Fun – Golfing Agency Golf news & updates Wed, 09 Nov 2022 07:58:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fun – Golfing Agency 32 32 15 Insanely Fun Golf Drinking Games For You & Your Friends Wed, 09 Nov 2022 07:58:26 +0000
15 Insanely Fun Golf Drinking Games For You & Your Friends

Playing golf and drinking alcohol go together like peanut butter and jelly.

While the game of golf must be respected at all times, there’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks on the course with your friends. Many golfers find they shoot lower scores and have more fun after a few sips of their favorite adult beverages.

Not sure what type of drinking game to play with your buddies during your next round? We can help with that! Here are 15 insanely fun drinking games to try with your friends the next time you hit the links.


1. Your Beer Stays In Your Hand

Here’s a fun game that is easy to play, with only one rule! Each golfer must hold a beer in their hand on the course. The rule doesn’t apply when the golfer is hitting a shot.

Any time a golfer is caught without a beer in their hand, the penalty is they have to chug an entire beer. This rule can be modified if you like to where the punishment is only three-second gulps. After all, you never want to be completely wasted after only a few holes.


2. For Every Mulligan, Take a Shot of Liquor

Let’s face it, we all need to take a few mulligans on the course from time to time. This drinking game will add a little spice and hilarity to the process. Any time a golfer in the group opts to take a mulligan, they also have to take a shot of liquor or down a beer.


3. Beer Bogey

Beer bogey is one of the most popular drinking games on the golf course, and it’s been around for quite a while. We’ll show you how it works.

Each golfer in the group adds up their score after each hole. You must take a sip, shot, or gulp for every stroke over par.

So, just to clarify, that means a bogey equals one drink, and a double bogey equals two drinks! If your group is filled with lots of high handicappers, it’s probably best to go with sips instead of shots or gulps! Otherwise, those quadruple bogeys will get every person in the group wasted way too quickly!


4. Sand Trap Drinking Game

This one is simple, but it’ll add some enjoyment to those dreaded bunker shots. Each time your golf ball lands in a bunker, you must take a shot or a sip. So, you must take three drinks if it takes three attempts to get out of a bunker.


5. Closest to the Pin

Here’s a great golf drinking game for all of the par 3 holes on the course. After every golfer hits their tee shot, determine which one is closest to the pin. Every other golfer in the group has to take a shot.

You can also opt to play a different version of this game on par 3 holes. Every golfer that doesn’t wind up on the green with their tee shot has to take a drink. That’ll make folks want to dial in their iron game a little more.


6. Water Hazard Drinking Game

This one is just like the sand trap drinking game but for water hazards. Every time a golfer winds up in the water, they have to take a drink. At least the drink will help ease the pain of losing yet another golf ball!


7. The Birdie Game

Every time a player in the group makes a birdie, the rest of the group has to take a drink! If you happen to be the best golfer in your group, it’ll be fun watching your buddies get a little woozy!

If you play in a group with lots of talented golfers, you could change to the Eagle Game instead. In that case, other golfers would have to drink when someone makes an eagle.

8. The Fairway Drinking Game

Here’s another golf drinking game that is simple and fun to play with larger groups. After every golfer hits their tee shot, the ones who didn’t end up in the fairway have to take a drink.

This game makes everyone focus on hitting the ball straighter instead of farther. It’ll also increase the number of drinks for each person because even the best golfers sometimes miss the fairway.


9. Even and Odd

This golf drinking game has nothing to do with the scorecard. Before a round of golf, players randomly decide on an even or odd number. Once that is determined, each golfer will take a shot or drink a beer on every even or odd hole.

Keep in mind that this game works best with shot glasses, so keep a few in your bag in case other players don’t bring their own. If a player drinks beer instead of liquor, they must finish their beer before that hole is completed. The punishment for not finishing the beer is that they must drink two on the next hole.


 10. Lower Your Score

Here’s a creative way to make your golf game more interesting. In this drinking game, each person in the group gets to deduct one stroke for each drink they consume. Be careful, though, because the ball gets much harder to hit after a number of drinks!

11. Highest Score Drinks

This drinking game is fun to play and easy to understand. At the end of each hole, the player with the highest score has to take a shot. If a few people in the group are already buzzed after nine holes, you can switch the rules to where the one with the lowest score on each hole has to take a shot.


12. Hole-In-One

Hole-in-ones don’t happen often, but they must be celebrated when they do. If anyone in the group scores an ace, every golfer has to take a shot or shotgun a beer. Also, make a picture of the golfer with the flag stick because a hole-in-one is a monumental achievement.


13. The Chip-In Game

Knocking a chip shot into the hole from the fringe, fairway, or rough is an incredible feeling. With this drinking game, every time a player chips in, the rest of the group has to take a drink. This may give golfers some extra motivation to work on their chip shots.


14. Tee Box Drinking Game

Here’s another fun one! Make every golfer in the group play from the tips (the tee box that is farthest away from the hole). Anyone who wants to play from a tee box that is closer must finish a drink before teeing off.

Each closer set of tees means an additional drink. Want to tee off from the ladies’ tees on that long par 5 hole? You’ll need to finish three beers or shots before doing so.


15. Loser Pays

Here’s another fun game that works well on par 3 holes. After each golfer hits their tee shot, determine who is farthest away from the pin. That person has to buy the next round of drinks. This drinking game can be played on any hole, but it’s easiest on par 3s because it’s simple to see who is farthest away.


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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The Best 5-Player Golf Games for a Fun Day on The Course Mon, 07 Nov 2022 20:22:02 +0000
The Best 5-Player Golf Games for a Fun Day on The Course

Many folks assume that you can’t play any fun golf games unless you have an even number of players.

For that reason, most people will limit their golf groups to either 2 or 4 people. However, as you’ll soon discover in this article, that isn’t necessary.

A foursome may be the most common grouping on the golf course, but there are tons of fantastic games that can be played with 5 golfers. Let’s look at some of the best five-person games for your next round of golf.

After trying out a few of these fun games, you’ll find that there’s just something special about playing golf in a team format.


1. Two Carts

Here’s a fantastic golf game for 5 players, and it’s a great way to get some added exercise. As the game’s name implies, only 2 carts can be driven. This means that there are only enough seats for 4 golfers.

All 5 players will tee off on the first hole and abide by regular stroke play rules. Each golfer plays their own ball and adds up their shots. At the end of the hole, the golfer with the highest number of strokes has to walk the next hole.

This game is loads of fun because the other 4 players get to comfortably ride in the carts and crack jokes at the loser who has to walk. However, the loser can get a seat back in one of the carts on the next hole if they don’t shoot the highest net score again. This game is easy to play, and everyone will enjoy it.

2. Wolf

We wrote an in-depth piece on how to play Wolf and how much fun it can be for larger groups of golfers. Wolf is possibly the most popular golf gambling game on the planet because the stakes can be whatever the group decides. Here’s how it works:

Gather near the first tee box to decide who gets to be the wolf on the first hole. The easiest way to do this is to spin a tee until the rotation of play is established. Each player will take turns being the wolf.

The advantage of being the wolf is that you can decide whether you want to play with a teammate or as the lone wolf. If the team format is chosen, each team will play a best ball scramble after each golfer has hit their tee shots. The wolf also gets the privilege of being the first player to tee off on that hole.

After the wolf hits their tee ball, he can announce that he’s the lone wolf or wait until others hit their tee shots. However, if the wolf wants to team up with another golfer, he must announce it directly after their tee shot.

If the lone wolf wins the hole, they get 2 points instead of just one. The other 4 players get 1 point each if the lone wolf loses the hole. If the team format is chosen, each player on the winning team receives one point at the end of the hole.

Another great thing about Wolf is that there are a ton of variations, which means that golfers will never get bored with it. For example, players can agree to play for a set amount or change their bets on each hole.

3. Round Robin

Want a golf game that keeps things fresh and is never dull? Round Robin is an excellent choice for a group of 5 golfers because the matchups change every 3 or every 6 holes. This keeps one team from dominating the entire round of golf.

When playing Round Robin, the format is that a team of 3 golfers takes on the other 2. Once either 3 or 6 holes have been played, the rotation changes, and the golfers must re-pair.

Need help deciding who to re-pair with? Golfers can take turns spinning a tee (just like in Wolf). Whichever person the tee points to is your partner.

Golfers can also toss golf balls toward a target and decide the groups based on the closest golf balls. In Round Robin, each golfer should keep up with their own score and how many matches they won. The winner is whoever won the most matches at the end of the round.

4. Best Ball Scramble

This game is perfect for beginners, those with high handicaps, or a group that just wants to have a good time. The beauty of the Best Ball Scramble is that everyone is on the same team! On a side note, I might’ve given up learning how to play golf if not for this game.

In Best Ball Scramble, each golfer hits their own ball off the tee. The players will then decide which person had the best drive, and everyone will hit their second shot from that position. The rotation continues until the hole is completed.

Once the hole is finished, the team of 5 records its score. Best Ball Scramble is one of the most fun golf games out there, and it’s even more enjoyable with a few adult beverages.

5. High vs. Low

High vs. Low is usually played with a foursome, but it works well for a group of 5. In this game, the 2 golfers with the lowest handicaps team up against the 3 golfers with the highest handicaps.

The teams will follow the best ball scramble format and record their scores after each hole. Though the logic may sound a bit weird, there’s not much of an advantage for the low handicappers because the threesome is getting to hit an extra shot.

If one team beats the other pretty badly, you can switch the teams up after 9 holes have been played. The goal is to make things as fun and competitive as possible.

6. Stableford

This game is a favorite of scratch golfers or those with low handicaps. Instead of traditional stroke play, Stableford follows its own unique scoring system. An albatross is worth 5 points, eagles score you 4, birdies count as 3, pars count as 2, and a bogey gets you 1 point.

Double bogeys, or worse, don’t come with any points. A nice thing about Stableford is that it doesn’t penalize a golfer too severely after a bad hole. They simply won’t get any points for that hole.

When playing Stableford, the player with the highest score wins instead of the lowest, like in regular stroke play. Another cool thing about Stableford is that it works well for a group of 5 golfers. Golfers can decide before the round if they want to team up with a 2 vs. 3 format or play every golfer for themselves.

7. Captain’s Choice

Here’s another outstanding golf game for larger groups. Tear up a sheet of paper into 5 pieces and number each piece 1 through 5. Have each golfer draw out a number.

The rotation of the teams depends on the number you draw. Numbers 1 and 4 will face off against Numbers 2 and 3. The one who draws Number 5 is a wild card, and they must switch teams every 3 holes.

Each team will play a best-ball scramble. This is a neat feature of Captain’s Choice because the Number 5 golfer can help both teams quite a bit. Each player should keep their own scorecard to determine if the Number 5 golfer belongs to the winning or losing team.

