate low handicappers on a course with limited hazards can make it through nine holes in an hour if they have a golf cart. However, if they are walking, 2 players can get around in 1.25 to 1.5 hours.

On a good day, beginners and intermediate golfers can get through a round of 9 holes in under 2 hours with a cart. However, if these players are walking, it can take 2.25 to 2.5 hours.


How About with 4 Players?

Walking vs Golf Carts

The average four-ball takes four hours and seventeen minutes to complete their participation in a round of golf. That is if you decide to walk rather than take a cart. However, if you wish to save time before your next shot, a golf buggy will expedite the process.

From my experience, if all 4 players are riding on a cart, you can complete a round in just under 4 holes.

Beginner vs Intermediate vs Advance

An advanced four-ball of golfers can get through a full round of golf in 3.5 to 4 hours if they have a cart. Without wheels, these players will get around in approximately 4 hours.

Intermediate and beginner golfers may take 4 hours and 20 minutes to complete a round without a cart. They can make it around in approximately four hours when operating a vehicle.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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How Long Does It Take to Play Mini Golf? (9 vs 18 Holes) https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-play-mini-golf-9-vs-18-holes/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-play-mini-golf-9-vs-18-holes/#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 19:32:39 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-play-mini-golf-9-vs-18-holes/
How Long Does It Take to Play Mini Golf? (9 vs 18 Holes)

Mini golf offers a chance for everyone to have fun. Whether you are a single-figure handicap or have never held a club, anyone can enjoy the obstacles thrown at you on a mini-golf course. Even better is that it doesn’t drag on for hours like 18-holes on a traditional golf course.

This post answers the question of how long does mini golf take. I will explain how long it takes to navigate a 9 or 18-hole course. Plus, I will address the factors that stand to impact the pace of play.


How Long a Typical Game of Mini Golf Takes

9 Holes

It takes 15 to 20-minutes to play the average 9-hole miniature golf course. Naturally, that depends on various factors that I will touch on later on in this post.

18 Holes

Compared to a short 9-hole round, you need to scratch 30 to 45-minutes out of your diary for a complete 18.


Factors That Affect The Pace of Play for Mini Golf

Number Of People

The first factor that impacts playing times is the number of people at the facility. If the course is super busy, you can expect to wait an unprecedented amount of time at each tee. Especially if the group in front are beginners.

Even reservations at peak times won’t spare you from a long day of waiting and frustration. Those with minimal patience should time their visits for off-peak periods. If you are a senior and retired, you can play on weekday mornings.

Size Of Your Group

Aside from the others on the course, the size of your group can increase the length of your round. If you are in a rush, limit the members of your party. However, if you take the whole family for a round of mini-golf, be patient and prepared to wait.

Length Of The Course

Holes of miniature golf courses are short by nature. However, I have played holes of adventure golf that exceeded 70-yards. If you are playing with non-golfers, this is a challenge to judge, and they may take more time than needed to complete the hole.

Difficulty Of The Course

Like the length of a golf course, the difficulty also determines how long you will take to complete a hole. Some players may struggle to rise to the occasion if obstacles such as a watering hole, sand trap, and windmills are present. That can increase the time frame of your round.

Another challenge for the average golfer is stairs and sloped holes, making it difficult to judge the speed. This can waste time and cause frustration.

Skill Level

The skill level of those in your party impacts the amount of time a round of mini-golf takes. Solid players who consistently card the fewest strokes will get around the course rapidly, without crowds of individuals in front. However, less gifted players will take extra time because they need to make more putts to get the ball in the hole.


The more strokes it takes to get the ball into the cup, the longer it will take to complete the entire course. Conversely, the fewer putts you require to sink the ball, the faster it will take you to navigate the course. However, if you are playing during peak hours, you will take longer than usual.


mini golf

How Long Does 9 Holes Take for 2 Players?

If you are a party of 2, you can expect to get around 9-holes of miniature golf in 15 to 20-minutes, provided the course is not packed. If you need to wait on every hole, that can quickly become 35 to 40-minutes.


