close – Golfing Agency Golf news & updates Tue, 27 Dec 2022 11:47:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 close – Golfing Agency 32 32 LIV golfers see rankings tumble as year draws to a close Tue, 27 Dec 2022 11:47:13 +0000

The release of the final official world ranking for men’s golf for 2022 revealed some hard evidence about the impact joining the LIV Golf Series has had on some of the world’s top players in terms of their place in the global game.

Only seven golfers currently playing on the Saudi-backed tour are now inside the top 50 in the world. Cameron Smith, who only joined LIV Golf in August, and some of the other latecomers, are yet to feel impact of their PGA Tour ban and the lack of world rankings points for LIV Golf events, but those who were on board from the very beginning, including the likes of Dustin Johnson, Phil Mickelson and Lee Westwood, have seen their world ranking take a huge hit.

Fromer world no.1 Dustin Johnson has dropped to 41 in the world rankings since joining LIV Golf

Johnson has dropped 26 spots in the OWGR, from 15 to 41, in the space of just seven months, but on the flip side, as LIV Golf’s most successful player in 2022, he has earned $35.6 million in prize money since June and banked probably several times more than that in signing-on fees.

Cam Smith has dropped just one place in the rankings – from 3 to 2 – since joining LIV Golf after his Open Championship success, and it will take some time to dislodge him from the world’s top 10, but other leading names have taken far bigger hits, with Paul Casey dropping 27 places to 58, Westwood plummeting 86 places to 164, while Mickelson is now a lowly 213rd in the rankings, having dropped 141 places after being one of the first to sign to LIV Golf.

Among the other the other major winners competing on the Saudi-backed tour, Brooks Koepka has dropped out of the world’s top 50 and is now 52nd after slipping 29 places; Louis Oosthuizen has seen his ranking decline by the same number and is now 50th; while Sergio Garcia is now ranked 113, having been 57th.

With the organisers of the four majors so far resisting any moves to bar LIV Golf from competing in next year’s events, those LIV Golfers already qualified for the Masters, US PGA, US Open and The Open in 2023 by dint of their past performances or world ranking will still be able to tee it up in golf’s marquee tournaments. However, it remains to be seen whether LIV Golf will be able to convince the organisers of the OWGR that their events should qualify for ranking points going forward, so the full impact of the lack of points won’t start to fully unravel until midway through next season.

LIV Golf has already lobbied the OWGR for its members to be given ranking points for its events, but with the PGA Tour and the DP World Tour among those with positions on the OWGR Board, it remains unlikely that they will be offered an olive branch any time soon – although the request is currently ‘under consideration’.

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Chip It Close, Tap It In. Sun, 06 Nov 2022 23:26:22 +0000
7 Proven Chipping Drills & Tips To Get Up-And-Down

A new driver won’t make you a better golfer… these proven chipping drills will.

If you want to shoot lower scores, stop trying to hit longer drives and start working on your chipping.

Do you want to know the difference between you and a scratch golfer?

They get up-and-down when they miss the green.

Do you?

Phenomenal chipping will save you strokes around the green,  give you more tap in pars, and let you play the “stress-free golf” you always hear the pros talk about but never get to experience.

Imagine what it’s going to be like walking up to your ball KNOWING that you’re going to get up-and-down (or at least give yourself a great chance to).

No more stubbing or sculling…

just crisp contact and better chip shots.

Practice these chipping drills to get up-and-down more often and start shooting better scores.


1. The “Y” or Triangle Chipping Drill

Triangle Chipping Drill

As much of a chipping tip as it is a drill, this tip single handily improved my chipping the very next day.

The concept is simple, when you’re practicing your chipping focus on creating a lower case y shape with your arms and the shaft of the club (if you were looking at yourself straight on).

Put about 60-70% of your weight on your front foot and hold this shape throughout your swing, letting your upper body do the work.

Your upper body should do all the swinging of the club while your arms and wrists stay quiet.

This will ensure that you are creating a downward blow on the ball, letting the club do the work of getting it into the air.