After half the round is completed, the golfers can vote on whether they want to change up the teams or keep them the same for another 9 holes.

8. Ghost

Not a lot of golfers have heard of Ghost, and no were aren’t talking about the classic movie with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Ghost is the perfect solution for any group of golfers with an odd number. The ghost is an imaginary player who plays on the team with the least number of players.

Before you get all weirded out and think that Ghost is just an imaginary game for kid golfers, let us explain. If a group of 5 golfers wants to play a team match, they’ll split up as 3 vs. 2. The ghost will play on the team with only 2 golfers.

Here’s the dirty little secret about the ghost: he’s a scratch golfer that shoots par on every hole. That means that whichever team the ghost plays on can do no worse than par! Each team will play a best-ball scramble, record their scores, and the ghost can give handicap strokes on certain holes.

A lot of folks like Ghost because it can easily be played with match play or stroke play rules. The team who plays with the ghost can let it all hang out and take greater risks. This can lead to some incredibly good or incredibly bad shots, which will lead to lots of laughs on the golf course.


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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10 Super Fun Golf Range Games That’ll Also Improve Your Game Tue, 01 Nov 2022 16:37:45 +0000
10 Super Fun Golf Range Games That’ll Also Improve Your Game

Concentration has never been my strong point. 

When I was 6, my teachers wanted me on Ritalin, but my free-thinking parents resisted. I could not focus for long, which made the driving range a boring endeavor. However, over the years, I learned various range games. They optimized my training and made it more exciting.

Instead of aimlessly whacking golf balls, you practice with a purpose. As a result, your game is better for it, and the range becomes a place of enjoyment rather than boredom. The practice range games in this post are ideal for friendly competition and betting folk.

Before we fall into game mode, you might want to review our golf alignment stick drills to ensure you are set up correctly. There is no point in playing games if you are not executing the tasks correctly.


Long and Mid Range Games 

1. Longest Drive

This is a simple challenge where a launch monitor is a handy accessory. Determine the boundaries of your imaginary fairway, and start bombing drives. You could use the naked eye to determine the winner, but a launch monitor offers the most accurate results.

You no longer need to fork out thousands on a device. There are highly affordable options. For example, the Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor or the FlightScope Mevo.

The idea is to hit 5 drives each, and the longest yardage inside the boundary wins. Those struggling to maximize distance off the tee can find solutions in our golf driving tips guide.


2. Fastest Ball Speed

The fastest ball speed range game allows you to channel your inner Kyle Berkshire and reign supreme over your buddies. Like the longest drive drill, each player swings 5 times, and the golfer with the fastest ball speed takes the crown.

Unless your superpower is a doppler radar, you need a launch monitor to provide feedback on the numbers.


3. Fastest Clubhead Speed

This challenge also requires a launch monitor to determine the velocity of your clubhead. Everybody bombs 5 drives from the hitting bay, and the player with the quickest clubhead speed is the victor.

A driver should produce the fastest clubhead speed, but your party can use a variety of clubs. As long as you are on equal terms. For example, if one player hits a fairway wood, everyone should use the same club. Otherwise, the results will be wildly erratic and defeat the purpose of the drill.

Golfers with slower swing speeds may find that a change of equipment can slightly boost velocity. Start with these golf balls for players with slow swing speed.


4. Play The Dogleg 

Just because you are an adult, it does not mean you cannot channel your imagination. I use this drill to work on my shot shaping and boost my creativity on the golf course. I picture a dogleg hole on a link I know well and pretend that I am playing the hole.

If it is a dogleg right, I attempt to fade the ball off the tee and land it in a zone the size of the fairway on that hole. Depending on the distance of my drive, I use the relevant club for the approach shot. Obviously, I cannot putt. However, it helps you with positioning and distance control.

Learning how to play different types of shots also trains you to escape trouble. When you drive it into the trees during a round of golf, you have options at your disposal to recover and limit the damage.


5. Horse

You can play horse in a variety of forms and even switch out the letters for points. That is what my buddies and I do. The game I play is a variation of the original but offers twice the enjoyment. The only downside of this version is that a launch monitor is required for data on select challenges.

Each player hits a total of 10 shots. However, before you hit the next shot, the winner of the previous point chooses what to do. We usually include the following challenges:

  • Longest drive
  • Ball Speed
  • Clubhead Speed
  • Straight Shot
  • Biggest Draw
  • Biggest Fade Curve
  • Highest Apex
  • Closest To The Pin

The winner of each challenge gets a point, and the highest score after all the tasks are complete wins. You will need a launch monitor for these drills to avoid any debates or uncertainty among your mates.


6. Flagstick Challenge

Another elementary golf drill that does not require any technology. If your driving range contains flags, it presents the perfect opportunity to test your iron accuracy game. Pick out the various locations you wish to hit, and away you go.

Each participant hits 5 shots to get it as close to the flagstick as possible. The closest to the mark wins the round while the others receive zero points. You can offer extra points for hitting the stick, but that complicates matters.

The best approach is to pick 4-flags and hit a 4, 7, 9-iron, and pitching wedge.


Short Range Games

7. Closest To The Pin

Moving out of the hitting bay and onto the putting and chipping green. These drills lead to better golf, a lower handicap, and fewer total strokes. Closest to the pin works similar to the flagstick challenge. 

Pick 5-holes on the green, and try to get your ball closer to the cup, and claim a higher score than your opponents. Every golfer chips five balls to each hole, and the closest earns a point.

You can also use the same hole but chip from varying distances. It is irrelevant whether you use a sand or lob wedge for this drill.


8. Around The World

Around the world is a putting challenge, similar to a basketball drill I did in high school. You place ball markers around the cup, approximately 5 to 7-feet away. The participants decide on the start and end point, and you are all set.

You cannot progress to the next marker until you have successfully drained a putt in your current position. The player to successfully journey around the world first claims top honors.

Our guide to improving your putting stance could boost your performance in this challenge, helping you dominate your mates.


9. Manilla Folder Challenge 

Place a folder or piece of paper on a specific point, and attempt to get the ball to stop on the marker. Every player has 5-putts, and each time your ball stops in the zone, you claim a point. The player with the most points wins.

manila folder putting drill


10. Down The Drain 

I love this challenge, and it boosts your confidence on the putting green. Place markers down at 3, 5, 10, 20, and 30-feet intervals, and start with the closest point. This time, every player putts 1 ball. If you drain the putt, you card a birdie, and a 2 putt is a par. 3-putts are bogey, and a 4-putt is a double.

Tally up your scores, and the player with the lowest round is the champion with the flatstick.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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11 Fun Ways to Practice Your Golf Game in The Backyard Mon, 31 Oct 2022 18:17:44 +0000
11 Fun Ways to Practice Your Golf Game in The Backyard

Growing up in a rural town gave me the gift of space, which is a paradise for aspiring golfers.

My parents had an acre of property, which allowed me to explore and concoct golf challenges. Using my childhood experience, I have outlined 11 fun ways to practice your golf game in the backyard.

From simple chipping tips to hand-eye coordination and swing mechanics, you can work on every element of your game in backyard golf.


Chipping Net

This is the easiest backyard practice drill to undertake. You do not need loads of space, although it doesn’t harm. Set the net up in a central part of the yard and chip to it from different positions.

Playing from a different spot changes the scenery and the approach to your shot. It may impact the trajectory, alignment, and spin rate required to hole your shot. It also means you create your own 6 or 9 hole par 2 course. See what you card, and challenge yourself to beat the score next time out.

The goal is simple, get the ball into the net. The golf net I used when I was a kid looked like a basketball hoop with an enlarged circumference. It was nothing special but still provided a target to aim at.

Callaway has refined the design of the original to increase the challenge of the net. Their Chip-Shot Golf Chipping Net contains 3 square slots for you to aim at. See how accurate your aim and distance control is, and try to get the ball into the hole on the full.

Alternatively, you can practice your pitch shots and attempt to bounce the ball into the net. Whether you have an acre of space or a few square feet, you can work on these basic chip shots.

Those not gifted with a large backyard should consider foam golf balls. These reduce the risk of window breakages and scuffs on your ball. Should your backyard comprise concrete, you will need a hitting mat.


Floating Green

When the ball went into my pool, it resulted in a 10-minute intermission, as I needed to turn off the filter and backwash the pool to get the ball out of the pipe system. That is why I used it as an obstacle, to hit over or avoid completely.

Fortunately, floating golf balls allow you to bring the pool into play. In 2020, GM Golf built a floating putting green for $167 (see video below). It is an ideal option if your garden space is limited. They made a square frame from PVC pipes and connected them using PVC elbows.

Then, they employed ratchet traps to increase the stability of the pipes for optimal flotation. Next, the team added artificial turf and secured it to the pipes, with ratchet traps. Finally, they cut a hole in the turf to act as the cup, and they were good to go.

This drill boosts your accuracy and distance control. If you leave it short or generate excess power, your ball ends in the drink. In addition, it helps you achieve a consistent rhythm to improve your ball striking, launch angle, and spin.


Flop Shot Practice

Space is needed for this drill to avoid damaging your property or the neighbors, as I did. Since my garden was littered with fruit trees, I employed them as obstacles to practice the flop shot, one of my favorites in my repertoire.

I became fascinated with the shot when I was 4-years old. A family friend who is relatively unpopular on the PGA Tour taught it to me. I watched him send the ball to the heavens with ease and land it a few feet ahead of him.

If I could recommend one player to learn the flop shot from, it is undoubtedly Phil Mickelson. That man is a wizard with the flop.

The aim of the drill was to get the ball into the air rapidly and land it just on the other side of the tree. I also practiced this shot over my pool, pretending that the pin was a few feet from the water and I had no green to work with.

Higher handicappers and average ball-strikers may prefer a foam ball for this exercise because it can lead to wayward results. I broke several windows and roof tiles working on this drill, so approach with caution.


Golf Hitting Net

Owning a golf-hitting net (pays) affords you the chance to work on your long and mid-game from home. Set the practice net up 7 to 8-feet from your intended strike zone. I suggest acquiring a hitting mat to keep the grass intact

In addition, you should leave a foot or 2 of space behind the net to absorb the impact of your strikes. The best golf net for practice is the WhiteFang, which comes with a hitting mat incidentally.

I recommend looking at launch monitors to complete your practice. Otherwise, you hit golf balls aimlessly without knowing your shot shape or carry distance.

This technology offers detailed insight into your game to ensure that you address the issues with your swing. Therefore, you practice with a purpose and don’t just hit golf balls. An accurate launch monitor that doesn’t break the bank is the FlightScope Mevo.

Regularly improving your swing mechanics boosts your muscle memory and increases the consistency of your shots. As a result, you should hit fewer hook and slice shots, enjoying increased accuracy.