How Long Does 9 Holes Take for 4 Players?

9-holes of golf on a putt-putt course can take 4 players 25 to 40-minutes to complete. I work on a rate of 20-seconds per shot, even though many players take less time than that. Therefore, if you card a 2 on a par-2, the hole should take 40-seconds to complete.

Should everyone in your group card the same score, the hole will take 2-minutes and 40-seconds to complete. Maintaining that speed will see you soar around in just under 25-minutes.

However, the reality is a different story. Not every golfer in your group may know how to handle a putter, causing them to exceed the stroke limit on a few holes. Some may even fall victim to hazards and incur a stroke penalty or two, further adding to the length of your round.

As I stated before, the total duration of a round depends on the players in front of you.


How Long Does 18 Holes Take for 2 Players?

Continuing with the 20-second shot approach, we deduce that an 18-hole round of mini-golf takes 25-minutes to 50-minutes. From previous experience, I suggest finding a quieter time to visit the course, as a 2-ball. During peak hours, it is crazy golf out there. Droves of humans may hold you up and delay proceedings.


How Long Does 18 Holes Take for 4 Players?

4 hobby golfers can navigate an 18-hole mini-golf course in 45 to 80-minutes. That depends on the skill level of your party and if they know how to navigate putting greens.

You don’t have to know how to play golf to get around a putt-putt course, but it does help. If the golfers in your group are relatively solid with the flat stick, you should fly around an 18-hole course in record time. Provided the crowds are not in attendance.

Related: Read our guide on the 8 best putting drills to enjoy greater success in mini-golf.



Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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How to Tell if Your Golf Clubs Are Too Long: 6 Dead Giveaways https://golfingagency.com/how-to-tell-if-your-golf-clubs-are-too-long-6-dead-giveaways/ https://golfingagency.com/how-to-tell-if-your-golf-clubs-are-too-long-6-dead-giveaways/#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:44:26 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-to-tell-if-your-golf-clubs-are-too-long-6-dead-giveaways/
How to Tell if Your Golf Clubs Are Too Long: 6 Dead Giveaways

In this post, I’ll teach you how to tell if your golf clubs are too long.

The goal is to help you identify this issue, and overcome it. Plus, I will coach you through how to determine the correct length clubs for your game.


The Consequences of Using Golf Clubs That Are Too Long

I recently relocated to Argentina and decided to leave my golf clubs in South Africa. I used my buddy’s clubs for my first two rounds (he’s a 6-foot 6 Dane of pure Viking heritage).

In the two rounds I used these long clubs, I surprisingly enjoyed a consistent draw. It impressed me so much that I have decided to acquire golf clubs that are 0.5-inches longer than my current standard lengths.

However, besides my positive experience, longer-length golf clubs can wreak havoc with your tempo, swing path, ball striking, and accuracy.

Golfers tend to stand further upright with longer golf clubs to account for their design. This changes your posture and prompts an out-to-in swing path along a shallow angle of attack with a driver. That increases the difficulty of control and causes heel and toe mishits.

If you look at World Long Drive Champion Kyle Berkshire’s driver, it is 48-inches long. That is 3-inches longer than a standard length. Since he swings it 152.6 mph, you would think the added length would do that for every golfer.

Sure, the increased length enhances the flexibility of the shaft, but it also increases your swing weight. Therefore, you lose speed and power at a critical point in your swing, and produce a lower smash factor, resulting in fewer yards.

Golf Magazine reports that for every inch you add to your driver, you gain 1-mph extra clubhead speed. However, if you strike the ball off the toe of the club or the heel, you will reduce your coefficient of restitution (COR) and produce slower ball speed. Therefore you lose distance.

The bottom line is that if your clubs are too long, it impacts your swing mechanics. Plus, it reduces your power through impact for a loss of distance and accuracy.