It’s a simple chipping tip that will make sculling the ball over the back of the green a thing of the past.

This drill is great for short chips around the green and will typically produce a lower, more controlled, chip shot.

David Leadbetter does a good job of explaining this type of chip here.


2. The Hula Hoop Chipping Drill

hula hoop chipping drill

This is a great chipping & pitching drill that you can do at the practice range, a local park, or in your front yard.

If you can consistently get your chips within a hula hoop distance of the hole, chances are you’ll get up-and-down a lot.

If not, make sure to check out these putting drills (because you should be able to make a 3-footer) 🙂


How to do the Hula Hoop Chipping Drill

1. Get a hula hoop (or make a similar sized circle with string)

2. Set golf balls in 5-yard interval from the hoop. 8 balls from 5-40 yards.

3. Start with the ball closest to the hoop, chip it, and have it land within the hoop.

4. For each successful chip move to the next ball further from the hoop.  If you miss one restart from the beginning.

This chipping drill challenges you to utilize multiple different types of chip shots.  See how far away from the hoop you can get before having to restart.  It’s a great way to track your progress and put some pressure on yourself when you’re trying to clear any of the stages for the first time.


3. Trail Hand Release Chipping Drill

trail hand pitching drill

I originally learned this drill from Butch Harmon, one of the greatest golf coaches of all time.

Butch made the observation that typical chipping “yips” are caused by the lead hand (your left hand if you’re a right-handed golfer) stopping just before impact and the trail hand flipping.

This happens because golfers try to “help” the ball into the air instead of letting the club face do the work.

The solution?


How to do the Trail-Hand Release Chipping Drill

1. Take your normal chipping stance – feet narrow, ball off the back foot, 60-70% of your weight on your front foot.

2.  Make your normal chipping stroke, except drop your trail hand off the grip just before impact.

3. Focus on keeping your lead arm swinging directly towards the target.

If you’re struggling with sculling your chip shots or having the occasional yips, get to the range and WEAR THIS DRILL OUT.

It trains your body to physically not allow you to do what the typically golfer with yips does (flip their trail hand right before impact).


4. Chip-a-Coin Chipping Drill

Coin Golf Chipping Drill

This is a great chipping drill that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Challenging yourself to chip a coin will not only train you make crisper contact with your chip shots, but also make chipping a golf ball seem a lot easier.

This drill works because it forces you to stay down through the chip and have pin-point accuracy with your wedges.

Simply set some coins on your living room carpet and try to get clean contact – sending the coin into the air.

I like to set a cup in the middle of the floor and attempt to chip the coins into it.

See how many out of 10 coins you can get into the cup.

***Warning: You may want to use an old wedge when practicing this drill. After a while the coins can start to make small dents in your club face.


5. Slam Dunk Chipping Drill

golf ball hole green

This is one of my favorite chipping drills to do for fun at the end of a practice session or when you’re trying to mix up your routine.

 The concept is simple: try to slam dunk your chip shot.

Pick a distance between 10-30 yards and try to slam dunk as many shots as you can (if any) straight into the cup without touching the green.

It’s a lot of fun and will train you hit your chips and pitches exact distances.


6. Par 18 Chipping Game

Par 18 chipping drill

One of the best chipping tips (really general golf training tip) I ever received was to make sure to use games in your training routine.  Golf games keep your practice routine fresh and can also teach you to perform under pressure when playing against your buddies.

This is a great chipping game you can use to work on your scoring around the green.

How to play the Par 19 Chipping Game

Pick 9 spots (tee boxes) around the green all at varying distances and angles.

Play 1 ball from each spot as a Par 2.  Essentially creating a Par 18 golf course.

This game will work on all aspects of your short game including chipping and putting.

It gives you great feedback on the progress you’re making with your short game, and is a whole lot quicker than a full round of golf.

Do this drill 1 time per week and keep track your scores.

They’ll start dropping in no time.