Putting Mat

The quickest way to lower your handicap is to master your putting. You don’t need to head to the driving to sharpen your flat stick skills, only a putting mat.

Obviously, it is difficult to replicate the break on an actual green. However, it allows you to work on your distance control and putting-stroke path.

Furthermore, a putting mat allows you to practice both outside and inside, in case it ever starts raining and you want to practice inside. The PUTT-A-BOUT Par Three Golf Putting Green

is easy to set up, and built in sand trap cutouts catches any missed shots.


Bunker Practice

If your kid has a sandpit, it’s time for the little one to move out. Turn it into a bunker. The house I grew up in had 3 sand pits in different corners of the property, which meant I had multiple bunkers to practice from.

You don’t need a massive construction. A few feet all around is sufficient. Position your chipping net and try to get the ball into the hole.

Having a sand trap in the backyard helps you hone your bunker play to boost your up and downs and save multiple shots. I spent hours every week hitting balls out of my self-constructed bunkers.

Those who have the gift of a beach nearby can have endless fun with bunker shots. Here is an example of a casual me practicing fried egg lies with the Atlantic Ocean at my back.


Golf Swing Tempo

You don’t need a ball or acres of space for this drill. Pull out your Orange Whip swing training aid, take it back, and swing through. Do 10-repetitions of this, then take a 30 to 45-second break and repeat the process.

This drill improves your tempo, swing plane, path, and weight transition. Plus, the added mass in the swing stick requires you to activate all the muscles in your body to maximize your power on the downswing.

Therefore, using the stick enhances every aspect of your mechanics to encourage a square clubface at impact for maximum distance and accuracy.


Golf Simulator

Nothing stops you from using your golf hitting net set up to craft a simulator. However, I suggest doing so inside, given the electronic components required to run the system.

A golf simulator allows you to play virtual rounds of golf against your buddies and other users worldwide. It also allows you to work on most aspects of your game besides putting, and provides detailed insight into your shots.

Swing speed, spin rate, club face angle, ball speed, apex, and distance are typically measured by the launch monitor in a golf simulator.

These products are not the cheapest golf equipment, but their prices have been reduced. For example, you can pick up an OptiShot 2 Golf In A Box simulator for $850. It includes everything you need, except a laptop and projector.

In essence, simulators provide a platform to practice, play virtually and entertain your friends and family.

Golfers on a budget may find my review on the 10 best golf simulators under $1000 helpful. These options enhance your home practice experience without burning a hole in your pocket.


Bouncing The Golf Ball

You may look at this as a mundane drill that achieves nothing other than breaking a personal record. However, bouncing a golf ball on the club works wonders for your hand-eye coordination and ball striking.

Whenever I was bored as a kid, the simplest activity was to see how many times I could bounce the golf ball off the club’s face without it dropping on the ground. This worked wonders for me before a round, as I would use it to warm up and get my eye in before venturing to the 1st tee.

If there was nobody else in harm’s way, I would attempt to pull off the Tiger shot, where he hits the ball into the air and takes a backswing. Like a soccer player catching the ball on the volley, the Big Cat catches the ball cleanly on the descent and sends it flying.

I found the Nike Commercial, which is of poor quality given its age. But, it is well worth seeing the talent and skill of Eldrick.

I do not suggest completing the Woods follow-through for this trick. That is asking for trouble. You could hook, slice, or catch the ball thin, sending it uncontrollably towards a fragile object.


The Lefty

Now that I live in an apartment in the bustling city of Buenos Aires, I don’t have the luxury of backyard golf training facilities. I miss training in private and having the freedom to work on your game.

One area I went crazy with in my backyard was recovery shots. If I practiced them at the range, I would look outrageous. One shot I worked on was what I term the Lefty, since I am right-handed. Left-handed golfers would call this the Righty.

You set up for a left-handed shot. In other words, your right foot is now your lead. Take the clubface and turn it so that the toe points directly at the ground. Then take a quarter swing and try to connect the ball. Naturally, you will experience numerous freshies. However, the more you practice, the easier it becomes to strike the ball cleanly.

I practice this shot to help me escape scenarios where my ball is up against a tree, wall, or fence, and I cannot execute my standard swing. If you can pull off this shot, it will get you back into play, especially if your long game is erratic like mine.


Clean Strike (chip ball off the gravel)

I have Tiger Woods to thank for this as well. In the 2003 President’s Cup at Fancourt, he played an approach shot off the cart path, and struck so cleanly to give himself a chance to get up and down for the par.

Seeing how pure he struck the ball inspired me to hone my skills. So, I purposefully began chipping off the concrete at home. I am sure my coaches and other golf pundits would be mortified, but there was a method to my madness.

I never swung full and hard. I took an easy wind up and focused on catching the ball without touching the concrete. Obviously, I miscalculated a few times. However, I became solid at catching the ball cleanly, which improved my general iron play.

I do not recommend attempting this if your ball striking abilities are lackluster because you will damage your golf clubs. But, I feel it can boost the ball striking capabilities of mid handicappers.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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10 Illegal Golf Balls That Are Too Fun Not to Try [2022] Mon, 31 Oct 2022 01:50:05 +0000
10 Illegal Golf Balls That Are Too Fun Not to Try [2022]

Did you know that there are illegal golf balls on the market?

No, we don’t mean illegal as far as the law goes. Certain types of golf balls are banned from golf tournaments because they provide an unfair advantage on the course.

These golf balls aren’t allowed in tournament play, but they are tons of fun to use when you are playing a casual round of golf or hitting balls at the range with your buddies.

In this post, we’ll go into further detail about illegal golf balls. We’ll also go over the 10 best illegal golf balls of 2022.


Why Some Golf Balls are Illegal

Golf balls are deemed illegal for official tournament play if they provide any kind of unfair advantage. The PGA Tour and USGA strive to keep a level playing field for all competitive golfers. This protects the integrity of the game of golf and gives all players a fair chance of winning.

For example, some golf balls are “self-correcting” or “anti-slice”. These types of golf balls would be a huge help to folks who struggle with accuracy off the tee.

Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to worry about losing another golf ball in the trees or water? Obviously, these types of golf balls are not legal during an official tournament.

Other illegal golf balls are designed to travel extra distances off the tee. These types of golf balls usually have extra dimples that help them cut through the air more efficiently. Extra-distance golf balls also tend to have a slightly larger core, which creates more ball speed upon impact.

Distance golf balls are illegal for tournament play because they give golfers an extra amount of yardage that they wouldn’t be able to achieve with a regulation golf ball.


How Much Further Do Illegal Golf Balls Go?

Illegal golf balls will travel further than regular golf balls. However, the difference probably isn’t as much as you might think. Most illegal golf balls will only go about 10-20 yards further than legal golf balls.

While that distance difference may sound small, it does provide a competitive advantage on the golf course. Driving the ball just a little further can help you shoot lower scores. It can also give you bragging rights amongst your friends.


The 10 Best Illegal Golf Balls You Should Try

Want to try out an illegal golf ball just for fun? We’ve compiled the 10 best options in the following list. Any of these will make the game of golf a little easier.

1. Volvik Magma Long Distance Non-Conforming Golf Balls

Top pick

Volvik Magma Long Distance Non-Conforming Golf Balls

It’s kind of funny that Volvik calls these non-conforming golf balls, which is a fancy way of saying they are illegal for official tournaments. This ball is considered illegal because of the dimple pattern, which is designed to increase aerodynamic lift. The smaller diameter also makes it illegal, since it specifically minimizes aerodynamic drag.


  • Extra distance off the tee of up to 20 yards longer than regular golf balls, which is a huge advantage for all golfers
  • Easier to get in the air than standard golf balls, which is great for golfers who struggle to achieve the ball flight that they desire
  • Ionomer cover has a 64 hardness rating, which makes it highly durable
  • Soft feel on the greens and plenty of spin, which is kind of rare for an extra distance golf ball


  • 90 compression rating could be considered too high for golfers with slower swing speeds
  • Some have said the ball is too hard and doesn’t provide much spin control around the greens or when putting


2. Polara Self-Correcting Golf Balls

Top pick

Polara Self-Correcting Golf Balls

Polara Self-Correcting Golf Balls

For the golfer whose problem is significant and persistent hooking or slicing off the tee. From the tee, point the arrow on the ball directly at your target, or line it up with the center of the fairway. From the fairway, play the ball “as it lies” or re-adjust the ball orientation so the arrow again points at your target.

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Polara has been around since the 1970s and is one of the top brands out there for what is called self-correcting golf balls. These balls have been proven to reduce hooks and slices, especially with the driver and fairway woods. Polara’s advanced technology helps take a 100-foot slice and turn it into only a 25-foot slice, which is an incredible advantage on the golf course.


  • Golfers can hit more tee shots into fairways because of the anti-slice / anti-hook technology, which is a huge benefit to folks who tend to struggle with inaccurate tee shots
  • Lower ball flight than other golf balls, which results in straighter shots and a nice advantage in windy weather
  • Lose fewer golf balls during a round, which saves you money
  • Makes the game of golf much more fun


  • Lower ball flight makes some wedge shots more difficult
  • Fairly expensive at $3.75 per golf ball


3. Bandit SB (Small Ball Technology) Golf Balls

Bandit SB Golf Balls

Bandit SB Golf Balls

High C.O.R. energy charged core for maximum golf ball velocity. Small 1.65″ diameter produces less resistance for extended flight time and increased distance.

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Besides having a cool name, the Bandit golf balls are incredibly long off the tee because of their small-ball technology. The aerodynamic dimple pattern and smaller than normal diameter give these babies even more distance off the tee. Bandit is a reputable company that has been around since the Spring of 2004.


  • One of the best long-distance balls on the market so players will enjoy longer drives off the tee
  • Has a smaller overall diameter (1.65”) than other golf balls, which helps it have less drag and more time in the air
  • Smaller diameter also makes putting much easier
  • High energy core results in more ball speed and max velocity
  • Has a decent feel for a distance golf ball


  • Some have complained that they are too hard and make a weird sound off the clubface
  • Since these balls are a little bit lighter than normal golf balls, golfers may need to use less club on shorter iron shots


4. MG Golf Balls Senior

MG Golf Balls Senior

MG Golf Balls Senior

Expect more distance. Astonishingly more. The MG Senior flies higher and longer, with a hotter feel off the face and a sound you aren’t used to hearing anymore.

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Attention all senior golfers! This could be the perfect golf ball for you to try during your next round, especially if you need a little extra distance off the tee. The MG seniors are specifically made for senior golfers with a slow swing speed. Some folks have noticed that they also hit their irons farther with these golf balls as well.