How to Tell if Your Golf Clubs Are Too Long

1. You didn’t get properly fitted

The most efficient approach to determining if your golf club’s lengths are excessive is to get fitted at your local golf shop. These professionals will set you up on a launch monitor and analyze every aspect of your swing and game, from tee to green.

In addition, they will assess the impact that length has on your ball speed, swing speed, spin rate, and tempo. The results also indicate golfers dispersion rates and highlight the ideal lofts for long irons, woods, and short irons.

Getting fitted enables you to make better-informed decisions about your equipment. It alleviates the guesswork and sets you up for an optimal swing and consistent contact.

2. Your clubs measure too long against a fitting chart

The simplest way to determine if your clubs are too upright is to pull out the tape measures for a static measurement. If you do not have a tape measure, you can always use a 1-meter or yard ruler.

Let your arms hang by your side, and get a buddy or loved one to do the wrist-to-floor measurements. Determine the length from your wrist crease to the ground, and double-check your height.

Next, head over to the Ping Fitting Chart and plug in the data to find the right length shafts. For example, I am 5-foot-8, and my wrist sits 38-inches from the floor. Therefore, the chart suggests that I use a longer shaft, 0.5-inches more than a standard length golf club.

If the standard shaft length of a driver is 45-inches, it recommends that I will excel with a 45.5-inch construction. That means that a shaft above 45.5-inches is likely too long for average height.

3. Your clubs feel heavy

A longer shaft means extra swing weight. The downside of added weight is that it can reduce your clubhead speed at impact, leading to a loss of spin and ball speed.

The added weight and taller shaft typically cause you to swing your driver outside-in and on a shallow angle of attack. This reduces your clubhead speed and control of the club leading to inconsistent strikes and a loss of ball speed and spin.

The reduced COR at impact and the subsequent loss of spin and velocity lead to a loss of distance. Slower swinging golfers subsequently achieve a low, inconsistent launch angle.

If your club feels heavy, it may also be caused by your shaft flex and weight. A stiff shaft carries additional mass over a regular or senior flex. The point is that a heavy club could be caused by a variety of factors other than length.

4. Your posture is too upright

Our posture is often dictated by the height of our golf clubs. When I have played with a shorter shaft I often hunched over like Notre Dame and caught the ball off the toe of the club. Conversely, using long clubs prompts me to address the ball in an upright position.

The length of the club makes the standard setup uncomfortable, causing you to stay more upright. Based on the position of the golf club during your swing you may struggle to bring it on plane, leading to chunked shots or catching the ball off the heel.

5. You’re standing too far away from the ball

Clubs with extended lengths can cause you to stand too far away from the ball. Although it feels natural to account for the added length, it restricts your ability to rotate your lower body and the arms completely take over.

Conversely, standing too close to the ball encourages an upright stance, bringing your arms to rest on your stomach. That creates excess tension in your wrists and lower arms, reducing your ability to swing freely, which hampers your power and ability to get the clubface on plane for impact.

6. Your lie angle is off

If your clubface aims left of your hosel and is well upright, your clubs may be slightly longer than you need. Callaway explains every ½ -inch added to an iron shaft makes the lie angle 1-degree more upright.


How to Tell if Your Golf Clubs Are Too Short

To determine if your golf clubs are too short, you follow the procedures I listed above for long clubs. However, I will run over them briefly.

1. You didn’t get properly fitted

I always recommend that amateurs get fitted for the correct equipment. For optimal performance, you should eliminate any guesswork from your game. Rather than do it yourself and struggle, hire a professional and get it right.

As a 4-year-old, I was coached by a retired Sunshine Tour Pro. Although he had no time for my clowning around, the man set me up for success on the course. The same applies to equipment – have a professional guide you.

2. Your clubs measure too short against a fitting chart

Repeat the wrists to floor measurement, to identify your perfect length. Then paste that into the Ping Fitting Chart and see what it suggests. Next, measure your current clubs and see if they are shorter than your ideal length.

