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How to Choose The Right Putter Length Based on Your Height

As a shorter golfer, I’m pretty accustomed to having to order golf clubs that are the proper length for my height. However, many amateur players have no idea they are playing with a putter that is not the correct length.

When you use a putter that is not the proper length, you can have issues with alignment, consistency, and overall effectiveness of your putting stroke.

We are going to take a more in-depth look into how to choose the right putter length based on your height.


Why Putter Length Matters

Two main reasons putter length matters are alignment and setup. With the proper putter length, you can get your body into the right position. Once your eyes are over the golf ball, you can get your hands and arms into the proper position.

Having the hands and arms in place will then help golfers who are struggling with alignment. With your eyes over the ball, you can now see down the line and make your golf ball travel towards the target.

For golfers with a straight back and straight-through putting stroke, getting the eyes over the ball can help keep the stroke more consistent.


Breakdown of Correct Putter Length by Height

The easiest way for golfers to determine if they are playing with the right putter length is to consider their height. We will tell you that this is not the only way to decide on the length of a putter. Considerations like arm length and even your putting stance will also come into play.

When purchased off the shelf, putters will come in 33, 34, or 35 inch lengths. You will notice on our chart of the putter lengths by height that the lengths are a bit more broken down, with half inch sizes included.

This is because putters can also be custom fitted to meet the needs of any player. When custom fitting a putter, you must be sure that you are also taking into consideration the weighting of the club and how this change in length will impact the putter length.

Many golfers also ask about holding the putter further down on the grip and whether or not this will work for keeping their putter length a bit shorter. It can work to get your eyes over the ball, but it is not always as convenient and can make the stroke more restricted.

Take a look at this general guide that gives you the correct putter length in inches by the player height.

Player Height 

Putter Length 

Less than 5’0”


5’0” to 5’2”


5’2” to 5’4”


5’4” to 5’6”


5’6” to 5’8”


5’8” to 6’0”

6’0” to 6’2”


6’2” to 6’4”





Other Factors That Might Affect The Putter Length You Choose

As we mentioned, finding the correct putter length is not just about your height; other factors come into play during a putter fitting. In addition, golfers need to consider that outside of technology and technological factors, they must also find a putter they like and play well with.

A few of the things that impact putter length are your arm length, posture, and your putter style.

Arm Length

Golfers with longer arms may need a shorter putter. If your hands fall too far below your waist while you are bent over to make a putt, you may need a club that is a little shorter. A 34 inch putter is the average putter length, but golfers with longer arms may want to consider going to something that is 33 inches.

With a long arm’s length, you will want to ensure that you have the room to make a pendulum-style stroke, and a shorter putter will likely help that happen. Golfers with longer arms need to be careful about a belly putter and ensure their grip is also the proper length to accommodate their arms.


The posture from one golfer to another changes considerably. One of the great things about putting is choosing a posture and a style that works for you. As long as you are consistent in your game, then there is no need to follow a textbook putting posture.

However, if you have a posture that keeps you a bit further or closer to the ball, your putter length needs to be adjusted. When a putter has a more upright design and the toe is raised, you may miss some putts to the left.

For golfers that feel too close to the ball because of their setup, it becomes hard to make a follow through, and directional control is an issue. These golfers often see putts that end up too far to the right.

The good news is that you can adjust your putter length so you don’t have to adjust your swing. This is the case with all golf equipment. These small tweaks make it much easier to keep your natural ability and then change the gear.

Putter Style

The putter style that you use could impact the length that you need. Some of these larger mallet-size putter heads are a bit larger, and a tall golfer or short golfer may feel as though they need to change their setup a bit to get close enough to the ball without the putter getting in the way.

Smaller profile blade putters don’t present as much of an issue, but this is undoubtedly a factor when you go for a putter fitting. Some of these height adjustments to accommodate the style of the putter will only be a quarter or half an inch, but they are still essential to consider.

Don’t choose a putter style based on your height. Instead, have the putter fitted to work for your game.


Putter Length FAQs

Without going for a putter fitting with a professional, finding the right putter length may take a bit more time and attention to detail. You will likely want to have a tape measure and your current putter.

Always compare what you are currently playing with to the putter you intend to use so that you can see what changes are essential.

What is The Standard Putter Length?

The standard putter length is 34 inches. However, most golf manufacturers offer a 34 and 35 inch models of the putters that they have in their lineup. The 33 inch can be a bit more difficult to find, but they do exist. Changing the length of the putter after you purchase it is possible, but it could need the help of a professional.

Are There Putters with Adjustable Lengths?

Ping made a series of putters that had adjustable lengths. Although this was a nice feature, once you know the length of the putter you need, you don’t need to adjust it all that often. Having an adjustable driver so that you can change the loft on your club is one thing, but putter length adjustability is not always necessary.

Can I Adjust My Own Putter Length?

Many golfers adjust their own golf clubs by cutting them down and regripping them. There are also extensions you can add to the end of a putter to make it a bit longer. These inserts are not hard to install and can be an excellent solution for a tall golfer.

Are Putter Fittings Worth It?

Putter fittings are becoming increasingly popular. These fittings help golfers to understand more about their putting stroke and why it’s vital to get the correct putter length. Putter fittings will show you how often you hit the center of the putter head and what needs to be done to have it happen more often.

Does Putter Length Impact Weight?

The length of the putter can impact the weight of the putter, and it’s one of the most important considerations that golfers must make when they decide to change their putter length. You should always have a lie loft machine and a scale anytime you are changing your golf clubs. Check the putter weight to ensure you don’t struggle with distance control.

Is a Custom Putter Necessary?

For golfers that are taller or shorter than average, a custom putter length may be necessary. Custom putters will ensure that there are no issues with the putter face being square at impact. In addition, a custom putter will also give you the best chance on those short putts that can so quickly change your score in a round of golf.


Brittany Olizarowicz

Britt O has been playing golf since the age of 7. Almost 30 years later, she still loves the game, has played competitively on every level, and spent a good portion of her life as a Class A PGA Professional. Britt currently resides in Savannah, GA, with her husband and two young children.

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