  • Great choice for seniors who drive the ball less than 250 yards off the tee
  • Really loud sound at impact is neat and may impress your playing partners
  • Provides considerably more distance on every club in the bag
  • Most golfers gain 15-20 yards extra off the tee with the MG Seniors
  • Can help you shoot lower scores and have more fun on the golf course
  • Decently priced for a distance golf ball at only $2.50 each


  • Some golfers have said that these aren’t quite as forgiving as regular golf balls


5. Bandit Maximum Distance Golf Balls

Bandit Maximum Distance Golf Balls

Bandit makes our list again with their maximum distance balls. Keep in mind though, that these golf balls don’t employ the small ball technology as the other Bandits. These may be a good choice for golfers with medium or fast swing speeds.


  • Dupont Lithium Surlyn cover holds up incredibly well, even during bad weather and mishits
  • Higher compression rating is great for golfers with moderate to fast swing speeds
  • This golf ball was used to break 5 Guinness World Records for both velocity and overall distance
  • Great blend of distance and spin control because of the aerodynamic dimple design
  • Some golfers have gained up to 25 yards of distance off the tee


  • Compression rating is over 110, which is way too high for golfers with slower swing speeds


6. SAINTNINE U-Pro Golf Balls

SAINTNINE U-Pro Golf Balls

Want a golf ball that provides lots of distance and has a cool-looking logo on it? If so, the SaintNine U-Pro golf balls may be your best bet! Each golf ball comes with a “mental mate” on it, which will help you stay relaxed and in a good mood on the course.

Saintnine has been in business for 10 years and they’ve already made their mark on the golfing industry. The company was formed by Nexen Tire, which is one of the best tire manufacturers on the planet. Nexen Tire’s engineers designed Saintnine golf balls with proprietary rubber materials, which is why they perform so well on the course.


  • Made up of two-piece construction and a Nex-Gen core that gives extra distance
  • Compression rating of 90, which is perfect for average swing speeds
  • 322 aerodynamic dimples help provide a better ball flight
  • Soft feel because of urethane cover, which is ideal for chips, pitches, and putts
  • Very nice price of only a little more than $2 per golf ball


  • Compression rating of 90 may be too high for some seniors, ladies, or younger golfers


7. Kaede Max 2 Tone Colored Distance Golf Balls

Innovative design

Kaede Max 2 Tone Colored Distance Golf Balls

Kaede is a Japanese company that has created a unique golf ball with specialty dimples and a wool coating. This is a three-piece premium golf ball, so they are a bit pricey. However, several reviewers have stated that they got tons of extra distance with these golf balls.


  • Streamline shaped dimples help this ball cut through the air with ease with less drag
  • Unique wool coating gives this ball a great feel on all types of shots
  • Two-tone colored, which means they have a sleek look and really stand out on the course
  • Large core leads to a maximum energy transfer at impact


  • Costly investment at $4.67 per golf ball
  • Only 13 total ratings so far on Amazon


8. Polara XDS Self-Correcting Golf Balls

Polara Self-Correcting Golf Balls

Since most amateur golfers struggle with inaccurate tee shots, it makes sense that the Polara brand would make our list several times. The XDS is another one of their self-correcting golf balls, but this one gives a little more distance and spin. Most golfers say that these balls reduce their slices and hooks by as much as 50%, which helps them hit more fairways and shoot lower scores.


  • Golf ball will correct itself midflight, which is a huge help off the tee for recreational golfers who struggle with wayward shots
  • Easy to use by simply pointing the arrow on the ball towards your desired target
  • Designed to have more spin, which makes full wedge shots and all chip shots much easier
  • 3-piece golf ball, which is preferred by lots of golfers when putting


  • Some golfers have said that the cover isn’t very durable


9. Polara XD Self-Correcting Golf Balls

Polara Self-Correcting Golf Balls (XD Yellow)

If you’re wanting to try out the Polara brand on the course but need a bit of a discount in price, the XD is the way to go. These are $3.33 each instead of $4.16 each like the XS. Even with the lower price, these will still reduce hooks and slices by around 50% or so.


  • Ionomer core and Polybutadiene outer shell leads to extra distance
  • Special dimple pattern turns sidespin into backspin, which leads to more accurate tee shots
  • 20% cheaper than the Polara XS model, which is nicer on the wallet
  • Perfect for recreational golfers who don’t play in official tournaments


  • Not as much distance as the Polara XDS model


10. KAEDE PRO Golf Ball 3-Piece White Colored Golf Balls

KAEDE PRO Golf Ball 3-Piece White Colored Golf Balls

Here’s a cheaper option for folks who are wanting to try the Kaede brand of golf balls. These are almost half the cost of the Kaede Max two-tone balls but they still have the specialty dimple shape and patented wool coating that the company is known for.


  • Wool coating gives this ball a great feel both off the clubface and on the greens
  • 3-piece construction leads to more spin
  • Dimple shape helps promote a higher ball flight, which will come in handy on all approach shots into the green
  • Decently priced at only $2.50 per golf ball


  • Some complaints have been made saying that this golf ball scuffs easily
  • Some golfers say these don’t fly nearly as far as the Kaede Max


Should You Use Illegal Golf Balls Regularly?

While there is nothing wrong with having fun with illegal golf balls from time to time, we do not recommend playing with them regularly. This is especially true of the self-correcting golf balls since they mask swing flaws. All this does is further reinforce whatever bad habit is causing your inaccurate shots.

Though the self-correcting golf balls will help you find the fairway more often, they won’t help you improve your swing. These types of golf balls allow you to take a wrong swing but achieve the right result.

Instead of improving your wicked slice with a special golf ball, spend the time to figure out what is causing it and make the necessary swing changes. More practice time on the driving range is what will make you a better golfer for the long haul.


Mike Noblin

Mike has been involved with sports for over 30 years. He’s been an avid golfer for more than 10 years and is obsessed with watching the Golf Channel and taking notes on a daily basis. He also holds a degree in Sports Psychology.

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100 Interesting and Fun Facts About Golf [2022 Update] Sun, 30 Oct 2022 12:59:02 +0000
100 Interesting and Fun Facts About Golf [2022 Update]

Golf is a game steeped in history and tradition. Over the last 600 years, it has evolved from pass time for Lords and Nobleman to a game played by millions of average Joe and Jane’s. This post takes a look at 100 interesting facts about golf.

I will take you on a journey through history and look at the records that currently rule our game.


Table of Contents

  • 1. Scotland Is Credited With Shaping The Modern Game Of Golf
  • 2. Musselburgh Old Links Is The Oldest Golf Course In The World
  • 3. King James II Bans Golf In 1457
  • 4. Feather Golf Balls
  • 5. Mary Queen Of Scots Is Regarded As The First Woman To Play Golf
  • 6. Mary Queen Of Scots Is Thought To Have Birthed The Idea Of Caddies
  • 7. The Highest Golf Course In The World Is The Yak Golf Course In India
  • 8. Furnace Creek Golf Club Is The World’s Lowest Golf Course Relative To Sea Level
  • 9. Birdie, Eagle, And Albatross Stem From The Saying A Bird Of A Shot
  • 10. Nullarbor Links Is The Longest Golf Course In The World
  • 11. Mission Hills, Shenzhen, China Is The World’s Largest Golf Resort
  • 12. The 3rd at Gunsan Country Club Is The Longest Hole In Golf At 1,097 yards
  • 13. Tiger Woods holds The Record For The Most Number Of Weeks At Number One, 683
  • 14. Jack Nicklaus Has Won More Majors Than Any Other Golfer In History With 18
  • 15. Sam Snead And Tiger Woods Are Tie For The Most PGA Tour Wins 82
  • 16. Seve Ballesteros Has Won The Most DP World Tour Events
  • 17. Charles Luther Sifford Was The first African American To Play On The PGA Tour
  • 18. Phil Mickelson Is Actually Right Handed
  • 19. You Have A 12500:1 Chance Of Making A Hole-In-One
  • 20. William Taylor Constructed The First Golf Ball With Dimples In 1905
  • 21. Most Expensive Golf Club
  • 22. James Hart Du Preez And Jon Thomson Are The Tallest Professional Golfers
  • 23. Tadd Fujikawa Is The Shortest Golfer To Ever Play Professionally
  • 24. The First Women’s Golf Tournament Took Place At Musselburgh Golf Club on January 1, 1811.
  • 25. Countries With The Most Golf Courses
  • 26. How Many Countries Do Not Have Golf Courses
  • 27. There are 38, 081 Golf Courses In The World
  • 28. States With The Most Golf Courses
  • 29. States With The Least Golf Courses
  • 30. Bob Cooke Sunk The Longest Putt In Professional Golf
  • 31. Harold Vardon Won The Most British Opens
  • 32. Jack Nicklaus Has The Most Masters Titles
  • 33. Four Golfers Share The Record For The Most U.S Open Wins
  • 34. Two Golfers Hold The Record For PGA Championship Wins
  • 35. Kathy Whitworth Holds The Record For The Most LPGA Tour Wins
  • 36. Patty Berg Has Won The Most LPGA Majors 15
  • 37. Tiger Woods Is The World’s Richest Golfer
  • 38. Annika Sorenstam Is The Richest Female Golfer
  • 39. Golf Equipment Market Size Is $8.5 Billion.
  • 40. 66.6 million people play golf every year
  • 41. The Highest Score In A PGA Tour Round Is +51
  • 42. The Lowest Score In A PGA Tour Round Is 58 (-12) Jim Furyk
  • 43. Young Tom Morris Is The Youngest Major Winner
  • 44. Phil Mickelson Is The Oldest Major Winner
  • 45. Youngest LPGA Major Champion
  • 46. Oldest Woman Major Winner
  • 47. Youngest LPGA Winner
  • 48. Youngest PGA Tour Winner: Charles Kocsis, 1931 Michigan Open (18 years, 6 months, 9 days)
  • 49. Matteo Manassero Is The Youngest DP World Tour Winner
  • 50. Oldest DP World Tour Winner
  • 51. Phillipe Porquier Carded The Most Strokes On One Hole In A DP World Tour Event
  • 52. Phachara Khongwatmai Is The Youngest Winner Of A Professional Tournament
  • 53. Oldest Golfer To Make The Cut In A PGA Tournament (Jay Haas, 68) Zurich Classic 2022
  • 54. Bob Charles Is The Oldest Golfer To Make The Cut In A European Tour Event
  • 55. JoAnne Carner Oldest LPGA Pro To Make The Cut (64 years, 26 days) 2004 Chick-Fil-A Charity Championship
  • 56. Guan Tianlang Is The Youngest Player To Make The Cut In A PGA Tour Event
  • 57. 2 Players Share The Record For The Most Hole-In-Ones On The PGA Tour
  • 58. Most Hole In Ones On The DP World Tour
  • 59. 3 Players Share The Record For The Lowest 9 Hole Score In DP World Tour History
  • 60. Jerry Barber Oldest Golfer To Play In A PGA Tour Event
  • 61. Jamie Spence Recorded The Lowest Final Round By A Winner On The DP World Tour
  • 62. Highest Round By A Winner On The DP World Tour
  • 63. 2 Players Share The Record For The Lowest Catch-Up In Round 4 To Win On The DP World Tour
  • 64. Tiger Woods Holds The Record For The Largest Winning Margin In A Major 15 Shots (2000 U.S. Open Tiger Woods)
  • 65. Most Consecutive Birdies In A Round On The DP World Tour
  • 66. 6 Players Share The Record For The Most Birdies In A Round At A DP World Tour Event
  • 67. Ernie Els Has The Lowest 72 Hole Score To Under Par In A European Tour Event
  • 68. 2 Players Hold The Title For The Lowest 72 Hole Total Score In A European Tour Tournament
  • 69. Corey Pavin Shot The Lowest 9 Hole Score In PGA Tour History European Tour
  • 70. Who Won The First Open Championship
  • 71. Cam Smith Recorded The Lowest 72 Hole Score Under Par In A PGA Tour Event
  • 72. Brandon Grace Carded The Lowest Round In A Men’s Major Championship
  • 73. 2 Players Hold The Record For The Most Consecutive Birdies In A PGA Tour Event
  • 74. 2 Players Share The Honor Of The Most Birdies In One PGA Tour Tournament
  • 75. 2 Players Are Tied For The Most Birdies In A Round On The PGA Tour
  • 76. Jack Nicklaus Has More Major Runner Up Finishes Than Any Other Professional
  • 77. 3 Players Have Shot The Lowest Round In A Women’s Major Championship
  • 78. Shadow Creek Has The Most Expensive Green Fees In The World
  • 79. Most Expensive Membership Fees In Golf (Sebonack Golf Club & Shanqin Bay China $1 million initiation fees)
  • 80. Kyle Berkshire Recorded The Fastest Ball Speed Ever
  • 81. Fastest Clubhead Speed Ever Recorded (Connor Powers 156 mph 2014 World Long Drive Championship)
  • 82. 300 million golf balls are lost in the USA every year
  • 83. Golf Was The First Sport Played On The Moon
  • 84. An Estimated 100,000 Golf Balls Are Retrieved From The 17th At TPC Sawgrass Every Year.
  • 85. The word caddie stems from the French Word Cadet.
  • 86. The Average Handicap of Women Golfers In The United States Is 27.7
  • 87. The Average Handicap For Men In The United States Is 14
  • 88. The Youngest Male To Record A Hole In One Was 4 Years 195 Days Old
  • 89. Youngest Female To Record A Hole In One Was 5 Years, 103 Days
  • 90. The Most Golf Balls Hit Simultaneously Is 1,873
  • 91. The Most Holes In 24 Hours Is 420
  • 92. The Most Holes Of Golf In A Week Is 2001
  • 93. The Fastest Golf Cart In The World Travels 118.76 mph
  • 94. Fastest Round Of Golf For A 4-Ball (1 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds)
  • 95. The World’s Longest Golf Club Is 20 feet, 6 inches,
  • 96. The Most Golf Courses Played In One Year Is 449
  • 97. The Most Holes Played In A Year Is 14,625
  • 98. 8 Countries Is The Most Played In 24 Hours
  • 99. Furthest Shot Caught In A Moving Vehicle (303 yards) Marcus Armitage and Paul O’Neill
  • 100. The Longest Hole-In-One In History Is 517 Yards