3. Your posture is hunched over

This is the easiest way to self-diagnose the use of short clubs. Every time I have used these tools, I have hunched over significantly. You can see that in this video from 2021:

I played a quick 9 at the local club with my clubs from my teenage years. The result? A shocking posture.

When clubs are too short for me, I tend to bend over excessively and cast my club along a steep angle of attack. It causes an out-to-in swing path, and since I am a right-hander, my ball consistently finishes right of the pin.

Conversely, the results differed when Rick Shiels swapped clubs with the world’s tallest golfer. Paul Sturgess hit most of his shots to the left, and most golfers find this to be the cast:

The lower angle of your hands causes you to bring your club inside on your backswing and straight through. That can lead to a closed clubface at impact and hooked or drawing shot.

4. Your clubs feel too light

If your clubs are too short, they may feel super flexible and light. 7-foot 7 Paul Sturgess said it felt like he was swinging children’s clubs, referencing Shiels equipment.

Rick himself is not short, measuring 6-feet. The lighter clubs may cause you to produce increased spin and balloon your shots.


How to Figure Out The Right Length of a Golf Club for You

Club Fitting

As I mentioned, getting fitted is the most efficient method for identifying the right length clubs. The experts will help you find the perfect woods, irons, hybrids, and putter to optimize your performance on the golf course.

They may find that your current clubheads are well suited to your performance and opt for a length adjustment. In addition, they help you understand whether steel or graphite shafts are best suited to your swing speed.

Furthermore, professional fitters identify the ideal shaft flex, weight, and clubhead loft for consistent distance and accuracy.

Self Measurement

You can do it yourself should a trip to get fitted exceed your budget. Measure the distance between the floor and your wrists and double-check your height.

Once you have this data, you can use a calculator like the Ping Fitting Chart to find your suitable shaft lengths. The information provided by Ping helps you determine if your existing clubs are the correct length. If not, you know your perfect height, go out and solve the problem.

Test Shafts

The final way to figure out the right length is to test options from various club manufacturers. Try short, standard, and long clubs with stiff, regular, and senior flex shafts. Identify which clubs you strike the golf ball better with, and achieve superior distance and accuracy.

I suggest using a launch monitor for more accurate results. However, you can also use your judgment if you are confident in your ability.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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How Long Should You Wait After Regripping Golf Clubs? https://golfingagency.com/how-long-should-you-wait-after-regripping-golf-clubs/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-should-you-wait-after-regripping-golf-clubs/#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 05:25:34 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-should-you-wait-after-regripping-golf-clubs/
How Long Should You Wait After Regripping Golf Clubs?

I recently went down a rabbit hole reading questions that golfers asked about the lead time for a new grip to dry. Naturally, this is the internet, and opinions and experiences vary greatly.

So in this post, I squash the doubt and explain how long you should wait after regripping golf clubs?

In addition, I’ve provided tips to help you determine when your grips are dry and ways to accelerate the process.


How Long Before New Golf Grips Can Be Used?

It takes 2 to 24-hours on average for new golf grips to dry when using a solvent or water-based products. However, as a rule of thumb, the longer you wait, the better.

I personally have never used new grips within 24-hours of installing them. Lamkin suggests that the amount of time it takes their products to dehydrate is approximately 3-hours.

I have heard of people regripping golf clubs a couple hours before they’re heading to the golf course. That is a risky move because you require ideal temperatures and quality solvent.

Using inadequate solvent or tape can increase the drying time. Plus, applying incorrect quantities may impede the schedule.

The reality is that the time it takes depends on your approach to installing the grips. For example, using an air compressor to put your grips on results in no waiting. Therefore, you can start swinging immediately.

However, adding solvent to the grip requires an average of 3-hours before you can start playing. Conversely, using water-based products such as soapy water could take as long as 24-hours to completely dry.

Make sure that you cover the top of your shaft with tape so that no liquid enters. I have seen grips not dry at all because liquid entered the shaft. The condensation reduced the effectiveness of the tape’s glue.

