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Breaking Down The Interlock Golf Grip & Its Benefits

Did you know that three of the greatest golfers of all time use the interlock golf grip? 

Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, and Rory McIlroy all utilize the interlocking grip and it has helped them win a combined 37 major championships. It’s hard to argue with those kinds of results!

Not sure if the interlock golf grip will work for you and your golf game? Here is a look at the interlock golf grip, why it is used, and how to use it correctly. 

This grip may not help you win a major championship, but it could be the hidden key for you to shoot lower scores.


What is an Interlock Golf Grip?

An interlock golf grip is a popular grip and it has been around for quite some time. Lots of amateur and professional golfers swear that the interlocking grip is great for making the hands act as one unit. Here’s how the grip works:

  1. Put the shaft of the golf club in both your left hand and right hand.
  2. Take your right pinky finger and lock it in between your left index finger and middle finger.
  3. Be sure to wrap your right index finger around the handle of the golf club to make sure the left thumb doesn’t slip off the handle.
  4. If you’ve performed the grip correctly, your right thumb will be pointing straight down the shaft.

interlocking grip



The Benefits of This Golf Grip

Lots of golfers use the interlocking golf grip because of the many benefits that it provides. Keep in mind though that making any type of grip change can take quite a while to get used to. Here is a shortlist of advantages that the interlock golf grip provides.

1. Makes the Hands Act As One Unit

A common problem for golfers is that their dominant hand wants to take over their entire golf swing. When this happens, the golfer’s clubhead speed is reduced, which means he’ll lose lots of yardage with his shots.

Since the interlock golf grip locks the hands together, it becomes almost impossible for one hand to dominate the golf swing. This leads to a more balanced swing that is both powerful and accurate. The two hands working together in unison make it easier for the golfer to square the clubface.

2. Keeps the Hands from Slipping

Have you ever had your hands keep flying off the golf club during your backswing? Needless to say, it is super frustrating. Slippage tends to occur when golfers use the baseball grip (AKA the 10-finger grip) since the hands are not linked together in any way.

The interlocking golf grip makes sure that the hands stay on the golf club throughout the entire golf swing. This gives the golfer peace of mind, knowing that he doesn’t have to worry about his hands slipping down the shaft.

3. Perfect for Golfers with Smaller Hands

The interlock golf grip is an excellent choice for golfers with smaller hands. Jack Nicklaus had small hands and he was adamant that the interlocking grip helped him keep a better grip on the golf club. 

Tiger Woods doesn’t necessarily have small hands, but he also uses the interlocking grip. Nicklaus was Woods’ idol when he was a kid, so that’s why he started using the interlocking grip.

4. Golfers Can Use Less Grip Pressure

Since the interlock golf grip keeps the hands together, the golfer can relax the wrists and hands a bit more than he could with other grips. Applying less grip pressure helps the golfer increase his clubhead speed, which leads to more power off the tee.

So much of playing good golf is counterintuitive. The lighter you grip the golf club, the further the golf ball will go. It may sound crazy but it’s true.


Do Most Pro Golfers Use The Interlock Golf Grip?

Though the interlock grip is considered a proper golf grip, it is not the most popular on the PGA Tour. In fact, nearly 90% of golfers on the PGA Tour use the overlap grip (aka the Vardon grip).

Most golf instructors today teach the overlap golf grip to folks who are just starting to learn the game. This could be the biggest reason why most pro golfers use the overlap grip.


Other Common Golf Grips

Overlap Golf Grip

The overlap grip was made famous by Harry Vardon, a highly successful pro golfer who won 7 major championships from 1896 to 1914. This grip is considered to be the best choice for golfers with large hands. 

Many golfers feel that the overlap golf grip gives them more power since the wrists have more freedom to explode through the golf ball at impact. Here’s how to use the overlap grip:

  1. Grip the shaft of the golf club with your left hand (for a right-handed golfer).
  2. Set your right hand on the club but set your right pinkie on top of the space between your left index finger and left middle finger
  3. This grip is similar to the interlocking grip but keep in mind that the hands are NOT locked together. The right pinkie simply laps over the middle fingers of the left hand


Ten-Finger Grip

This is also known as the baseball grip. This golf grip was the most widely used before the overlap grip burst onto the golf scene back in the late 1800s. The ten-finger golf grip is the simplest way to learn that all ten fingers rest comfortably on the club at the same time.

The 10-finger grip is a popular choice amongst kids and beginners. Some golfers feel that the 10-finger grip is the most comfortable option. This grip is rarely seen on the PGA Tour for a variety of reasons.


Strong vs Weak vs Neutral Grip

In addition to the way a golfer can align their fingers to hold the club, there are also 3 common grips that have to do with the positions of your hands:

Strong Grip

A strong golf grip is often used by golfers who are fighting a slice. With a strong grip, the golfer will be able to see three or more knuckles on his left hand while addressing the golf ball. Many golfers feel that a strong grip gives them more power and control of the clubface.

Weak Grip

A weak golf grip helps players who are struggling with a hook. With a weak grip, the golfer will see two or fewer knuckles on their left hand during their setup. PGA Tour superstars like Jordan Spieth and Jon Rahm use a weak grip.

Neutral Grip

With a neutral grip, the golfer will be able to see two or two and a half knuckles on their left hand at the address. Both Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods use a neutral grip, which works well with their interlocking grip style choice. Neutral grips are becoming more popular in the game of late. 


When to Use The Interlocking Golf Grip vs Other Grips

Here are some reasons to use the interlocking golf grip instead of either the overlap or the ten-finger grip.

  • If you are a golfer with smaller hands or don’t have much forearm strength, go with the interlock golf grip. The Vardon grip and baseball grip are decent choices but they are a better fit for golfers with large hands.
  • If your dominant hand tends to take over the golf swing (aka getting too handsy), opt for the interlocking grip since it’ll force you to use both of your hands equally.
  • If you hook the golf ball quite a bit, try using the interlocking grip since it promotes more of a power fade type of shot shape.
  • If you are using any other grip but having problems with your accuracy, give the interlocking grip a shot. It has helped lots of golfers hit the ball straighter.
  • If your hands tend to slip off the golf club, consider using an interlocking grip. The interlocking grip may limit your wrist action a tad bit, but it’ll make it much easier to keep both of your hands on the club.


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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