1. Scotland Is Credited With Shaping The Modern Game Of Golf

According to USGA Historian Maggie Lagle, the modern game of golf emerged in Scotland in the 15th Century. However, Lagle points out that games with sticks and balls can be traced back to China in the 11th Century. Sports of this nature were first recorded in Europe in the 1400s.

2. Musselburgh Old Links Is The Oldest Golf Course In The World

The Old Links at Musselburgh is recognized by the Guinness Book Of World Records as the oldest golf course. It is noted that Mary Queen Of Scots played the links in 1567.

3. King James II Bans Golf In 1457

King James II banned golf and football on March 6, 1457, to force his people to focus on archery practice. The fascination with the sport led to the upper class neglecting their duty to prepare for battle. The King utterly condemned golf and football, and free time was spent working on their toxophily.

4. Feather Golf Balls

The first golf balls consisted of feathers that were housed in a leather pouch. Even Bryson DeChambeau would struggle to optimize yardage with those bad boys.

5. Mary Queen Of Scots Is Regarded As The First Woman To Play Golf

Mary Queen of Scots was a classy dame who pioneered the game for women. Records suggest that she regularly hit the links in the 1500s, and given her status, she did it in style. Her clubs were carried by a military cadet, which some commentators suggest was the precursor to caddies.

6. Mary Queen Of Scots Is Thought To Have Birthed The Idea Of Caddies

The Queen learned how to swing a golf club while living in France. Speculation arose that during this period, a military cadet would carry her golf clubs, an idea which she took with her to Scotland. However, several scholars deny this, as the French did not play golf when Mary lived there.

7. The Highest Golf Course In The World Is The Yak Golf Course In India

The Yak Golf Club sits on an Indian Army Base in Kupup, Sikkim, India. The course is located at 13,025-feet. Tactu or Tuctu Golf Club in Peru held the previous record until it ceased operations in 1993. Tuctu sat at 14,335-feet at its lowest point.

8. Furnace Creek Golf Club Is The World’s Lowest Golf Course Relative To Sea Level

With an elevation of 214-feet below sea level, Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, California, is the world’s lowest golf course.

9. Birdie, Eagle, And Albatross Stem From The Saying A Bird Of A Shot

In his book, Fifty Years Of American Golf H.B. Martin revealed that when a golfer struck a ball well, their playing partners would say “what a bird of a shot.” Back then, there were no specific terms linked to -1 or -2 under par. However, over time, a birdie was assigned to a score of -1 on a hole.

One theory suggests that players called -2 an eagle because it is bigger than other birds. However, it could have to do with the rarity of the bird. These terms arose in Atlantic City in the 1900s. At the time, the bald eagle populations plummeted. Maybe, the rarity of sightings was an adequate way to describe -2 on a hole.

10. Nullarbor Links Is The Longest Golf Course In The World

The Nullarbor Links in Southern Australia is regarded as the world’s longest golf course. This 848-mile, par 72 golf course consists of a unique design. 18 towns along the Eyre Highway. Each town contains a hole, requiring you to drive between them.


It is advisable to set aside 4 days to complete the golf course. However, speedy players have reported finishing in 3-days.

11. Mission Hills, Shenzhen, China Is The World’s Largest Golf Resort

With 12-golf courses on-site, the facility in Shenzhen is the largest golf resort in the world. It overtook the previous leader, Pinehurst, in 2004.

12. The 3rd at Gunsan Country Club Is The Longest Hole In Golf At 1,097 yards

The honor of the longest hole in golf goes to the 3rd at Gunsan Country Club in North Jeolla, South Korea. The golf resort itself is impressive, with four 18-hole courses and a 9-hole links. The longest hole features on the 3rd at the Country Club, measuring 1,097-yards.

Fortunately, they make it fun for us mere mortals, increasing it to a par 7 hole. That means that getting it in 5-shots counts as green in regulation.

13. Tiger Woods holds The Record For The Most Number Of Weeks At Number One, 683

On June 15, 1997, Eldrick Woods soared to the number spot on the official golf rankings. He would rule the world for an unfathomable 683-weeks. He was only challenged by Rory McIlroy and Luke Donald during this time.

14. Jack Nicklaus Has Won More Majors Than Any Other Golfer In History With 18

Jack “The Golden Bear” Nicklaus leads the way with the most major victories of any professional male golfer. Between 1957 and 1998, Nicklaus played in 154 consecutive majors claiming a record-breaking 18-titles. He leads his closest challenger Tiger Woods, who is on 15.

15. Sam Snead And Tiger Woods Are Tie For The Most PGA Tour Wins 82

Legends Tiger Woods and Sam Snead are tied for the most PGA Tournament titles. The pair have lifted 82 trophies each. Woods still has a chance to break this record outright, which will be challenging to beat.

16. Seve Ballesteros Has Won The Most DP World Tour Events

The late, great Seve Ballesteros holds the honor of the most European or DP World Tour victories. The Spaniard notched up 50 titles in his career on Tour, including 4 major titles.

17. Charles Luther Sifford Was The first African American To Play On The PGA Tour

Sifford qualified for the 1961 edition of the PGA circuit, making him the first Africa-American to play full time on the Tour. He won 2 titles during his career on the PGA.

18. Phil Mickelson Is Actually Right Handed

Despite his nickname, Lefty, Phil Mickelson is actually right-handed. He does everything right-handed except for swinging a golf club. Mickelson explains that he grew up modeling his swing off of his left-handed father. One thing led to another, and it was not long before he was a fully-fledged lefty.

19. You Have A 12500:1 Chance Of Making A Hole-In-One

According to Hole-in-one Insurance, amateurs stand a minimal chance of carding the elusive ace. Those odds are 12,500 to 1. Although the odds are better for professionals, they are still stacked against the best players. It is suggested that they stand a 2,500 to 1 chance of an eagle on a par 3.

20. William Taylor Constructed The First Golf Ball With Dimples In 1905

In 1905 William Taylor registered the first patent for dimple golf balls. Before that, golf balls consisted of a 1-piece rubber core. This design created drag and instability in flight, leading to limited distance and control. Golfers found that the more cuts the golf ball endured, the better the flight became.

This prompted Taylor to craft golf balls with dimples, a design still present on a regulation golf ball today. The dimples reduced drag and generated turbulence around the ball. As a result, the air grasped the ball tightly and produced increased carry distance and stability compared to the 1-piece core.

21. Most Expensive Golf Club

Andrew Dickson putter is the most expensive golf club ever sold. The club is one of the few remaining sticks crafted in the 1700s. Golfweek reported that the putter sold for a whopping $181,000. The putter itself fetched $151,000. But, after Sotheby’s estimated 20% commission, the total shot up to $181,000.

Now that you know about costly golf clubs read our post on the most expensive golf balls that money can buy.

22. James Hart Du Preez And Jon Thomson Are The Tallest Professional Golfers

My compatriot James Hart Du Preez and Jon Thomson stand at 6’9. As a rugby fan, I am sad to see Du Preez’s size go to waste for the Springboks. However, both these gentlemen are a win for golf.

Some commentators have suggested Du Preez is 6’10”. However, he says he is 6’9. In any case, it is irrelevant. The man averages 350-yards with a driver. That is 26.5-yards farther than this season’s PGA Tour leader, Cameron Champ.