The bottom line is that an air compressor removes the need for drying. Solvent dries moderately fast, while water solutions prompt a slow process.


What Can Happen If You Use Your New Golf Clubs Too Soon After Regripping

Loose Grips

In 2007 I played in the World School Golf Challenge in Christchurch, New Zealand. Before the 2nd round, a fellow competitor from Australia broke my 3-wood as he violently removed his set of clubs from the cargo trailer. Long story short, I had no 3-wood, and since my driver was erratic, I needed it.

Anyway, the Pro said he would do what he could to have a new steel shaft and grip on by the time I reached the halfway house. The day was not going my way, and it got even worse. The grip was not completely set, I took a swing, and it felt like the club would go further than any ball I had hit that day.

Needless to say, I left it in the clubhouse and used my 3-iron off every tee in 40-knot crosswinds. That was the least fun I have ever had on a golf course.

Uneven Texture

Using your golf clubs before new grips have set can lead to an uneven texture. You may find more indentation in high contact areas, which could be uncomfortable, and reduce traction over time.

Limited Control

As a result of loose, wet grips, you lose all control of your clubs. You do not possess the traction between the grip and shaft needed to optimize your swing speed and ball striking.

The club may move around during your swing, causing it to close through impact. Therefore you experience numerous hooks and a long day out on the golf course.


Playing with new grips before they are dry can impede the process and cause you to start from scratch. If you have an air compressor you can blow the grips off to re-use them. However, I suggest handing the job to the professionals if you do not have this equipment.

Without an air compressor, you will need a hook blade or utility knife to cut the grips off. Then purchase a new set. Next, get out the rubbing alcohol and remove the old grip tape.

Now, add the new tape for optimal glue. Finally, add an alternative or traditional grip solvent to prepare the shaft for the rubber.

I understand the thrill of doing it yourself, but incorrectly installing or curing grips is a costly endeavor. If you are confident that you can pull it off, go ahead. However, if you are unsure where you went wrong the first time, save yourself the time and money and hire an expert.


How to Tell When Your Clubs Are Ready To Be Used After Regripping

No Twisting

It does not take a rocket scientist to determine when grips are dry. The first step is to see if your grips twist. The first trick to tell if your clubs are ready to be used is to try to twist them.

If they are stable and do not move an inch, they have set and are ready for the links. Conversely, should they twist around aggressively, they may still be wet. In that case, give them extra time to dry.

Firm Feel

Next, run your palm up the back of the grip and ensure that it is firmly connected to the top end of the shaft.

There should be no soft points on the grip. In other words, you should not be able to press the grip in and feel a gap between the rubber and the grip tape.


Can You Dry Your New Golf Grips Faster?

How quickly your grips dry boils down to the method you use to install them. Did you use traditional grip solvents, soap detergents, or compressed air to install the grip? Let us look at which methods produce the fastest drying times.

Air Compressor

Employing compressed air to install your grip completely eradicates drying time. This is the most effective method if you have zero time to wait for grips to set. Naturally, not everyone has an air compressor lying around the house. However, if you do, then take advantage of it.

Golf Magazine suggests sourcing a uniquely constructed pressure tip from a golf equipment supplier to attach to your compressor. Place the other end of the tip into the butt end of the grip. That will inflate the rubber and allow you to slip it over the top of the new tape.

Upon extracting the pressure tip from the butt end of the grip, the rubber deflates, causing it to cling tightly to the tape. After this, the grip is ready for the course.

Solvent Based Approach

Applying solvent to the grip tape is not as rapid as an air compressor, but it is still good to go after 2 to 3-hours. Golfers use Mineral spirits, paint thinner, and lighter fluid.

I have never tried lighter fluid personally, but a bunch of members at my local have, and they praise its performance. Some report being able to swing the clubs as quickly as 30-minutes to 1-hour.

In a demonstration by Lamkin grips, they suggest using mineral spirits, which they find dries within 3-hours.