7. The 10 x 10 Chipping Drill

10x10 chipping drill

This is one drill that I can say with complete confidence changed my golf game forever.

What the average hack doesn’t realize is that 2/3 of the shots throughout your golf round are going to be from 120 yards and in.

Yet most golfers spend all their time at the range hitting driver!

Think about that…

If you really want to shoot lower scores and play the golf you’ve always dreamed of them why wouldn’t you practice the shots that you’re going to have to hit the majority of the time on the course?

That’s like saying you want to lose weight but still eating junk food all day.

 It just doesn’t make sense.

This drill will help you dial in your distances from 10-100 yards so you can stick the ball close, make more birdies, and start shooting the scores you’ll be proud to tell your friends about.

How to do the 10×10 Chipping Drill

Find yardage markers (you can use alignment sticks and get them for around $1 a piece) and mark off 10-yard distances from 10-100 yards.

Practice carrying your shots EXACT distances.

Find out what swing produces each distance between 10 – 100 yard carries in 10-yard intervals.

For instance, I figured out that with my 58 degree wedge, the ball in the back of my stance, and 70% of my weight on my front foot: A 25% swing produced a 15 yard chip, a 50% swing produced a 30 yard chip, etc.

Learning the individual swings you need to produce every shot between 10-100 yards will be the single biggest thing you can do to shave strokes off your handicap and drastically improve your scoring around the green.

If you take one thing away from this post let it be this:

Golf is a game played from 120 yards and in. 

Forget about how long you hit your drives, and start focusing on your short game.

Use these chipping tips & drills to start playing the golf you’ve always dreamed of…

There’s no excuse for you to be sacrificing strokes on the course because of poor chipping.

Commit to spending at least 1 full hour a week for the next 3 weeks working on your chipping and I promise you it will drastically improve your golf game.

Imagine what it’s going to be like KNOWING that you’re going to be able save more pars, make more birdies, and turn those round ruining triple-bogies into easily manageable bogies every time you step on the course.

August Noble

August Noble was first introduced to golf at 7 years old. In 2013 he started seriously working on his game and was able to reduce his handicap from 19 to 3.4 in less than two years. He’s been helping other golfers do the same ever since.

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Ping Junior Masters produces close finish Wed, 02 Nov 2022 09:16:09 +0000

The champions of this year’s Ping Junior Masters event have been crowned at Close House in Newcastle, following an exciting grand final which was the biggest to date.

A group of 68 talented juniors competed the club’s championship Colt course, as Close House continued its support of young golfers and their development within the game.

Three age groups were represented at the grand final: 12 and under, 15 and under, and 18 and under. The age group winners were George Curry/Abigail Scott (12 and under), Oliver Goodison/Evie Coatesworth (15 and under) and Joe Mulroy/Rebecca Evans (18 and under) – with Abigail Scott taking the overall victory.

Throughout May to September, junior golfers across eight counties in the UK battled it out for a space in the final, with nine qualifying events taking place and producing the best turnout in the history of the tournament.

Close House’s attached professional, Lee Westwood, played a big part in the initial development of the Junior Masters, with the vision to help grow the game and create more competitive opportunities for keen young golfers.

“I am a really proud supporter of the Junior Masters,” he commented. “They are great events, played at some top courses in the UK. Providing young golfers with competitive opportunities is invaluable, and everyone involved in these events is extremely committed to supporting junior golf – it is a privilege to be involved.”

Jonathan Lupton, Managing Director at Close House, added: “The Junior Masters series is a huge part of Close House’s efforts to help develop the future generations of golfers, giving youngsters an invaluable opportunity to play competitive golf. From personal experience it’s fantastic to give these juniors the chance to play the final on a championship standard golf course, whilst also having fun and enjoying the event.”

In addition to hosting a qualifying event and the final, Close House has also given free school coaching to children at 15 local schools.

The 2022 events also saw PING Europe continue its support of the tournament, providing all the prizes at the grand final and helping to make it a truly memorable experience for the juniors involved.

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