23. Tadd Fujikawa Is The Shortest Golfer To Ever Play Professionally

Hawaiian-born Tadd Fujikawa is the shortest golfer to ever grace the fairways of the PGA Tour. Fujikawa also holds the honor of being the youngest golfer to qualify for the US Open. He achieved the feat in 2006 when he earned himself a spot on the tee sheet at Winged Foot.

24. The First Women’s Golf Tournament Took Place At Musselburgh Golf Club on January 1, 1811.

Although Mary Queen Of Scots played golf in the 1500s, the game was not open to the average female golfer until 1811. On New Year’s Day of that year, the first recorded women’s tournament took place at the Musselburgh Golf Club. The golf club explains that the wives in the town played for the coveted prize of a cree and skull.

25. Countries With The Most Golf Courses

It may not surprise you that the United States of America has more golf courses than any country. The National Golf Foundation reports that there are over 16,000 layouts across the states. That represents 42% of the global total.

26. How Many Countries Do Not Have Golf Courses

37 Countries do not have golf courses. These include nations like Eritrea, Guayana, Somalia, Tajikistan, and Montenegro. However, the Montenegrins are currently working on their first links.

27. There are 38, 081 Golf Courses In The World

According to the R&A, there are 38,081 golf courses in 208 countries.

28. States With The Most Golf Courses

Florida has more golf courses than any other State. Sunshine Country is littered with 1,250 golf courses. From Key West up to Jacksonville, there is a tee time waiting for you in Florida.

29. States With The Least Golf Courses

Alaska has the least number of golf courses in the United States, with only 22. It is arguably one of the most beautiful places I have visited. However, the conditions are often unfavorable to chase a dimpled ball around.

30. Bob Cooke Sunk The Longest Putt In Professional Golf

Bob Cooke drained a 140.23¼-inch putt during a Pro-Am at St Andrews in 1976. The heroics helped him achieve the longest putt in professional golf history.

31. Harold Vardon Won The Most British Opens

Vardon holds the honor of 6 Open Championships. 3 of his wins occurred over 4 years. He is also credited with creating the overlap grip, which most golfers use today.

Read more about grips in our guide on golf grip pressure points.

32. Jack Nicklaus Has The Most Masters Titles

Included in his 18 major victories are 6 Masters’s titles. The Golden Bear conquered Augusta National on 6 occasions to don the green jacket.

33. Four Golfers Share The Record For The Most U.S Open Wins

Jack Nicklaus finds himself in the record books again with 4 U.S Open titles to his name. However, on this occasion he has to share the spoils with Ben Hogan, Bobby Jones, and Willie Anderson.

34. Two Golfers Hold The Record For PGA Championship Wins

Jack Nicklaus and Walter Hagen share the record for the most PGA Championship titles. Both players notched up 5 in their careers.

35. Kathy Whitworth Holds The Record For The Most LPGA Tour Wins

According to the LPGA Tour, Kathy Whitworth holds the honor of the most LPGA Tour wins. She notched up 88 in her career, 6 more than Mickey Wright, her closest challenger.

36. Patty Berg Has Won The Most LPGA Majors 15

The Minnesota native bagged a record 15 Major titles in her career. This included 7 Title Holders Championships and Western Open trophies. The Women’s PGA Championship is the only major which she did not win.

37. Tiger Woods Is The World’s Richest Golfer

According to Yahoo Sports, Woods has pulled in $1.7 Billion since he turned pro in 1996.

38. Annika Sorenstam Is The Richest Female Golfer

The Swede has generated $22,577,025 in career earnings thanks to 72 Tour victories and 207 top-ten finishes.

39. Golf Equipment Market Size Is $8.5 Billion.

Yahoo Finance reported that the global golf equipment market totaled $8.5 billion in 2020. This includes golf clubs, balls, bags, accessories, and apparel.

40. 66.6 million people play golf every year

At the end of 2021, the R&A found that 66.6 million individuals played golf annually.

41. The Highest Score In A PGA Tour Round Is +51

Mike Reasor holds the unfortunate tag of the highest score in a PGA Tour event. The evening before the 3rd round of the 1974 Tallahassee Open, Reasor was thrown from a horse. He sustained damage to the ligaments in his left shoulder.

He needed to finish the tournament to retain his exemption for the upcoming Byron Nelson Golf Classic. As a result, he proceeded to play swinging a 5-iron one-handed the whole round. After the longest day of his professional career, he carded 123 for a score of +51. He soldiered on and finished the tournament, shooting a +42, 114 in the final round. After 72 holes, his total was 93 over par.

42. The Lowest Score In A PGA Tour Round Is 58 (-12) Jim Furyk

Jim Furyk may have an awkward swing, but it didn’t stop him from winning a Major and forging a successful career. He also holds the record for the lowest 18-hole score in a PGA Tour event. In the final round of the 2016 Travelers, he shot 58.

43. Young Tom Morris Is The Youngest Major Winner

The son of legendary Old Tom Morris, claimed The 1868 Open Championship when he was 17 years, 5 months, and 8 days. This made him the youngest major winner in history, an achievement yet to be broken 154-years on.

44. Phil Mickelson Is The Oldest Major Winner

When Phil Mickelson captured the 2021 PGA Championship, he became the oldest professional to win a major. Leftie was 50 years and 11 months old when he achieved the unthinkable. The previous record was held by Julius Boros. He won the same tournament in 1968 at 48-years old.

45. Youngest LPGA Major Champion

Lydia Ko became the youngest golfer to win an LPGA major title when she claimed a 6-shot victory in the 2015 Evian Championship. She was 18 years, 4 months, and 20 days old when she managed the achievement.

Her performance in 2015 also saw her become the youngest female or male golfer to reach number one in the world.

46. Oldest Woman Major Winner

Fay Crocker was 45 years, 7 months, and 11 days old when she won the 1960 Titleholders Championship. The victory earned her the title of the oldest woman to win a major.

47. Youngest LPGA Winner

The New Zealander shows up in the record books again. Lydia was 15 when she won the 2012 Canadian Open. That saw her become the youngest winner of an LPGA Tour event.

48. Youngest PGA Tour Winner: Charles Kocsis, 1931 Michigan Open (18 years, 6 months, 9 days)

Charles Kocsis was 18 years and 6 months old when he teed off in the 1931 Michigan Open. The teenager held his nerve to lift the trophy and become the youngest player to win a PGA Tour event. 91-years later, and this record shows no signs of being broken.

49. Matteo Manassero Is The Youngest DP World Tour Winner

The 2010 Castello Master would etch itself into the memories of golf fans as a 17-year-old Italian soared to victory. Matteo Manassero became the youngest golfer to win on the DP World Tour, previously the European Tour.

50. Oldest DP World Tour Winner

The ponytailed, cigar-smoking Spaniard cemented his place in history when he won the 2014 Open de Espana.

He was 50 years and 133 days old at the time, making him the oldest winner on the DP World Tour.

51. Phillipe Porquier Carded The Most Strokes On One Hole In A DP World Tour Event

This is a title nobody wishes on their worst enemy. Phillipe Porquier carded the most shots on a single hole in the Tour’s history. At the 1978 French Open, the local 20-strokes on a single hole.

52. Phachara Khongwatmai Is The Youngest Winner Of A Professional Tournament

Phachara Khongwatmai won his first professional tournament 2 months after celebrating his 14th birthday. The Thai national bagged the Sing Hua Hin Open and became the youngest golfer to win a professional competition.

53. Oldest Golfer To Make The Cut In A PGA Tournament (Jay Haas, 68) Zurich Classic 2022

Jay Haas is the oldest golfer to make the cut in a PGA Tour event. At the 2022 Zurich Classic, Jay teamed up with his son Bill. The pair worked to make it to the weekend, doing so successfully. As a result, Jay beat the record previously held by Sam Snead.

54. Bob Charles Is The Oldest Golfer To Make The Cut In A European Tour Event

When he was 71 years and 261 days old, Kiwi Bob Charles stepped onto the tee at the 2008 Michael Hill Open. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Bob proceeded to make the cut and became the oldest man to do so in a European event .

55. JoAnne Carner Oldest LPGA Pro To Make The Cut (64 years, 26 days) 2004 Chick-Fil-A Charity Championship

JoAnne Carner was 64 years and 26 days old when she made it to the weekend in the 2004 Chick-Fil-A Charity Championship. This meant that she was the eldest LPGA pro to make the cut.

56. Guan Tianlang Is The Youngest Player To Make The Cut In A PGA Tour Event

Chinese born Guan Tianlang beat the record of Bob Panasik at the 2013 Masters. He finished 36-holes on +4 to make the cut. He was 14 years, 5 months and 8 days old when he achieved the feat.

57. 2 Players Share The Record For The Most Hole-In-Ones On The PGA Tour

Robert Allenby and Hal Sutton share the honor of the most hole-in-ones on the PGA Tour. Both golfers snatched 10 aces in their careers.

58. Most Hole In Ones On The DP World Tour

Another record for the Spaniard. Jimenez has holed 10 aces in his career on the European Tour.

59. 3 Players Share The Record For The Lowest 9 Hole Score In DP World Tour History

Jose Maria Cañizares, Joakim Haeggman and Simon Khan have all carded a -9 under par 27. This is the lowest score recorded over 9-holes on the Tour.

60. Jerry Barber Oldest Golfer To Play In A PGA Tour Event

Jerry Barber is the oldest golfer to play in a PGA Tour event. He was 77 years and 10 months old when he teed off in the 1994 Buick Invitational. Sadly, Barber passed months after this tremendous achievement.

61. Jamie Spence Recorded The Lowest Final Round By A Winner On The DP World Tour

Jamie Spence carded a -12 under par 60 in the 1992 European Masters to claim the lowest final round in the tour’s history. He came from 10-shots behind at the start of the final round, to run away with the silverware.

62. Highest Round By A Winner On The DP World Tour

Another one of my compatriots in the record books. I have met Mr. Hayes on several occasions, and nothing can keep his larger-than-life character down. In the 1978 Italian Open, he shot +7 (79) and still came back to win the tournament. This is the highest round by a winner on the European Tour.

63. 2 Players Share The Record For The Lowest Catch-Up In Round 4 To Win On The DP World Tour

Jamie Spence and Paul Lawrie are the guilty parties, with both clawing back by 10 shots to record victories. Spence did it in the 1992 European Masters, while Paul Lawrie came back to win the 1999 Open Championship.

64. Tiger Woods Holds The Record For The Largest Winning Margin In A Major 15 Shots (2000 U.S. Open Tiger Woods)

The great Eldrick Tont Woods holds the honor of the widest winning margin in a Major tournament. In the 2000 U.S Open at Pebble Beach, Woods surged to a 15-shot victory over the field. This bettered the previous record of 13 shots held by Old Tom Morris after the 1862 Open Championship.