2 to 3-hours sounds like a lifetime compared to the instant gratification of the air compressor method. But, it is far quicker than the 24-hour average you need to wait when applying water-based solutions, such as dishwashing soap.


Related: Before you think about installing new rubber, I recommend reading our guide on the 7 best golf grips for sweaty hands. These options dry quickly and are built to withstand warm and rainy conditions.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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How Long Do Golf Tournaments Last in 2022? https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-tournaments-last-in-2022/ https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-tournaments-last-in-2022/#respond Sat, 29 Oct 2022 14:18:48 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/how-long-do-golf-tournaments-last-in-2022/
How Long Do Golf Tournaments Last in 2022?

The duration of a golf tournament varies depending on the format and whether it is for professionals or amateur golfers.

I have played in tournaments ranging from 9-hole team match play events to 72-hole amateur tournaments. In this post I will explain how long golf tournaments last in 2022.

The duration of a tournament depends on the format, size of the field, and the tournament profile. I will explain why your Saturday club tournament is an 18-hole Stableford competition compared to 4-day PGA tour events.


How Long Do Golf Tournaments Last?

Club Competitions

The standard Wednesday or Saturday competition at your local golf course typically lasts one afternoon or morning. However, serious events such as club champs are often played over 2 days. It is up to the club to make that decision.

State or Provincial Amateur Tournament

A state amateur tournament is generally scheduled for 3 or 4 days, giving the top amateurs a taste of the stamina required for professional golf.

National Amateur Championship

National Amateur Championships vary in length depending on the format. For example, the U.S Amateur is played over 5 days, as it combines stroke play and match play. In 2021, over 312 golfers secured tee times for the medal portion of the event. After 2 days, the field is cut to 64, who battle each other in match play for the title.

Another example dearer to me is the South African Amateur Championship. It is a pure match play tournament contested over 4 days. Naturally, this event does not attract the magnitude of players found on the tee sheet at the U.S Amateur.

Pro Am Tournament

The average Pro-Am tournament lasts for one day. These are often held on the Wednesday preceding a professional golf tournament. However, there are Pro-Am events where amateurs compete alongside professionals for 4 days.

The most famous 4-day Pro-Am events are the AT&T Pebble Beach and Alfred Dunhill Links Championship. These tournaments follow the best ball format, where you take the lowest score from your pairing on each hole.

Pro Am’s offer the average golfer a chance to test their skills against Tour Pros. Sometimes, you may get lucky and play with legends like Rory McIlroy, Jon Rahm, Dustin Johnson, or Bryson DeChambeau.

Professional Tournament

Tournaments for professional golfers usually last 4 days, excluding practice rounds and the Pro-am. This is the case at the British Open, PGA Championship, US Open, the Masters, and most regulation events.

However, there are exceptions to the rule. The WGC Dell Technologies Matchplay is contested over 5 days. Conversely, team events such as the Presidents, Solheim, and Ryder Cup last 3 days.

Although the US Open is scheduled for 4 days, it previously reserved an extra day for ties after 72-holes. The USGA changed this rule in 2018 to a 2 hole playoff. The golfer with the lowest score after 2 holes wins. If the scores remain deadlocked, they proceed to the 3rd hole for a sudden-death playoff.

The idea before 2018 was that tied players would return on day 5 for an 18-hole playoff. 3 of my compatriots successfully weathered the playoff to claim the U.S Open. Gary Player did it in 1965, and 29 years later, Ernie Els lifted the trophy. Retief Goosen added to the tally when he defeated Mark Brooks in 2001 by 2 shots.

This is exciting for fans who can never get enough of the majors, but most of us have to work on a Monday, leading to fewer viewers. The last memory we will cherish of an 18-hole U.S Open playoff is the 2008 edition at the Torrey Pines South Course.

Tiger Woods played with a torn ACL and 2 stress fractures in his left leg and still managed to beat Rocco Mediate. Although he required reconstructive surgery, it propelled the big cat to his 14th major victory, 4 shy of Jack Nicklaus’ record:


How Many Rounds Are Played in a Golf Tournament?

Club Tournaments

The majority of club tournaments consist of one round of 18-holes. However, Club Championship events could consist of two 18-hole rounds. Obviously, this assumes that the event is stroke play or Stableford. If it is match play, you may play 36 holes per day. Therefore, if the tournament is scheduled for 2-days, you could play 4 rounds of 18 holes.

State Or Provincial Amateur Tournaments

Provincial or state amateur tournaments range from 3 to 4 rounds of 18 holes if it is a strokeplay tournament. Should it function as a matchplay event, the winner may play 7 rounds of golf. Every match is 18-holes, except for the final, which is reserved for 36-holes. This counts as one round or match.

National Amateur Championship

National Amateur Championships tend to follow the same procedure as State competitions. Every round, except for the final, is contested over 18-holes, and winners of the morning match proceed to the afternoon. This repeats until the semi-finals.

The winners of the semis proceed to the 36-hole final, which counts as 1 round. Therefore, the finalists play in 7 rounds during the tournament.

Pro Am Tournament

The standard Pro-Am tournament lasts for a single round of 18 holes. The chief exceptions to this norm are the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am and the Dunhill Links Championship. Players that make the cut for Sunday will play a total of 4 rounds of 18-holes.

Professional Tournament

PGA and DP World Tour events are contested over 4 rounds of 18 holes. This is the standard, and the events run from Thursday to Sunday. However, the structure differs when there are special match play tournaments.

Participants play 36 holes a day, resulting in two 18-hole rounds. Every match is decided over 18-holes, except the final contested over 36-holes. In these events, the finalists play 9 rounds of golf. Despite being a 36-hole final, it is viewed as one round.

Team events such as the Ryder Cup are contested over 5 rounds. Days 1 and 2 see teams play a total of 4 rounds. In addition, every team member is drafted for singles matches over 18 holes.


How Long Does it Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf Alone?

As a solo golfer, you can navigate 18 holes in 2 hours. However, the setting needs to be perfect. You need to be accurate to avoid wasting time finding balls. Plus, a golf cart is recommended to reduce the time between your shots.

The final factor depends on the players in front of you. If the field is clear ahead, you can maintain a good pace of play and get the job done. All these factors aligned when I wrapped up a round in under 2 hours.

Another point to mention is the layout and length of your home golf course. If the links are short and flat, you can knock out 18-holes in 2.5 to 3-hours, even if you are walking.


Related: If you are looking to increase your golf tournament knowledge, we have more resources for you to enjoy. Start by learning when golf professionals get paid after a tournament.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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UK Long Drive Championship tees off today! https://golfingagency.com/uk-long-drive-championship-tees-off-today/ https://golfingagency.com/uk-long-drive-championship-tees-off-today/#respond Thu, 13 Oct 2022 19:27:17 +0000 https://golfingagency.com/uk-long-drive-championship-tees-off-today/
Qualifying for the finals of the UK Long Drive Championship launches at over 35 Trackman venues across the UK today (October 13).

In a change to previous years, the competition is being held entirely on indoor simulators, in conjunction with technology partner Trackman.

There will be cash prizes on offer for male and female regional winners, as well as for those that reach the national final, where competitors will go head-to-head in front of a live audience with TV cameras rolling.

Open qualifying will use the Trackman ‘Hit It!’ game, with participants buying a set of six balls to hit in a 3-minute time frame. Local qualifiers will progress to the regional finals before the best in the country go head-to-head on stage for the final.

“Long Drive is a fantastic sport which has been yearning for a new platform,” said UK Long Drive Championship CEO Martin Westney. “By bringing the sport indoors we’re allowing fans to get really close to the action and are creating an experience like no other. Through the qualifying and regional finals we’ll be ramping up the excitement and the pressure, heading into the UK Grand Final which will rival the PDC World Darts Championships for atmosphere and excitement!”

To find your nearest participating Trackman venue, visit www.ldws.golf.

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