65. Most Consecutive Birdies In A Round On The DP World Tour

Austrian Bernd Wiesberger racked up 9 birdies in one round during the 2017 Maybank Championship. However, because preferred lies were allowed, the record is not considered official. As a result, the 10 players who have recorded 8 birdies in a round share the title.

Names among this group include Seve Ballesteros, Darren Clarke, Ian Woosnam, Mark O’Meara, and Tony Johnstone.

66. 6 Players Share The Record For The Most Birdies In A Round At A DP World Tour Event

Ernie Els, Fred Couples, Darren Clarke, Jeppe Huldahl, Raphaël Jacquelin and Russell Claydon all share the honor. These players have recorded 12 birdies in a single round.

67. Ernie Els Has The Lowest 72 Hole Score To Under Par In A European Tour Event

One of my childhood icons, Ernie Els, finished on -29 after 72 holes in the 2003 Johnnie Walker Classic. Although it is the most under par in a DP World Tour event, it is not the lowest total score.

68. 2 Players Hold The Title For The Lowest 72 Hole Total Score In A European Tour Tournament

Thaworn Wirachant and Garrick Higgo are tied for the lowest 72-hole total in the tour’s history. Wirachant finished on 255 in the Indonesian Open in 2005, while my countryman Higgo returned the same score in the 2021 Gran Canaria Open.

69. Corey Pavin Shot The Lowest 9 Hole Score In PGA Tour History European Tour

Corey Pavin blitzed the front nine in the opening round of the 2006 U.S Bank Championship He carded a 26, the lowest 9-hole score in PGA Tour history. Given that he was 8 under par at the turn, the front 9 must have been a par 34.

70. Who Won The First Open Championship

Willie Park Senior holds the esteemed honor of winning the inaugural Open Championship. The first edition of golf’s oldest major was hosted in 1860, and Park Senior proceeded to win the tournament on three further occasions.

71. Cam Smith Recorded The Lowest 72 Hole Score Under Par In A PGA Tour Event

The human ferret Cam Smith pulled off an incredible victory at the 2022 Tournament of Champions, finishing on -34. The Australian recorded the best 72-hole score in PGA tournament history but had to work for the trophy. Despite his score, he only won by 1-shot over Spaniard Jon Rahm.

72. Brandon Grace Carded The Lowest Round In A Men’s Major Championship

South Africa isn’t half bad at producing quality golfers. Brandon Grace displayed that in 2017 when he broke the record for the lowest round in a major. The South African finished with an -8, 62 in that year’s edition of the Open Championship.

73. 2 Players Hold The Record For The Most Consecutive Birdies In A PGA Tour Event

Mark Calcavecchia and Kevin Chappel have both returned 9 consecutive birdies in a round. Calc did it back in 09 at the Canadian Open, and Chappel managed it in 2019 at the Military Tribute at The Greenbrier.

74. 2 Players Share The Honor Of The Most Birdies In One PGA Tour Tournament

You can’t keep Calc out of the record books, but he shares the spotlight once more. He and Paul Gow hold the esteemed honor of carding 32 birdies in a single tournament, the most in any PGA Tour event. Mark’s perfect weekend came at the 2001 Phoenix Open. Gow managed the feat in the same year at the B.C Open.

75. 2 Players Are Tied For The Most Birdies In A Round On The PGA Tour

Staying on the topic of birdies. Adam Hadwin and Chip Beck are tied for the most 1 under par holes in a round. 13, to be precise. Chip Beck enjoyed this success back in 1991 at the Las Vegas International. Hadwin’s glory round was more recent. He managed the feat at the CareerBuilder Challenge in 2017.

76. Jack Nicklaus Has More Major Runner Up Finishes Than Any Other Professional

Nicklaus has not only won more majors than anyone, but he has also finished runner the most times. He has a total of 19 runner-up finishes in Majors.

77. 3 Players Have Shot The Lowest Round In A Women’s Major Championship

61 (-10) is the lowest score in a women’s major championship. It has been achieved on 3 occasions, all at the Evian Championship. Kim Hyo-Joo was the first to do it in 2014, and she was followed by Lee Jeong-eun and Leona Maguire in 2021.

78. Shadow Creek Has The Most Expensive Green Fees In The World

Shadow Creek is the most expensive of all the 18-hole courses on earth. A single round costs you $1000, but flashing the Black Amex won’t get you in. You can only gain access to the property if you stay in an MGM property in the City.

79. Most Expensive Membership Fees In Golf (Sebonack Golf Club & Shanqin Bay China $1 million initiation fees)

Private clubs give little away. However, it is suggested that the most expensive membership fees are found at Sebonack and Shanqin Bay Golf Club. Both clubs require initiation fees over $1 million.

80. Kyle Berkshire Recorded The Fastest Ball Speed Ever

The World Long Drive Champion recorded a ball speed of 233.4 mph in an indoor setting. You can watch it for yourself.

81. Fastest Clubhead Speed Ever Recorded (Connor Powers 156 mph 2014 World Long Drive Championship)

The team at Trackman explains that the fastest clubhead speed recorded in an official setting is 156 mph. This was achieved by Connor Powers in the 2014 World Long Drive Championship. However, Kyle Berkshire’s website suggests that Ryan Winther has recorded a top clubhead speed of 167.1 mph.

82. 300 million golf balls are lost in the USA every year

The Danish Golf Union suggests that approximately 300 million golf balls are lost in the United States annually. Some golf balls are collected by recyclers or golfers passing by. However, many go unfound and can take hundreds of years to decompose.

83. Golf Was The First Sport Played On The Moon

Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard decided to take his golf clubs on business. Except, there were no golf courses where he was going. Shepard lined up a 6-iron and freshied his first shot.

Introducing a new sport to foreign lands is daunting, and his nerves got the better of him. Fortunately, he connected the 2nd shot and sent it flying. Shepard claims it traveled for miles, but all my friends say that about their drives when playing solo. Thanks to Shepard, golf became the first sport to be played on the moon.

84. An Estimated 100,000 Golf Balls Are Retrieved From The 17th At TPC Sawgrass Every Year.

The 17th at TPC Sawgrass is an iconic par 3 with an island green. Every year during The Players Championship, it shows us mere mortals that the pros are also human. The water hazard protecting the green collects approximately 100,000 golf balls annually. Those balls are then retrieved.

85. The word caddie stems from the French Word Cadet.

The Scots adapted several words from the French, and cadet was no different. The name referred to a young boy. In 18th Century Scotland, the term caddie began to take shape. Elitist individuals would have a young man follow them around town to assist with carrying goods. A caddie was practically an errand boy.

They would carry anything from groceries to mail and golf clubs. However, the term caddie did not specifically refer to the carrying of golf clubs until 1857.

86. The Average Handicap of Women Golfers In The United States Is 27.7

The USGA surveyed the handicaps of over 500,000 female golfers in the United States. Based on their research, they noted that the average handicap of women golfers is 27.7.

87. The Average Handicap For Men In The United States Is 14

While studying the handicaps of women, the USGA looked at the handicap of the average male golfer. They determined that 14 was a par handicap for males in the United States.

88. The Youngest Male To Record A Hole In One Was 4 Years 195 Days Old

This is a murky topic as the rules do not recognize hole-in-ones on shorter courses. Therefore some youngsters are excluded from recognition. Anyway, Christian Carpenter was 4 years and 195 days old when he became the youngest to record a hole-in-one.

89. Youngest Female To Record A Hole In One Was 5 Years, 103 Days

Soona Lee Tolley became the youngest female to card an ace. She was 5 years and 103 days old when she bagged a hole-in-one at Manhattan Woods Golf Club.

90. The Most Golf Balls Hit Simultaneously Is 1,873

In a bid to host the 2016 Olympics, the Madrid Organizing Committee arranged for 1,873 golfers to hit their shots simultaneously. This was to support the inclusion of golf as a sport in the 2016 Olympics. Madrid lost the bid, but golf was included and showcased in Rio de Janeiro.

91. The Most Holes In 24 Hours Is 420

I still can’t wrap my head around the math of this. However, Eric Byrnes played 420 holes in 24

hours. The madness took place at Half Moon Bay in California.

92. The Most Holes Of Golf In A Week Is 2001

More madness related to golfers playing unhealthy amounts of holes. In 2021, the crazy Australian Mick McLoughlin played 2001 holes in 7 days. That’s an average of 286-holes a day.

93. The Fastest Golf Cart In The World Travels 118.76 mph

Plum Quick Motors developed the fastest golf cart on the planet. It clocks in at 118.76 mph. It won’t be street legal anytime soon, but it is impressive.

94. Fastest Round Of Golf For A 4-Ball (1 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds)

In 2017, 4 Kiwis from the immaculate town of Rotorua attempted to set the record for the fastest round of golf. Matthew Dalton, Steve Hollaway, Michael Ryan, and Landyn Edwards finished 18 in 48 minutes and 56-seconds

95. The World’s Longest Golf Club Is 20 feet, 6 inches,

This is absolutely silly, but credit to Michael Furrh for his work. Furrh designed a 20-foot, 6-inch driver that he managed to hit 63-yards. His work paid off as the big stick holds the title of the world’s longest golf club.

96. The Most Golf Courses Played In One Year Is 449

I am glad that some people have the time and resources to book off for a year to play golf. Cathie and Jonathan Weaver are 2 of those individuals. Between 2008 and 2009, the couple conquered 449 golf courses. That is an average of 8.6 per week.

97. The Most Holes Played In A Year Is 14,625

Chris Adam did not have the adventurous spirit of Cathie and Jonathan Weaver. He decided to set records in one place. He played 14,625 holes at the King Kamehameha Golf Club in Wailuku.

98. 8 Countries Is The Most Played In 24 Hours

Kasper De Wulf and Alexander Hautekiet from Belgium managed to play in 8 different countries over 24 hours. They began their journey at Tarvisio Golf and Country before journeying to Slovenia, France, Austria, and Luxembourg. They capped off their mission with a round at Damme Golf and Country Club.

Given the travel time, it is doubtful that they played more than a couple of holes at each, but it is still an epic accomplishment.

99. Furthest Shot Caught In A Moving Vehicle (303 yards) Marcus Armitage and Paul O’Neill

In 2021, DP World Tour Pro Marcus Armitage teamed up with British racing driver Paul O’Neill to set this record. O’Neill drove the car, and Armitage bombed a driver 303 yards to land it into the moving vehicle. As the video shows, it took him more than a couple of attempts to judge the distance.

100. The Longest Hole-In-One In History Is 517 Yards

Mike Crean achieved the unthinkable in 2002. The 4-handicapper tore a driver on the par 5 9th at Green Valley Ranch. While he was assisted by altitude, you cannot help but applaud the feat. It remains the longest recorded hole-in-one.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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11 Often Overlooked Reasons Why Golf is Actually Fun Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:53:47 +0000
11 Often Overlooked Reasons Why Golf is Actually Fun

My non-golfing buddies have often mocked me for playing what they consider a seniors’ game.

They think golf is boring and a terrible way to spend half of your daylight. However, the game is challenging, carries various forms, and can be played deep into old age. To disprove the haters, I have compiled 11 little-known reasons why golf is actually fun.

This list explains why golf is a rewarding game that challenges everyone who attempts to play it. Plus, I mention why major golf provides entertainment and intensity that few sports events can replicate.


1. It’s Rewarding

Although golf can frustrate amateurs and professional golfers, it also ranks high among rewarding sports. That is because it requires consistent practice, patience, and all-around performance from tee to green.

Golf can deliver rewards in various forms. On bogey days, a welcome par or a good shot stops you from feeling sorry for yourself and brings joy. Better rewards include your first par, birdie, or eagle.

However, nothing beats breaking a barrier for the first time. For example, you break 100 for the first time by shooting a 99. After that, your next goal is to break 90 and then 80. If you are good enough, breaking 70 should be a goal.

These are long-term goals. They are most fulfilling to a golfer, besides a hole-in-one. Considering the odds of carding an ace, we will sidestep that topic for now.


2. You Get to Be Out In Nature

Getting out into nature is vital for clearing your head and disconnecting from the noises that distract our daily lives. It is a chance for us to relax and think about nothing other than the beautiful day and how to approach your next shot.


3. The Game of Golf Is a Marathon

Golf is a marathon. What I mean by that is that it requires constant practice and improvement. You do not strike a ball like Tiger Woods after a couple of coaching sessions. There is always something to improve to lower your total strokes and hit more consistent golf shots.

Handicaps help us determine our overall progress, but they do not indicate the individual elements of our game. However, the end goal of any golfer is to lower their handicap to a target number. Ideally, you will aim to play off a scratch, but realistically, that is a pipe dream for most amateurs.

Furthermore, there is no time limit to achieving your goal, take all the time you need. You determine how quickly you want to improve. Those hoping to fast-track the process should prepare for an intensive schedule of lessons, practice, and playing.

The reason that practice, patience, and perseverance make golf fun boils down to the rewarding feeling when the mission is accomplished.


4. The Handicapping System Evens The Playing Field

A handicap reflects the average number of strokes you finish over par every round. For example, golfers who shoot 86 on average on a par 72 course are roughly a 14-handicap. Conversely, golfers who consistently card 72 on the same course are scratch handicaps.

The importance of handicaps is that it enables all golfers to compete against each other as equals. Therefore, if the 14-handicapper shoots a gross 82 and the scratch golfer cards 71, the higher handicap player wins.

14 subtracted from 82 gives a net of 68. The scratch golfer deducts 0 from 71, resulting in a 71 net score. Therefore, the 14-handicap player had a lower net score and defeated their opponent by 3 strokes on net. This structure is typically applied in stroke play tournaments.e

The beauty of handicaps is that no matter their skill level, golfers can compete as equals in any tournament.


5. It Strengthens Friendships

Golf builds friendships for life. Playing 18-holes with your buddies every week forges stronger friendships. It also brings 4 hours and 30 minutes of laughs, especially when one of your friends is having the worst round of their life.

You can grab a couple of beers or your beverage of choice and carry them in your bag around the course. This brings about a relaxed environment with minimal anxiety and maximum fun.

If you recently moved to a new city, invite your colleagues for a round of golf. They could be the ideal group of new friends and future golfing buddies.


6. The Majors Are Exciting

Let me change the scope for a moment. Playing different golf courses is not the only way to enjoy the game. Watching the world best is another way to experience the fun and excitement of golf. Majors provide the ultimate test for the finest players in golf.

Besides the pressure of playing in one of these events, the layouts are brutal. The US Open and PGA Championship are my two favorite tournaments because the course is long and hard, and the pin placements are sadistic.

Now, it is horrible being a professional golfer, but it is fun for us amateurs to watch names like Rory McIlroy and Phil Mickelson struggle to return bogey-free rounds. In addition, most tournaments are never won until the very end, which keeps fans on their toes and biting their nails.

Then, there is the ultimate excitement. A playoff. When two or more players return the same 72-hole score, the event proceeds to a playoff, either sudden death or over 3-holes. This is the golf version of a soccer penalty shootout.

You can see for yourself in this epic playoff between Haotong Li and Thomas Pieters at the 2022 BMW Championship.


7. There Are Different Scoring Formats

There are multiple scoring formats in golf to keep the game interesting. Most rounds follow the Stableford format, which uses points. This system carries a shot limit, which varies depending on your handicap and the stroke of the hole.

My favorite format is match-play because you could hit a bad shot and still halve or win the hole. But, if you had a blowout and carded a triple bogey on the first hole, you only go one shot down. That allows you to walk to the next hole, hit your tee shot, and make a solid recovery.

Other formats include foursomes, better ball, scramble, and the classic stroke play. In a foursomes format, you team up with a buddy, and each player hits the alternate shot. Therefore, you hit the tee shot, your partner hits the approach, and you finish with the birdie putt. This format tends to employ Stableford scoring.

As the name suggests, better ball takes the lowest score of the players in your group on each hole. This is either played in groups of 2 or 4-balls. Scramble is arguably the funniest format. Each player hits their tee shot, and you take the best result. Then every player in your group lines their ball up from that mark and plays their second shot.


8. There Are Different Forms of Golf

Golf on an 18-hole course is not the only way you can enjoy the game these days. Short courses are becoming increasingly popular, thanks to a decrease in disposable free time. You can tackle 6-hole courses or 9-hole par 3 golf courses.

If you do not have an hour and a half for a short golf course, you can enjoy the game at an establishment such as Top Golf. Alternatively, you can play miniature golf and test your skills with a putter in hand.

The point is that there are multiple ways for you to enjoy the game of golf without spending hours in the sun. Although, I highly recommend getting a natural tan and enjoying time in nature.


9. You Can Win Prizes in Tournaments

I understand that many amateurs prefer to play casual rounds of golf with their buddies. However, if the opportunity arises, play in some charity or club competitions. You can win fantastic prizes such as golf clubs, footwear, vacations, and the odd bottle of liquor.

It is a rewarding feeling to win a prize. It offers a sense of accomplishment and means you do not go home empty-handed.


10. You Get to Drive Golf Carts

Personally, I enjoy walking around the golf course. I prefer the exercise and silence it brings. However, I am aware that many golfers are also closet gearheads and enjoy fast-moving machines.

Well, golf courses limit the speeds of golf carts, but they are still fun to drive. Be careful anyway, as golf cart injuries are not uncommon.


11. It Helps Forge Business Relationships

You may not think that this factor ticks the boxes for fun. However, the fun comes after a large payday from the business relationship you forged on the golf course. It helps if you are a consistent golfer who can wrangle the upper hand over your opponent and potential client.

But no matter the outcome, you can bond a lot with an individual during a round of golf. The calming conditions give you the platform to get to know one another, which can be a challenge in the boardroom.


Matt Stevens

Matt Callcott-Stevens started playing golf at the age of 4 when Rory Sabattini’s father put a 7-iron and putter in his hand. He has experienced all the highs and lows the game can throw at you and has now settled down as a professional golf writer. He holds a Postgraduate in Sports Marketing and has played golf for 28 years.

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3 Courses Short on Yardage But Not on Fun Fri, 16 Sep 2022 09:01:38 +0000

The best short par-three courses in America

If you haven’t noticed lately, short courses are popping up everywhere, particularly at some of the country’s finest golf destinations.  Some courses are new, while some have been around for a while and are being revived.  When visiting a big-time golf destination, the goal is to get in as many rounds possible.  This is where short courses become favorable to a variety of golfers. Whether you’re growing your game as a beginner, trying to squeeze in some golf on your arrival or departure day or simply not up for walking 36 holes, these courses are for you. Most short courses can be played in under 2.5 hours which to some is more idealistic than the typical 5.

As the future of golf is ever changing… one thing is for certain, there is never a shortage of fun.

3 Short Courses To Check Out on Your Next Bucket-List Trip

Bandon Preserve – Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

The short par-three course at Bandon Dunes is Bandon Preserve

Bandon, OR

Carved out of the sand dunes alongside the Pacific Ocean you will find Bandon Dunes’ par 3 track. Bandon Preserve features 13 holes, all of which make you soak up the views before you think about putting your tee in the ground. Designed by the dynamic duo of Coore & Crenshaw, each par 3 hole is both stunning and challenging.  Depending on the wind direction you could end up using most of the irons in your bag, even your putter.  A tradition here is that you leave your wedges in the bag on the last hole and test you long putting game. We know that sounds weird but depending on the pin location it’s perhaps your best play.  Bandon Preserve is the perfect place to finish off the day with your buddies over some cold beers and Pacific sunsets. 

Take a peek at “The Preserve” here.

Goat Hill Park

The top short golf course in America is Goat Hill Park in Oceanside California

Oceanside, CA

Saved from being shut down just a few years ago by John Ashworth & Co., Goat Hill Park delivers one of golf’s most unique places to visit.  With a motto of “World Class | Working Class”, Goat Hill is a place for everyone…even your dog.  While the layout is extremely fun, many of the par 3’s will truly test your game.  Once you step out of the car at Goat Hill you feel as if you just landed at the local hangout spot built for golfers of all ages and backgrounds.  The mix of golf is just as good with an extremely fun and challenging layout of 9 par-3’s and 9 par-4’s on the card.  They’re even building a 3-hole layout for kids, called The Playground.  Everything about this place is truly unique and needs to be a must-play if you’re in the San Diego area.

Get more plugged in to the people’s park of Oceanside here.

The Cradle – Pinehurst Resort   

The best short course in America is The Cradle at Pinehurst in North Carolina

Pinehurst, NC

Appropriately named considering it’s a baby-sized course, the Cradle might be short on yardage but it’s certainly not short on fun.  The Cradle is the latest addition to Pinehurst Resort, designed by Gil Hanse.  Kids even play free when accompanied by an adult.  With yardages ranging from 50 – 130 yards it’s a short course that will really test your wedge game, as well as your creativity.  Since we’re talking Pinehurst, you know there’s history behind the course.  The Cradle was actually built where the first nine holes of sand were carved out back in 1898.  Sitting just steps away from the revamped putting course, The Cradle makes for the perfect finish to your day while you settle any unfinished business on the Thistle Dhu.

Learn more about Rockin’ the Cradle here.

What’s To Come

Sand Valley is opening up The Sandbox in 2018 and there are plans already in place to open up a par-3 course by our friends up north, at Cabot Links.  The future of golf might be getting shorter allowing for more fun while on the course.

Next time your planning a trip to these large destination courses, keep these short courses in the back of your mind. You’ll be thankful you did!

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